Lichdom: Battlemage

Lichdom: Battlemage

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Wakko Apr 14, 2016 @ 4:42am
Lichdom Battlemage 2?
Have we had any words if we'll see a second game?
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Showing 1-11 of 11 comments
Oh god I hope not.
RavenFB Aug 4, 2016 @ 8:57pm 
Considering the fact that the developers seem to have parted ways, I doubt it. Depends on who owns the rights, and what they care to do with them. I'd like to see a sequel, perhaps played from the evil perspective where you are a necromancer trying to overthrow a land inhabited by a variety of different people. You would try to prey on the fears and weaknesses of the different groups, eventually enslaving them as thralls. Rather than just crafting spells, you also craft different types of summons using a variety of creature/monster/demon parts. You would have direct damage spells, and defensive Nova type spells, but AOE would be replaced by summoning. The more live thralls you have, the more powerful your spells become. However, you can sacrifice thralls to upgrade summoning components to make your summoned minions more powerful, giving the player the choice in choosing how to balance their power. Sacrifice all of your thralls and let the minions do your bidding, and just hope that you don't need to rely on your own spells, or starve your summoned monsters to fuel your own destructive energies? Your ultimate goal would be to achieve immortality by becoming a Lich. The game should be titled ¨Lichdom Necromancer¨. If anyone ever DOES make this game, please let me know and maybe throw me a free copy!
Sareth Aug 5, 2016 @ 6:04am 
Originally posted by intox. Requiesta de Silencia:
Oh god I hope not.

I do, but from a different studio/team that knows what they're doing.
I'm still waiting for a proper Dark Messiah 'spiritual successor', and this game atleast outwardly promised to be something like that.
It isn't. And it's pretty bad on top.
Last edited by Sareth; Aug 5, 2016 @ 6:04am
WZ Aug 19, 2016 @ 7:02am 
Plenty of games have no focus or interest in telling a good story and yet get away with it just fine. Because - unlike L:B - they do not pretend. They dump you in the gameworld with a pop up box or a quick humourous intro, and off you go, time to kill things. No need for such a game to take itself seriously. This one rubs your nose in its subpar world / story and is very awkward as a result.
Last edited by WZ; Aug 19, 2016 @ 7:30am
Cirqle May 26, 2019 @ 7:39am 
I never comment on anything. Like literally. And I know this post is like 3 years old. But lichdom battlemage is awesome. Maybe I just havent seen it before, but the concept is new and the gameplay is awesome. Sure, the story could be better, but considering the size of the studio that made this, I'd say this is an extremely good game.
JoeG83 Apr 14, 2020 @ 2:25am 
Necroing this thread again, WTB a sequel! ;) Gameplay was too unique and awesome to just let it die off.
warrax40 Apr 16, 2020 @ 4:45am 
you will have to make it yourself. the company and developers have all moved on.
This game only got average reception and only appealed to a cult like following.
_⁧⁧i Apr 25, 2020 @ 12:58pm 
Originally posted by warrax40:
you will have to make it yourself. the company and developers have all moved on.
This game only got average reception and only appealed to a cult like following.
yeah it didnt help the game had absolutely absymal performance on release and when it came to consoles it was even a bigger mess
TRU±PlayMaker Apr 25, 2020 @ 11:53pm 
The idea of this game really does deserve to be fleshed out some more and made into a way better game. People really do want a powerful mage-type game. One that isn't limited by mana or other annoying limitations of traditional games. It's like playing a game like Doom but instead of guns, you have magic spells.
AbedsBrother May 13, 2020 @ 8:24am 
I doubt there will be a sequel unless the IP gets purchased by a major publisher. The devs (Xaviant) aren't doing too well these days - The Culling's recent re-release went full-on cash-grab pay-to-play.
Seems like all good spellcasting games die out because the mainstream find some issue or another with it, sad thing for us mage lovers
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