World of Guns: Gun Disassembly

World of Guns: Gun Disassembly

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Request List - Game Changes
A list of things that should be changed.

1: When you pick a weapon and it needs to download, add an option to cancel the download, just in case you do not want to download the new weapon.

2: Shorten the Quiz Times from 2 hours to 1 hour.

3: Remove needing Credits from weapons, or add another option where you need more EXP for the weapon.

4: Add more ways to obtain Credits, there is very few ways that don't involve spending money.

5: Lower the price of the Lifetime DLC. $50 is a bit too expensive. Encourage more people to buy it/play the game by reducing the price, and speaking of encouraging people to play...

6: Host some Double EXP Weekends!
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Showing 1-15 of 136 comments
HeliGungir Jun 14, 2014 @ 10:01pm 
1- Yes please

2- Why? Two hours seems plenty often to me

3- Eh... maybe. See 4

4- You can get one credit for each gun you get champion on, so you can unlock all guns for free right now. However, If they add more and more guns that require credits, credit unlocking may become a problem for free-to-play users.

5- The value of the lifetime DLC will only increase as they add more guns

6- Events could help bring back players who start to forget about WoG
J.A.F.O. Jun 15, 2014 @ 10:03am 
It seems, Option 2 has been granted..Quiz time atm moment is 1 hour intervals...
Terabyte  [developer] Jun 16, 2014 @ 4:58am 
Originally posted by Raven Shadowwing:
A list of things that should be changed.
1: When you pick a weapon and it needs to download, add an option to cancel the download, just in case you do not want to download the new weapon.
Why ? Weapon packs less than 10Mb, downloads fast and only first time. Next it'll be taken from cache.

Originally posted by Raven Shadowwing:
A list of things that should be changed.
2: Shorten the Quiz Times from 2 hours to 1 hour.

Originally posted by Raven Shadowwing:
A list of things that should be changed.
3: Remove needing Credits from weapons, or add another option where you need more EXP for the weapon.
Some weapons are very expensive for us. So we need a way to return out investments.

Originally posted by Raven Shadowwing:
A list of things that should be changed.
4: Add more ways to obtain Credits, there is very few ways that don't involve spending money.
If players will not spend money -- we will not be able to create new models.

Originally posted by Raven Shadowwing:
A list of things that should be changed.
5: Lower the price of the Lifetime DLC. $50 is a bit too expensive. Encourage more people to buy it/play the game by reducing the price, and speaking of encouraging people to play...
Players who purchased Lifetime will not spent moneys on guns. Think about it.
Try to imagine you purchase Lifetime access for AAA game series.
Modern Warfare for example. And you'll get all future updates for free. Next 100 years.
How much it must cost ?

Originally posted by Raven Shadowwing:
A list of things that should be changed.
6: Host some Double EXP Weekends!
Good idea. We'll think
UncleRaven13 ඞ Jun 16, 2014 @ 5:10am 
Originally posted by tavor:
Originally posted by Raven Shadowwing:
A list of things that should be changed.
1: When you pick a weapon and it needs to download, add an option to cancel the download, just in case you do not want to download the new weapon.
Why ? Weapon packs less than 10Mb, downloads fast and only first time. Next it'll be taken from cache.

Originally posted by Raven Shadowwing:
A list of things that should be changed.
2: Shorten the Quiz Times from 2 hours to 1 hour.

Originally posted by Raven Shadowwing:
A list of things that should be changed.
3: Remove needing Credits from weapons, or add another option where you need more EXP for the weapon.
Some weapons are very expensive for us. So we need a way to return out investments.

Originally posted by Raven Shadowwing:
A list of things that should be changed.
4: Add more ways to obtain Credits, there is very few ways that don't involve spending money.
If players will not spend money -- we will not be able to create new models.

Originally posted by Raven Shadowwing:
A list of things that should be changed.
5: Lower the price of the Lifetime DLC. $50 is a bit too expensive. Encourage more people to buy it/play the game by reducing the price, and speaking of encouraging people to play...
Players who purchased Lifetime will not spent moneys on guns. Think about it.
Try to imagine you purchase Lifetime access for AAA game series.
Modern Warfare for example. And you'll get all future updates for free. Next 100 years.
How much it must cost ?

Originally posted by Raven Shadowwing:
A list of things that should be changed.
6: Host some Double EXP Weekends!
Good idea. We'll think

Nice to see developers responding for once :)
76561198285972899 Oct 11, 2016 @ 6:57am 
Some creative and obvious ideas to make the game even better.

1. The game needs a more convenient 3D control, as a choice to use. You can get much better movement control with 1st person shooters, and it can be as simple as in Minecraft: same 6-keys control, with mouse look and crosshair. I think many more pro users would love that possibility. I think it would make better speed records also, as well as more hardcore players would, too. Invert mouse option, of course, and probably a fast/slow hold-switch, too.
The current mouse-scroll zoom can be very confusing if someone is not aware of zoom level - it can make you feel "very slow". Not only hardcore players play...
2. Clicking on parts is very buggy. It is frustrating to lose so many hardcore/+ games due to clearly messy accuracy. A highlighting "cursor" would wrap it up - if it doesn't help too much in gameplay.

The rest is not so important or urgent:

3. An option for pop-up part names would be nice, as well as pop-up descriptions for all game menu icons.
4. Some rules in the dismantle process that will allow for example 2 tiny last parts to both be clickable/detachable from each other, not ruining a hardcore game if misclicked. Some models are deliberately made this easy by taking 2+ parts in one click, but that is not always the best way - as we want to learn every tiny step, not just selecting "groups of parts" on the end.
5. Changeable controls! I am ESDF for 15 years, and I will not ruin my hard-gained reflexes. I think this is mandatory for pro players.
6. Possibility to rotate around an object with right button or any other way.

And of course, we probably need a tagged place somewhere on the forum for game feature requests. Best if separated from model/model-feature requests (those are pretty scattered around, too. Edit me! : ) I am only playing for 3 days, and I am already a big fan - as I haven't found a new way to learn and play since Quake, TES3, FO3, and finally Minecraft. One in every 5 years(?). As from a former Minecraft tester/developer, this forum will get a few new ideas from me, if I see some interest in it (not money!). I can help in testing or minor developing too.

Thanks in advance, To Be Continued...
Last edited by csiga77771; Oct 11, 2016 @ 7:06am
Terabyte  [developer] Oct 15, 2016 @ 4:15am 
Thanks for feedback.

1. WASD controls are supported. With Q/E keys for move camera down/up and arrow keys to rotate. If we'll make mouse to rotate camera, as you suggest - then how to select parts ?

2. Explain please. Game have intelligent algorithm for selecting parts. It enumerate parts in small cone around mouse pointer and select first 'activable' part nearest to center. In other words - it corrects wrong clicks. You can check it by clicking near the part.

3. Interesting. Thanks for idea

4. Some models very complicated. If every pin will be separated - disassembly will be too difficult. We are trying keep balance offering easy, medium and hard models.

5. It's planned, yes.

6. Don't understand. Right button is for focusing on part. Rotating around - with pressed left button.

Okay, this topic is pinned now.
Orthodoctus Oct 23, 2016 @ 5:32pm 
I think it'd be nice to have a mode that combines assembly, disassembly, and operation.

Originally posted by tavor19 ТАVОЯ:
2. Explain please. Game have intelligent algorithm for selecting parts. It enumerate parts in small cone around mouse pointer and select first 'activable' part nearest to center. In other words - it corrects wrong clicks. You can check it by clicking near the part.
True, the game handles misclicks well.
Last edited by Orthodoctus; Oct 24, 2016 @ 2:05am
Gilmaris Nov 17, 2016 @ 4:28pm 
Is there a chance we could have the old part names function back? The current part names function can be retained by pressing Alt and hovering the mouse over the parts (this is already a thing, making the part names button somewhat redundant as it is right now), but I really liked the great big mess of text when disassembling a model. Made it feel all technical and stuff.
cobrafoot Dec 10, 2016 @ 5:54am 
Great game, It would be great if it were possible in game to re load the clip one bullet at a time. Cheers.

Can you look into adding the muscular system to the skeletons you already have? It could be a nice addition for the Human muscular system alone. Thank you!
snee.scampers Jan 30, 2017 @ 2:39pm 
I would like to see touch screen support for windows 10 devices.

Currently there is partial function but not enough to play without keyboard or mouse.

and a zoom on daily puzle which is almost unplayable on small displays.
Last edited by snee.scampers; Jan 30, 2017 @ 6:54pm
=NYAN= | thejonez Feb 10, 2017 @ 2:28pm 
arrow keys as input for the daily puzzles please
floyddebarber Feb 15, 2017 @ 9:46am 
I'd like to suggest that game should give back the credits previously spent on guns if you buy the lifetime access.
Terabyte  [developer] Feb 15, 2017 @ 4:56pm 
sounds reasonable
Antti-san Mar 1, 2017 @ 3:15pm 
I see the "to do" list has been removed from operation mode once you have completed it? That's a good change IMO, especially on guns like M4 that have a lot of features.
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