The Talos Principle

The Talos Principle

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Seeker Sep 11, 2017 @ 11:57am
Is the first world supposed to be greek or roman?
Is the first world supposed to be greek or roman?
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Showing 1-15 of 20 comments
Solais Sep 11, 2017 @ 12:00pm 
MASTAN Sep 11, 2017 @ 12:16pm 
Greek would be ΤΑΛΩΣ

TΛLΘS is just a stylization.
Misa Sep 11, 2017 @ 1:27pm 
Can someone explain the differences? IM ASIAN
Whitebeard Sep 11, 2017 @ 2:09pm 
Romans borrowed heavily from the Greeks whose art and architecture they greatly admired. Latin was the language of Italy and ancient Rome, but Greek was used by the upper classes who admired Greek culture. The two are difficult to separate. Hence: Greco-Roman.
Misa Sep 11, 2017 @ 2:44pm 
Originally posted by virtualbill:
Romans borrowed heavily from the Greeks whose art and architecture they greatly admired. Latin was the language of Italy and ancient Rome, but Greek was used by the upper classes who admired Greek culture. The two are difficult to separate. Hence: Greco-Roman.

Thank you i need to learn more about European history.
Whitebeard Sep 11, 2017 @ 2:48pm 
I'm sure I am pretty ignorant of Asian history and culture, so it is understandable if you aren't familiar with European history.
Solais Sep 11, 2017 @ 2:52pm 
I guess it's similar to how a lot of Westerners are unable to differentiate between Chinese and Japanese architecture. Doesn't help that the Japanese were inspired by the Chinese architecture in a very similar way.
Xautos Sep 14, 2017 @ 5:47am 
Romans started out in Turkey, City of Troy during the days of the Neo-Hitites, at the time the Greeks were a particuarly powerful force but they had their own problems between city states and tribes, Troy was apart of this larger empire on the Turkish coastline.

Romulus and Remus were apart of the Mythos surrounded some intrigue of murder and betrayal before setting off as exiles to find a new homeland. The Greco-Romans started out with a band of immigrants from classical Greek background if it's to believed and from there the local tribes were at war with this new empire that started at Rome. Despite the task, the Gauls to the north were not particularly threatened by this rising Roman power, they even managed to sack Rome at one point.

It was probably at that point after the sacking that the Romans started expanding their power and efforts, but they never forgot their background in Greek style (which included buildings) and neither did the Greeks let them forget it as there were a number of Greeks who had a part in Roman history.

Latin was a common form of language as well and all this history, buildings, culture and such had such a part to play over most of Western Europe including the UK and it still does.

it's all there if you look for it.
Last edited by Xautos; Sep 14, 2017 @ 5:48am
Prometheus42 Jul 26, 2019 @ 8:05pm 
Well I am pretty sure the devs made a mistake since it seems that they mixed both cultures, first of all It can't be Greek because there are a ton of half point arches and bricks all over the level and the Romans invented both of this things, the Greeks never used arches of any type, the Greeks only used marble and stone in their constructions. In the level there are no Corinthian columns which were favoured by the Romans instead there is a large prominence of the Doric orders of column capitals which were commonly used during Classical and Hellenistic Greece. The weirdest things are the murals since they don't depict the Roman armours, Lorica Segmentata and Lorica Hamata. Instead they depict what seems to be Greek Hoplites missing their Shields, you can tell because they are wearing the classic greek armor Linothorax. I guess you could say that rather than one culture in specific it is a blend of both.
Tora Jul 26, 2019 @ 8:29pm 
I think the intention may have been to represent Greece, considering the references to Athena and the Hesperides and the "group of islands" setting, but I agree that there's a lot of Roman architecture in there. If the Creator has decided to preserve the visual look of a certain culture, I guess going Greco-Roman was a good way to cut corners and smoosh two in one.

Of course, what stood out the most to me was the missing heads from every. Single. Statue. I could write an entire paper about the metaphors without even moving beyond the first level!
Last edited by Tora; Jul 26, 2019 @ 8:29pm
Alcator Jul 27, 2019 @ 4:41am 
Originally posted by Seeker:
Is the first world supposed to be greek or roman?

It's mediterranean architecture. The real-life references and textures were taken from Croatia.

Roman empire spanned majority of Europe and brought the Greek architecture with it, which is why you can find this architectural style throughout most of Europe.

Greco-Roman would be also valid name for it.
Gargish🐸 Jul 30, 2019 @ 11:34am 
Even though it has been years since I played the game, occasionally when visiting Roman / Greek ruins, I remember the architecture here. It may not be fully true to actual historic architecture, but the textures and architecture elements are very convincing and make the world feel so real.
Misa Aug 2, 2019 @ 7:41pm 
Ramen noodles is Japanese duh!
Latharion Aug 3, 2019 @ 12:48pm 
Originally posted by Obi-Juan Kenobi:
Well I am pretty sure the devs made a mistake since it seems that they mixed both cultures, first of all It can't be Greek because there are a ton of half point arches and bricks all over the level and the Romans invented both of this things, the Greeks never used arches of any type, the Greeks only used marble and stone in their constructions. In the level there are no Corinthian columns which were favoured by the Romans instead there is a large prominence of the Doric orders of column capitals which were commonly used during Classical and Hellenistic Greece. The weirdest things are the murals since they don't depict the Roman armours, Lorica Segmentata and Lorica Hamata. Instead they depict what seems to be Greek Hoplites missing their Shields, you can tell because they are wearing the classic greek armor Linothorax. I guess you could say that rather than one culture in specific it is a blend of both.

Or perhaps it was not a "mistake" at all. The worlds represented within the Talos Principle (from the context of the storyline) are derived from an MMO that was popular at the time of the creation of the system that the game takes place in. It's not meant to be ":historically accurate". The idea is that we are playing a game, within a game. I thought it was kind of interesting to see and read about how the various AIs came to understand humanity through the lens of an MMO. It would be like trying to understand humanity today based to a certain extent, on World of Warcraft.

The fact that the developers took the time to model greco-roman architecture and statuary within this game is admirable, but I'd never expect it to be 100% accurate, since the was never a goal of creating a 100% accurate virtual recreation of the roman or greek or greco-roman culture or region.
Prometheus42 Aug 3, 2019 @ 8:07pm 
Originally posted by Latharion:
Originally posted by Obi-Juan Kenobi:
Well I am pretty sure the devs made a mistake since it seems that they mixed both cultures, first of all It can't be Greek because there are a ton of half point arches and bricks all over the level and the Romans invented both of this things, the Greeks never used arches of any type, the Greeks only used marble and stone in their constructions. In the level there are no Corinthian columns which were favoured by the Romans instead there is a large prominence of the Doric orders of column capitals which were commonly used during Classical and Hellenistic Greece. The weirdest things are the murals since they don't depict the Roman armours, Lorica Segmentata and Lorica Hamata. Instead they depict what seems to be Greek Hoplites missing their Shields, you can tell because they are wearing the classic greek armor Linothorax. I guess you could say that rather than one culture in specific it is a blend of both.

Or perhaps it was not a "mistake" at all. The worlds represented within the Talos Principle (from the context of the storyline) are derived from an MMO that was popular at the time of the creation of the system that the game takes place in. It's not meant to be ":historically accurate". The idea is that we are playing a game, within a game. I thought it was kind of interesting to see and read about how the various AIs came to understand humanity through the lens of an MMO. It would be like trying to understand humanity today based to a certain extent, on World of Warcraft.

The fact that the developers took the time to model greco-roman architecture and statuary within this game is admirable, but I'd never expect it to be 100% accurate, since the was never a goal of creating a 100% accurate virtual recreation of the roman or greek or greco-roman culture or region.

I mean it would be pretty boring if they did a perfectly historically accurate reconstruction of either Rome or Greece, for that sort of experience it is simply better to see it with your own eyes, the best attempts at making a perfect simulation aren't all that great, The Talos Principle is a beautiful game that makes me gasp in awe at the marvelous job the developers did, it feels like a real breathing world filled with philosophical depth, great puzzles and gorgeous architecture, I was just pointing out that the game is not 100% historically accurate, and in this case it doesn't make it any worse, it is still beautiful, and the sole fact that they looked into real historic architecture such as Bodiam Castle, were inspired and actually used the historical elements giving them their own spin puts the game far above most others.
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Date Posted: Sep 11, 2017 @ 11:57am
Posts: 20