Son of Nor

Son of Nor

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^Kevin^ Nov 7, 2015 @ 4:55am
Achievements for this game
I bough tthis game, and was getting ready to play it, took a look at achievements, and they are all locked? Are the achievements active and why can't I see them? I looked at astats and it shows nothing for the achievements.

I'm a member of the 100% achievement group and achieveemnts are a big reason why I buy games. I'd like to know what the current situation is (are they active? ) and are the achievements that aren't showing going to be fixxed?
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
Abandor  [developer] Nov 10, 2015 @ 3:32am 
Hey there kevin!

There are definitely quite some achievements to be made in the game, and they are activated as well! ;-)
We've hidden them to not make it too easy for everyone to find out, but you question did make us reconsider if that was such a good idea ^^ So here you go, we've made them visible now!
^Kevin^ Nov 10, 2015 @ 3:53am 
okay, thanks alot for your response and help.
Blackpot Nov 14, 2023 @ 7:24pm 
Originally posted by Abandor:
Hey there kevin!

There are definitely quite some achievements to be made in the game, and they are activated as well! ;-)
We've hidden them to not make it too easy for everyone to find out, but you question did make us reconsider if that was such a good idea ^^ So here you go, we've made them visible now!

Although others says some of the achievements are broken, Exile was mentioned, is going to be fixed by chance?
Last edited by Blackpot; May 15 @ 2:34pm
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