Darkest Dungeon®
Anyone know how to prevent a death?
Currently, one of my character is stuck in the turn where they die. Now matter how many times I reload, the enemy will never pick a different target to attack which would allow me to abandon mission.

I've always been a cautious player, I abandon missions than risk the possibility of my heroes dying. Call it attachment issues, but I have 0 deaths 40 weeks in (first playthrough too), even if I've been suboptimal at leveling characters. I hate seeing my crew mates die so I play very conservatively.

Had there been any indication of death I would've just abandoned the mission as usual. But this is different. The game was out to screw with me and killed one of my heroes in a single turn because every single one of them target the same hero, none of the attacks miss despite my buffs and debuffs, all of them just so happen to crit, and my hero also failed the death save. They died in a single turn that was completely unavoidable.

It was as if the game was deliberately killing the heroes with BS because I have had no death so far to "teach me a lesson". Utterly unhinged.

So I'm asking, is there a way to cheat my way out of this since the game is obviously cheating here?

Please no git gud" thx.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย sekai; 8 พ.ค. @ 8: 26am
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กำลังแสดง 1-15 จาก 21 ความเห็น
You can either try to edit your save, there is an online editor on the web, or use cheat engine, you either scan the health of your hero yourself and edit it or you can try and find one cheat table already made in some cheat forum
Anyone can recommend a save editor? Or would any of them work just fine?

All I needed was just to bump up the HP of the hero to survive that turn to abandon the mission, really.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย sekai; 8 พ.ค. @ 8: 32am
The game is not cheating. It is rolling dice. The dice just happened to get your hero killed. The narrator has a quote for that, too. "The sin is not in being outmatched, but in the failure to recognize it". Do not resort to cheating. We all had to lose our heroes and learn from our mistakes. It was not particularly fun for us either, but we did it and now we know how to play the game so that does not happen.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Nibbs:
The game is not cheating. It is rolling dice. The dice just happened to get your hero killed. The narrator has a quote for that, too. "The sin is not in being outmatched, but in the failure to recognize it". Do not resort to cheating. We all had to lose our heroes and learn from our mistakes. It was not particularly fun for us either, but we did it and now we know how to play the game so that does not happen.
It was unavoidable 1 turn death where everything lines up perfectly so my hero would die despite the measures in place. It was just BS. The only "lesson" to learn is the same lesson earthquake or tornado victims get to "learn", ie nothing. "Get better luck" or "too bad I rigged the game so you just die" is not a lesson.

Even if it wasn't BS, no one gets to dictate who should or should not mod the game since it's singleplayer. And I'm just asking a question.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย sekai; 8 พ.ค. @ 9: 26am
Okay, let's settle down. I am not trying to make you upset. I am not dictating anything. This game can get in your head. It even starts up with a "heads-up" on difficulty. Your death was 100% avoidable. You are at 40 weeks? That is enough time to generate the infrastructure and hero teams to shield yourself from such unfortunate events. Most "unavoidable" deaths occur in the first 10 weeks. I know it is not what you want to hear right now, but it is true. I will caution you against save file editors. They will probably mess your game up.

The best you can do without risking your game is to make a backup of your save files every week. You can find them here:
Documents/Darkest/profile_0/1/2 and/or steam/userdata/<a number>/262060/remote

Make a directory of each week and even make a backup while in the dungeons. You just need to copy the right save folder and the two game files located in the 'remote' folder (with all the save folders). I would encourage you to swallow this one death and just make backups from here on out.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Nibbs:
Okay, let's settle down. I am not trying to make you upset. I am not dictating anything. This game can get in your head. It even starts up with a "heads-up" on difficulty. Your death was 100% avoidable. You are at 40 weeks? That is enough time to generate the infrastructure and hero teams to shield yourself from such unfortunate events. Most "unavoidable" deaths occur in the first 10 weeks. I know it is not what you want to hear right now, but it is true. I will caution you against save file editors. They will probably mess your game up.

The best you can do without risking your game is to make a backup of your save files every week. You can find them here:
Documents/Darkest/profile_0/1/2 and/or steam/userdata/<a number>/262060/remote

Make a directory of each week and even make a backup while in the dungeons. You just need to copy the right save folder and the two game files located in the 'remote' folder (with all the save folders). I would encourage you to swallow this one death and just make backups from here on out.
The only way to have avoided it was if I abandoned the mission before that turn where they all took turn to hit on the same person over and over and all critting. Being a conservative player, my guys are all decked out in upgrades to the max of their level. Half of the enemies were also ACC debuffed and 3 of them just came out of stun. I also had a Man-At-Arms buffing my team's dodge chance too. I even made contingency plan for possible 1shot and had MAA guard one of the backline. But I guess you can just get 4 massive crits in a row all in 1 turn and down any person on team and nothing will matter. Yay.

It was about as avoidable as being shot by a stray bullet from 3 street away while sitting at home. That's what makes it hard to accept.

But you know what, I've moved passed that because the game is meant to be unfair and have moments of utter BS just like this one. I looked over the achievement and apparently there is no achievement for completing a death-less run. There are achievement for ridiculous things like surviving 5 death bells in 1 fight but none for death-less run. That's saying something.

No matter how careful I play, I WILL lose character. Not a matter of if, but a matter of when, is what the devs is telling me.

Even if I saved my character today. Some other day the same nonsense will happen and will kill my other character. There's only like a handful of people who managed a deathless run.

It sucks and I hate BS like this. But at least the devs have enough awareness of it.

Guess I'll just go and mourn.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย sekai; 8 พ.ค. @ 10: 46am
That is right. You are getting it. It is a brutal game. What enemies were you fighting?
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย Nibbs:
That is right. You are getting it. It is a brutal game. What enemies were you fighting?
The fish people. They always do massive damage or are in general the most annoying to deal with so I always either avoid doing them or play uber conservative and abandon at the slightest trouble. I've abandoned more quests there than anywhere else and it's also my least leveled region.

It was supposed to be a quick and easy short 90% room quest run. But then I got this.

4 crit harpoons to the face and instantly died in 1 turn that I can't avoid. Great.

Usually there'd be a breather for me to abandon when things go south (and it always go south super fast there). But not today I guess.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย sekai; 8 พ.ค. @ 11: 01am
Hail Hachet the Hellion. Mighty warrior savage and caring. A dancer gracious and deadly. Whom fell in glorious battle this fateful day against the abominable evil of the deep. Your skills were unmatched. Your honour were unsplintered. Your courage saw no equal. Your valour would see no flaw. Your axe rend your foes. Your roars shattered the stones. Enemies perished at your wake. Your kin gathered to revere your name.

Victorious in life and in death. Hail Hachet the Hellion.

May you find peace in death. May you find glory in the world beyond. Rest now in power. You will forever be missed. Hail Hachet the Hellion.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย sekai; 8 พ.ค. @ 10: 54am
This is a game of dice remember. Some people say dice is skill, but we know better. Sometimes you lose big time.

Speed is a good counter, though. If you're going first, that means you can remove 1 or 2 enemies before they take their turn.
โพสต์ดั้งเดิมโดย sekai:
The only way to have avoided it was if I abandoned the mission before that turn where they all took turn to hit on the same person over and over and all critting. Being a conservative player, my guys are all decked out in upgrades to the max of their level. Half of the enemies were also ACC debuffed and 3 of them just came out of stun. I also had a Man-At-Arms buffing my team's dodge chance too. I even made contingency plan for possible 1shot and had MAA guard one of the backline. But I guess you can just get 4 massive crits in a row all in 1 turn and down any person on team and nothing will matter. Yay.

It was about as avoidable as being shot by a stray bullet from 3 street away while sitting at home. That's what makes it hard to accept.

But you know what, I've moved passed that because the game is meant to be unfair and have moments of utter BS just like this one. I looked over the achievement and apparently there is no achievement for completing a death-less run. There are achievement for ridiculous things like surviving 5 death bells in 1 fight but none for death-less run. That's saying something.

No matter how careful I play, I WILL lose character. Not a matter of if, but a matter of when, is what the devs is telling me.

Even if I saved my character today. Some other day the same nonsense will happen and will kill my other character. There's only like a handful of people who managed a deathless run.

It sucks and I hate BS like this. But at least the devs have enough awareness of it.

Guess I'll just go and mourn.

So... I'm assuming you were fighting 3 Pelagic Groupers, yes? Was there a Shaman as well? Or something else? Or just the three Groupers?

As Nibbs has pointed out: It's an intentionally brutal game.

I too play very conservatively. I hate it when my characters die, and do whatever I can to avoid it. But yes, sometimes they do.

You had a Hellion and an MAA, what else did you have? You stunned 3 Groupers on the turn before your character got killed .. what else happened? Was that the first turn? The second?

The Hellion can Stun two characters, yes, but it debuffs her, she's slower for 3 rounds after that (and does less damage). I'd be a bit more likely to use If It Bleeds, or Breakthrough.

It's also worth considering Bellow instead of Rampart for your MAA.

Hellions are (at best) "medium speed"
MAAs are "slower"
Vestals (assuming you had one) are "slower"

The Pelagic Groupers on the other hand are faster enemies.

Stunning three of them in one turn is great, but IF they survive, then they're buffed for the next turn. So ... stunning one, or two, and killing one (or leaving him bleeding, so that he'll die when HIS turn comes up) might be a better approach if you've got a slower team (which it seems like you did).

What were your other two characters? What did they do on the turn before your Hellion died?
If you are unable to reconcile the grief you bear from your loss, I believe a resurrection event mod exists that forces the dead to return to life post-mortem.
The death of the characters is a core part of the game. So is losing and failing. Hiring new heroes and discarding the useless.
This game is not for you.
Ok I am a new player and I regarded the heroes a bit as in XCOM at first. I cared much about them. I renamed them and made up some backstory. I must say my first hero to fall was my beloved shieldbreaker, named Boreal Dancer (some may get the reference). Her death was sudden and not glorious at all - ironic enough, it was against a Pelagic Grouper too. That was week 7 or 8, I thought you must do a mission in every region to advance. When I saw her critted and murdered by some fish, I was sad. Other heroes were stressed out and afflicted, and shouted vile things at each other building up stress. That was my first mission to be abandoned. Dismas got a quirk that he only could relieve stress in Brothel, and he sat there for weeks. I imagined he would like to forget the woman he and the team lost there in the darkness, at 0 torchlight, surrounded by vile fishmen. That was a sad but touching story. And several missions later, when Dismas himself met his end at hands of a Collector, I believe he joined the Dancer in the afterlife. And when I with my new trained Shieldbreaker who had another name have slain the Collector and got the Dismas' Head... This game is very dark sometimes. But there is a strange beauty in it's story, and each story is unique. A death of a hero belongs to this story.
Dont edit game files, it ruins immersion and every time something goes wrong u will use it or question urself to use it. it will ruin the game for you at that particular time becoz you wont be feeling sad or hopeless but will be thinking "should i just cheat to bring him back?". Even if you decide not to do so it will still ruin your experience. Becoz now YOU get to decide if a character should survive or not instead of the game. A player should control the input not the output, not doing so makes the game feel like joke and u will lose interest much faster.
just wait for town event where u can revive the dead heroes.
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วันที่โพสต์: 8 พ.ค. @ 8: 24am
โพสต์: 21
