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Moon/Void Slime Jun 27, 2017 @ 6:55pm
A guide to Mod priority and how it works.
Mod Piroity and load order is important to any game that has official modding support. Mods generally load top to bottom (except for FO4... which does top to bottom and bottom top), so mods that are higher in the list take priority for loading.

Now what does this mean for you?

What it means is any mods that both change the same files, the one higher in the list will be loaded and not the second one. So with this, you generally want to keep Mods that effect whole systems near the top, and then mods that stuff (like monsters, heroes, skins) near the bottom. So, In general, a load order should look like this.

-Patches: Any patches you made for your other mods should be highest on the list, so their adjusted files can be loaded in.
-Large Gameplay Overhauls: These mods do wide sweaping changes to the games systems.
-Small Gameplay changes: These mods change systems but not to the extent of the larger mods above. These tend to focus on a smaller area then a larger one (like more stacking of items).
-Rebalance mods: Mods that change existing heroes, monsters, or effects.
-Mods that add stuff: If these mods are done correctly, they won't edit any of the base files and thus will never coflict with other files. These are new Heroes, Monsters, quirks, ect.
-Skins: Skins will generally only conflect with themselves, see below for a list of skins and the lettering used to try to determin what order you want your skins in.

There are some neat trinks that can be used due to this.
Let's say you're using Let our sound be heard, but you don't like houndmaster changes. You do however, like the houndmaster from Houndmaster unchained. You can overwrite Let our sound be heard's changes by moving Houndmaster unchained above it. Since HUC is now above LosBH, it's Houndmaster.info.darkest will be read first and take priority. This re-arranging conflicting mods to get what you want is something you might have to do for skin mods.

Below is a list of skins mods and the files they use.
Unofficial Pallet expansion
-Abomination C, E, F, G, H, I
-Antiquarian B, C, D, E, F G, H, I
-Arbalist B, C, D, E, F,G, H, I
-Bounty Hunter E, F, G, H, I
-Crusader E, F, G, H, I
-Grave Robber E, F, G, H, I
-Hellion B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I
-Highway Man E, F, G, H, I
-Houndmaster E, F, G, H, I
-Jester E, F, G, H, I
-Leper B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I
-MaA E, F, G, H, I
-Occultist E, F, G, H, I
-Plague Doctor C, E, F, G, H, I
-Vastal B, C, E, F, G, H, I

3+1 Darksouls and Bloodborne
-Crusader W
-Highway W
-MaA W
-Vastel L

Geralt, bounty hunter skins
-Bounty Hunter W

-Occultist X

Waring Antiquarian
-Antiquarian J, K

(Nexus skins below)
Blue Abomination
-Abomination E, F

Backless and Bloody
-Plague Doctor E, F

Blond Vestal and Alluring Grave robber
-Grave Robber E
-Vastel F

Blue and Silver outfits
-Antiquarian L
-Cruasder L
-Grave Robber L
-Jester L
-Leper L
-MaA L
-Occultist L
-Vastel L

Brigand Highwayman
-Highwayman E

Female Crusader
-Crusader L

Female Occultist
-Occultist E

Leper Raider
-Leper K

Scarecrow Graverobber
-Grave Robber K

Shadow Dancer
-Grave Robber A
Date Posted: Jun 27, 2017 @ 6:55pm
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