The Talos Principle

The Talos Principle

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Sorcerer Dec 12, 2014 @ 7:08am
QR Codes not displaying?
(Might be slight spoilers for the 2nd area here. )

So I just got the game and have been playing through it. Most of the QR codes I run into display as they seem like they should (how they do in every video of this game I watch).

The one near the 2nd computer in area 2 however doesn't. And the one right behind the first computer in area 3 (2 and 3 of the first temple anyhow) likewise doesn't display text.

What I get, even after reloading, is the interface functioning like it does with all the others, outlining the QR with a white box. Only I get no text floating off to one side or the other for either of those. Checking however, all the other QR codes I've run into work fine.

I'd figure I might just be missing out on some skipable dialog but, as there seems to be an enviromental puzzle in area 3, I'm fearful this is a bug and I am going to miss out on some content because the clue I'm suppose to easily find I can't access.

Anyone else running into this problem? Is it functioning as intended? (Like I am missing some in-game QR+ scanner) I expected to try to pull out some RL QR scanner? (Which i don't have as I don't have a smartphone).

Also, my apology if this is a known issue and I'm missing the obvious mention of it somewhere.
Last edited by Sorcerer; Dec 12, 2014 @ 7:09am
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Showing 1-15 of 15 comments
M(i)ech Dec 12, 2014 @ 7:10am 
I'm pretty sure it's NOT a bug. Both of "unreadable" QRs are signed by same entity.
Last edited by M(i)ech; Dec 12, 2014 @ 7:18am
Sorcerer Dec 12, 2014 @ 7:12am 
I figure maybe its just , i'm only an hour or 2 in, I just need to keep playing. But..signed by the same entity? Maybe there is some obvious bit in the QR code itself but, as I don't ever use them, I wouldn't regonize a signature (and again unless I am missing it, I see no in-game display thats showing me those two are from the same poster.)

I know all the other QR codes displayed text and then had the name of who posted it. With these I don't get any of that, just the high-light (like it does if you hover over a gate/mine)
M(i)ech Dec 12, 2014 @ 7:17am 
You misunderstood. After you decode QRs in game, all are signed by whatever entity left them. There's "Sheep", there's "1w/Faith" ("I without faith"?), etc.

Besides, I checked and first unreadable actually hints at fact that it's unreadable. AFTER you decode it...
Sorcerer Dec 12, 2014 @ 7:22am 
That was what I was asking/confused about. What I have run into isn't broken, but a part of the game.

So if I keep playing I will unlock/discover a way to access QR codes that do not initially display any text?

The game as far as I am aware made no indication that it was gated/locked out content. So, so long as I will discover a way to 'unlock' more QR codes as we go? I'm fine.

If you had to use some reasource outside of the game (like the QR reader on your phone) then thats an issue. If not, then my question got answered! Just gotta keep playing the game.
Xaelon Dec 12, 2014 @ 7:28am 
All QR codes I have found are readable, not all of them are readable using only in-game means however (at least as far as I can tell anyways).

I've only run into one QR code that was required to unlock something in a level.
Last edited by Xaelon; Dec 12, 2014 @ 7:29am
M(i)ech Dec 12, 2014 @ 7:40am 
If you have issues with using outside resources, this may not be a game for you.
As soon as 3rd "world" you need phone/online QR decoder to decode first layer and then Google (decode encryption) or Wikipedia (use historical hints) to decode second layer to get one of the stars.
Sorcerer Dec 12, 2014 @ 7:43am 
I suppose the question, spoilery as it will be simply then is. Is there an in game mechanic that unlocks more QR code text that you do not have access to at the start?

As if so, that solves my question . I have no need to know how to aqquire such keys/items if they exist. The game just doesn't do anything to tell you that you should, infact seek them out. Everything else, puzzle peices, stars, etc it makes clear you can search for. Which is why my initial reaction is 'its a bug I've run into', as I'm not seeing anything to indicate its a game mechanic.

But again, if someone has more experience with the game and knows that, infact, you 'earn' the ability to read more QR code as I progress, thats just fine. Just a thing I want to know.
Sorcerer Dec 12, 2014 @ 7:51am 
Originally posted by M(i)ech:
If you have issues with using outside resources, this may not be a game for you.
As soon as 3rd "world" you need phone/online QR decoder to decode first layer and then Google (decode encryption) or Wikipedia (use historical hints) to decode second layer to get one of the stars.

That actually was the responce I was looking for.

As if so, that is kinda crap that I wasn't made clear I need to aqquire a QR code reader in order to get my 40$ worth.

I can certainly figure it out. Its just a matter of trying to figure out if I am expected to be holding my phone up to my screen (or in my case c/p into paint, cut out QR code, submit to online website..) or if the game is actually beatable via its own in-game reasources.

As it stands, I've got too assume I'm not the only person on the planet who doesn't own a smart phone, and might get stumped by this if what you say is infact the case. Worth getting the word out I guess.
Xaelon Dec 12, 2014 @ 8:23am 
You don't need a smartphone. Though it does make things easier. Looks like this site should do what you need, and won't cost you a dime:
It really builds up that this game's backstory'll only be clear if you solve it like an alternate reality game. The same thing goes for the "buggy" hex in the terminals, I sure hope I don't have to sift through every one of them and painstakingly copy the text by manual means to decode all the hexadecimal.
Xaelon Dec 12, 2014 @ 8:38am 
I was wondering about that myself. I wonder if there's an app that'll let me take a picture of a hex string and decode it for me.
Solais Dec 12, 2014 @ 9:00am 
All these stuff are actually optional. You can know the whole story and you can get everything without needing any outside tools. The A3 one can be a little tricky without reading the QR, but behind the QR there's a clock that can help you figure it out.
NoMercy Rider Dec 12, 2014 @ 9:10am 
If you don't have a smartphone, you can always take a screenshot of the QR code in-game, then upload the screenshot to this website:

Also, *slight spoilers regarding number of "unreadable" QR codes* as far as I can recall, these are the only two QR codes in the whole game that needs an external device to read them. The one in A-2 and A-3. All others can be read in-game.
Sorcerer Dec 12, 2014 @ 10:24am 
Thanks for the replies everyone. Playing through it a bit more (And using a very similar website to one handed out) I got things to work for me.

All the advice here pretty much cleared up what was needed and what I was curious about for the game.

I went into this mostly totally blind (save for one GiantBomb video). Hadn't been following the game for months so all of this was just newb 'wanna make sure I'm not missing something obvious!' questions.

Again, thanks for the responces. Glad everything has been cleared up.
Solais Dec 12, 2014 @ 10:30am 
Though there are some QR codes that read differently if you scan them with a phone than what they say in the game, as easter eggs and such.
Last edited by Solais; Dec 12, 2014 @ 10:30am
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Date Posted: Dec 12, 2014 @ 7:08am
Posts: 15