Last Knight: Rogue Rider Edition

Last Knight: Rogue Rider Edition

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Davision  [Entwickler] 19. März 2014 um 16:36
Last Knight Standard Edition owners read here!
For people who own the Standard Edition (PC/Mac) Steam keys are provided through the platforms you have bought it from. The Standard Edition can then also be upgraded to the Rogue Rider Edition through a free download on Desura, Humble, and over the website. For getting keys through Desura you will just have to head over here: In the case of Groupees you will get a Steam key through your Desura key.

Have fun!

[Edited with more info]
[Steam keys are now available for Standard Edition owners!]
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Davision; 25. März 2014 um 10:47
< >
Beiträge 115 von 77
Awesome. Thanks for being so quick about letting us know.
Thanks for the heads up!
Yeah cool to know that.Thanks a lot.
sayler_ 20. März 2014 um 5:39 
Why dont you just send the steam keys before release ? Its possible, and a lot of devs have done so. We'll be able to activate them, recieving a message that the game is not yet available. And will be able do download and play it as soon as its lauched. Why wait till the game is released, ask for keys from vale, send them to Desura, and then wait a few more days till they are available when we can all be ready to play it as soon as its launched ? :Helmeted:
Davision  [Entwickler] 20. März 2014 um 6:13 
I highly doubt Valve approves of that and I also want to have it release for everyone on the 25th anyway. Keys on Desura should go instantly live, so no worries there.
Do not quite understand the case for Groupees.
I do not have installed Desura.
Could you give me a better explanation? Please.
sayler_ 20. März 2014 um 12:00 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Jano ツ ☯:
Do not quite understand the case for Groupees.
I do not have installed Desura.
Could you give me a better explanation? Please.

by buying it on groupees you recieved a desura key which you must activate on your desura account. if you dont have one - sign up! after you activate it on desura you can get your steam key here -
Ursprünglich geschrieben von sayler_:
by buying it on groupees you recieved a desura key which you must activate on your desura account. if you dont have one - sign up! after you activate it on desura you can get your steam key here -

Thank you very much.
I do not like this method, but ... I'll have to install Desura.
Roufas 20. März 2014 um 13:33 
I've a question:
Basically i've to pick the key from Desura and it's fine till there, after activating the key on Steam what i get exacly? The Rider Edition or something else?
Also not much of a fan of having to install Desura to get the Steam key. I have always received my key through Groupees for subsequently Steam released games.
sayler_ 20. März 2014 um 14:00 
Nobody has to install Desura. You can get the key from the web browser!
Davision  [Entwickler] 20. März 2014 um 14:22 
Yea, Desura works also over the website without the Client. The main reson to not send out keys over Groupees is to not reward those peoples that sold their Desura key.

The Standard Edition will be upgraded everywhere to the Rogue Rider Edition which is basically a Extended Edition.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Davision; 20. März 2014 um 14:24
Roufas 20. März 2014 um 14:44 
So with that key i get the RREdition.
Ok all clear, thanks.
emtilt 20. März 2014 um 16:24 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von likwitsnake:
I don't see any steam key option in my desure collection, the only thing it shows is the groupees bundle key.
It's not there yet. The dev said it'll be there once the game releases.
Mar 20. März 2014 um 18:54 
thanks! I can't wait to play
< >
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