Shufflepuck Cantina Deluxe
Oculus support
Is Oculus support for this just for the Demo or for the entire game?
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For the demo (Only Floor 2 is available) User interfaces are only present on the steam version of the demo though
Thanks! Looking forward to trying this out when DK2 arrives in July (hopefully)
hehe , we ordered one too, can"t wait !
The game works really well with oculus, I hope we'll manage to get some funding to make the whole game on VR!
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Alexandre Leboucher; 20.4.2014 klo 5.56
Yeah. It would be pretty sweet to play this game in VR! I tried to play it in 3D Vision, but it wasn't compatible. =( Oculus VR would be even more awesome, though!
I wonder whether there is an ETA for DK2 support in this game? :)
we just received DK2 yesterday, we'll try tu update the demo next month:)
Cool, looking forward to it!
Sounds great. Thanks for all your hard work.:D:
great news! just bought your game after that!
Still waiting for actual full VR support to play the game, the Demo was one of the best experiences early on with the DK1, especially loved how natural moving the mallet felt.
Would love to run this on DK2! Such a natural use of the mouse combined with immersive visuals and head movement shoul dbe amazing.
I would pay for a VR Version of the game.
Thers is a DK1 demo only right now but we are going to port the whole thing to DK2 really soon
Awesome :D
Looking forward to a DK2-compatible version!
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