Darkest Dungeon®

Darkest Dungeon®

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1jovemtr00 May 21 @ 8:51pm
This game is a DISGRACE
I don't care what the fanboys says, this game is utter garbage. Pure idiotic trash. Why on Earth do the devs made all the stats, trinckets, upgrades and what not when everything is just ignored and everything goes against you no matter what?
Just to give an example: I have a party with 3 characters with a +25 dodge. I went on an expedition to the freaking Warrens. First battle comes in and I already take 2 crits in a row from the enemies, first turn. Health goes below half for 2 characters already. I healed them, moved foward just to find another one of the unwanted random encounters against The Collector. First turn I do well and hit him hard , all good. Then his move, he summons his minions. Second turn they are landing hits on my houndmaster ( dodge 25+) two crits from the minions. He goes to deathdoor. Collector attacks afterwards and kills him with his first hit, deathblow. Rip expedition.
Then I ask: What are the odds of that happening? How on Earth not a single time I dodged an attack while the enemies pulled that many crits and never missed? They had lower dodge stats and dodge some of my moves!
This is what happens when people don't take statistics classes. That's just not how it works. And believe me when I say this is not the first time it happened during my game.
When it happens once, you get crits in a row against you, well, you think it's ok, it happens.
Then it happens again for the second time, you raise an eyebrow.

F this, Im unninstalling and never touching it again. And for sure I won't buy the second one, gonna stay the F away from it.
< >
Showing 1-15 of 103 comments
Dodge doesn't have anything to do with the crit rates in this game. It only applies to normal hits/debuffs/stress attacks. Part of the reason why some argue it to be a weaker stat /wasted ressources to build characters around. If the enemy has a high crit stat, it will regularly crit. Also, as the enemy crit stats are hidden in the enemy files on purpose, you couldn't tell if the game was playing fairly with its RNG without looking (which you can).

Like any numbers game, it would be pretty dumb though to righ the RNG. Given that they can just inflate those numbers to the hilt to make the game harder, rather than "cheat" via a biased RNG against the player -- a guaranteed way to piss off paying customers. (X-Com actually does the opposite on lower levels, despite THAT meme).

But yeah, bye.
Last edited by fourfourtwo79; May 21 @ 10:17pm
adebisis04 May 21 @ 10:51pm 
dice rolls are dice rolls. and as said crits and dodge is unrelated. in many games, 80% is 100%, not this one.
sidewinder_G May 21 @ 11:08pm 
You know, there's a rule in Monopoly that if you get three doubles in a row, you go to jail ?

I had an antiquarian who got stunlocked and KILLED by a quartet of spiders. It can happen.
Narrowmind May 22 @ 12:04am 
Thank you for letting us know.
Arroba May 22 @ 12:14am 
epic fail .
RopeDrink May 22 @ 1:33am 
First battle comes in and I already take 2 crits in a row from the enemies, first turn.

Speed issue.

Then his move, he summons his minions. Second turn they are landing hits on my houndmaster ( dodge 25+) two crits from the minions. He goes to deathdoor.

RNG expectations (Dodge) while enemies consistently have greater initiative due to low speed. Collectors' accuracy ranges from 82-92 > 102-112 between Apprentice/Champion. Take away 25 dodge, add the magical 5%, and he's sitting on 60-80% chance to hit, which are pretty big odds).

Collector attacks afterwards and kills him with his first hit, deathblow.

33% chance for all non-Flagellants to bite the bullet on first Death's Door hit -- which isn't much safer than expecting relatively accurate Collectors to miss against a paltry 25 dodge.

Then I ask: What are the odds of that happening?

If you're walking around with low speed and a smattering of Dodge: the odds are very high.

They had lower dodge stats and dodge some of my moves!

Judging by the rest of the complaint, I would bet money your accuracy was also poor.

F this, Im unninstalling and never touching it again. And for sure I won't buy the second one, gonna stay the F away from it.

You 'could' just learn the game, squash RNG, and strangle those problems to death, but if rage-quitting is more your flavour, then this game definitely isn't for you.
Veylox May 22 @ 2:30am 
"This is what happens when people don't take statistics classes."

Nice of you to summarize your own thread
It's always funny to see people clueless about statistics crying about DD or X-com. You're not entitled to dodge just because you have some dodge.

We all get it you know, it's frustrating when things don't go your way. But that's what happens when you gamble
Last edited by Veylox; May 22 @ 2:30am
Welp guess it just aint for you.
Justice May 22 @ 4:44am 
Originally posted by 1jovemtr00:
This is what happens when people don't take statistics classes. That's just not how it works. And believe me when I say this is not the first time it happened during my game.
Indeed, you didn't take statiscs in considuration and struggling because of that. Do you know how much accuracy of enemy is? If enemy has like idk... 105 accuracy and you have 25dodge, what are the chances for your character to dodge? pretty low

And Collector is rare miniboss that could spawn in your dungeon runs. It's important to have position 4 reach and able to control his collected highwaymans that can easily send your heroes to death's door
Justice May 22 @ 8:16am 
Originally posted by fourfourtwo79:
Originally posted by Justice:
Indeed, you didn't take statiscs in considuration and struggling because of that. Do you know how much accuracy of enemy is? If enemy has like idk... 105 accuracy and you have 25dodge, what are the chances for your character to dodge? pretty low

SPOILER: His crit chance for "Life steal" when meeting him at his highest level are at 24%, which is basically every fourth time he tries -- *averaged*. At such ratios, sequences will be very common.

You can check this in the game's enemy files/folder. You can even edit that to zero. Doesn't seem to display accuracy though. As accuracy - dodge is the general hit chance though, trying to assess the game's RNG without knowing enemy accuracy is futile.

Just goes to show that you can pour hundreds of hours into a game, and still don't know how this works. Similar to players on football management games claiming the AI managers were superior in shot conversion. Anybody who cannot outconvert the AI on these games is a bad player -- these games are targeted at casual players, so generally winning isn't the challenge.
There is also wiki with detailed info about enemy, including their accuracy. On average enemy on champion level have 95-105 accuracy, but some mobs or their skills have higher or lower accuracy. BUT! Your dodge and enemy accuracy is also based on torch light. On low light not only you have less dodge, but also enemy get increased accuracy and crit buff
fheadx May 22 @ 9:33am 
I once went 1500 hands without getting dealt a pair of aces in hold em, while the odds for it are 1:220. But, over 100K hand they showed up the expected amount. Had a hand database program when I played online poker, that's where my numbers are from.
Nakos May 22 @ 11:24am 
Originally posted by 1jovemtr00:
I don't care what the fanboys says, this game is utter garbage. Pure idiotic trash.

More to the point, it’s a Rogue-like, Lovecraftian Horror game, that is intentionally punishing, focusing on the cumulative psychological stresses of repeatedly battling the Horrors from Beyond. Pretty much exactly what it says on the tin.

Originally posted by 1jovemtr00:
Why on Earth do the devs made all the stats, trinckets, upgrades and what not when everything is just ignored and everything goes against you no matter what?

Characters have 5 elements that impact how they perform in dungeons:

Skills: Trained at the Guild Hall.
Gear: Upgraded at the Blacksmith’s.
Trinkets: Mostly found in Dungeons, but some can be purchased from the Cart in town.
Negative Quirks: Usually degrading how well Heroes perform.
Positive Quirks: Usually upgrading how well Heroes perform.

Negative Quirks can be removed at the Sanitarium (for gold of course). Positive Quirks can be locked in, also at the Sanitarium (also for gold).

Originally posted by 1jovemtr00:
Just to give an example: I have a party with 3 characters with a +25 dodge. I went on an expedition to the freaking Warrens. First battle comes in and I already take 2 crits in a row from the enemies, first turn. Health goes below half for 2 characters already.

Sounds like your team was slow. Yes, sometimes the enemy hits you, and yes, sometimes they crit. So? This isn’t a “power fantasy” game (like most ARPGs), it’s rather the opposite actually.

The game throws lots of nasty stuff at you. It also gives you tools to respond to those actions. What team did you take into the Warrens? What was the composition of the party you faced?

Originally posted by 1jovemtr00:
I healed them, moved foward just to find another one of the unwanted random encounters against The Collector. First turn I do well and hit him hard , all good. Then his move, he summons his minions. Second turn they are landing hits on my houndmaster ( dodge 25+) two crits from the minions. He goes to deathdoor. Collector attacks afterwards and kills him with his first hit, deathblow. Rip expedition.

Yes … and?

As I said, it’s a psychological Horror game. Its genre is “scary, hopeless, horrific, all-is-lost!” Sometimes your team runs into something they just weren’t prepared for … and dies. Good thing there are more recruits coming in every week on the Stagecoach eh? Maybe … maybe try to avoid that overflowing graveyard on their tour of the Hamlet hmm?

When you build a team for any mission, one of the questions that you need to ask yourself is “How will I deal with The Collector when (not “if”) he shows up?” But the game doesn’t tell you that up front. It lets you experience it first hand. (Cue the clip of Ackbar saying “It’s a trap!”).

Experiential learning. Or, you can read a guide, the game is old, there are lots of guides, and the game is mostly knowledge.

Originally posted by 1jovemtr00:
Then I ask: What are the odds of that happening?

Pretty high actually. The Collector kills a lot of teams the first time you meet him. That’s kind of the point.

There are some pretty good ways of dealing with him though. Let us know if you want some hints.
Skill issue
Reee harder.
The Collector is a boss.
Are you seriously quitting a game (thats known for being challenging) because you didnt defeat a boss first try?

With what kind of expectations did you go into this game?

If you genuinely didnt ever hear of this games reputation and were looking for something more relaxing, then theres no shame in returning the game.

But if you actually wanted to play Darkest Dungeon... with everything that Darkest Dungeon entails... then your patience ran out way too fast xD

Anyways: Theres no Permadeath in DD 2 anymore, so maybe that one is actually for you.
< >
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