Monsters & Munitions

Monsters & Munitions

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Herr Klopek Jan 10, 2014 @ 8:50am
Player feedback, game play ideas and suggestions
For any game play suggestions or ideas on improving your game play experience, please post those comments here.
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Showing 1-15 of 24 comments
FattyMooMooMan Jan 10, 2014 @ 11:39am 
Things I would like to see / ideas I have had for the game:

* Outline map hexes you have completed with a gold border.

* Add scores to completed hex types based on the carnage created.

* Add difficulty setting to the game - predetermines user deck size to 5 / 10 / 20 cards for easy / medium / hard, this would make the game more random at higher settings, allow the user to specify the core deck they use, do not allow player to sell cards that would drop them below minimum size.

* Steam workshop support for user created maps / include map tool devs use if available.

* Customisable tank avatar - a few different images and the ability to change the palette or add a custom logo.

* Multiplayer - online & hotseat modes, deathmatch and co-op (players get 2 shots each on each level and take turns), deathmatch could be a 'blast the flag' mode where 3 flags get randomly placed on your opponents side of the map (or build specific maps) rather than aiming for one tank all the time.

* Allow players to trade their boosted up cards or even wager them in online battles.

* Napalm bombs - burn wood in a medium area, ignites bombs but does not cause an explosion itself or spread through stone / metal.

* Random level generator - uses a library of level parts such as towers / houses / bunkers / platforms and can build a level randomly from these using a seed number that players can then pass onto friends as a challenge.

* Perk system - for every x levels you complete on the map you an choose a perk which gives a minor boost to all your bombs performance (very minor boost).

Last edited by FattyMooMooMan; Jan 10, 2014 @ 11:43am
Herr Klopek Jan 10, 2014 @ 12:10pm 
Thanks a lot for these! They're all very good ideas, and while we have plans for implementation of some already, the others are great to see. Great post!
murteas Jan 11, 2014 @ 3:12pm 
Wonderful game. Love it already. Agree with the suggestions above.

Also looking for:

Random Mission/Level generation
Allow more shots, but lower rewards if you use all of them
Customize your tank
Make the monsters you have kill stand out a little more (a glowing particle effect for example)
I love that it slows down when you blow up a ton of stuff, what a great effect.
Ability to design a level and have someone else on the same computer try to defeat it.
FattyMooMooMan Jan 11, 2014 @ 3:29pm 
Like the ideea of monster glow - maybe only have it showing up until the point you click on the tank to fire, just as an indicator of where the targets are?

I have to admit the slow-mo explosions do look cool when a lot goes up - thats something that should not be tampered with. Just wish there was a replay facility for the more awesome ones lol. Could grab a few screenies then, as it stands now I sit there thinkiing 'that would have made a good screenshot for my library' but its just too late :(

On the idea of having more shots, that could solve another problem - map traveliing, I have had an issue where 2 squares were really hard to pass (bad 3 and 4 star levels) and they created a choke-point for my movement, had to go back round the other way for a while and replay some levels. If the game still allowed you to finish a level by taking more shots but removing the card reward then it would have been possible to continue on my journey round the map. Maybe if a 2 star level only gave a yellow card for using 1 extra shot and a 3 star level gave a blue for 1 extra shot and yellow for 2, etc (if the level is not clear by then it should be a fail) that could work? Maybe map hexes should show the lowest shot-count taken to beat them - would give another reason to replay them.

I have also noticed that the level of card rewards needs tweaking badly. Its not good to finish a tricky 3 star level and only be awarded a basic 1 star card with no bonuses on it :(
Last edited by FattyMooMooMan; Jan 11, 2014 @ 3:30pm
McS¢ro†ie Jan 11, 2014 @ 8:03pm 
everything above is good,

you could add some kind of guided missile,
co op and VS play
a trace of the last shot with pawer used to fine tune the shot
perk ans custon tank.......
objectivers on the campaign map
more campaign map
machine gun eith explosive ammo
the ? map cards shold stay as ? untill you beat the level.

Edit: A hud whre is display the power and angle of fire and also the ammo so we can switch when we change our mind. / maybe a preview icon when we choose our ammunition to see the map
Last edited by McS¢ro†ie; Jan 12, 2014 @ 5:01pm
FattyMooMooMan Jan 12, 2014 @ 4:17am 
Guided missile might be tricky to get right without being overpowered unless the controls are tricky to use, but missiles with different flightpaths/the ability to switch mid-air could be a compromise, some bomb ideas to think about:

Boomerang missile - curves down and back around when button pressed or after a set amount of flight time..

Missile with a built in parachute - descent angle becomes almost vertical (maybe 15-20 degrees) when button pressed during flight.

Bomblet payload - can explode in mid air about 1/2 a standard bomb and drops 4 bomblets that do 1/8 - 1/4 what a normal bomb does.

Shrapnel bomb - when it hits the force is half normal but throws out a large number of small shrapnel items that do minor damage and possible set wood alight/ignite other bombes - could be used to take monsters out indirectly.

Triggered explosive - sticks where it hits, does a large amount of damage but needs to be hit by another bomb to set it off - should pack a big whallop. Once it sticks theres a little red arming light flashed on it.

I do think that the game needs a wider array of bomb types in the long run, maybe the community can suggest some more options for the devs?
Frozen Yoghurt Jan 12, 2014 @ 5:03am 
I'd love to get a Restart map button (obviously, it would only work if it's the first map of your track - else it will reset your whole track).
I have several times cursed at the game because I blew the very first shot and knew that I would not be able to complete the level now...
The only possibility at the moment is to go back to the map menu and restart (which is quite a few clicks and seconds away :( ).

I'm not too sure about the benefit of destroying additional items (cogs, chains, ...).
Is there any benefit (like a hidden point system?) to those?
If so, could you please show a final score at the moment - because at the moment I am not too sure whether I actually benefit from causing maximum mayhem :-D

How about a trade-in feature for the cards?
Many RPGs have a kind of gambling system where you buy an item for a decent amount of gold and it gets random stats (which could be total crap or a life-saver, depending whether you got lucky).
In this game I'd imagine you could select several cards you don't need and the game would calculate some sort of combined card value of the offer.
Then some logic would throw a few dices and award the player a random card that is within a few deviations of the offered value.
I.e. you could actually get a better card or a worse one - which is a nice counter-weight to boosting your favorite cards ;)

A rather small change would be to speed up the thumbs-up/-down animation.
I feel annoyed by how long it takes to display the tumb - especially since I just played the level and know whether I succeeded or not.
If the animation would simply play without any pauses then that would be great (it could pause once the thumb is shown and wait for a click - but everything else is just a waste of time I think).

How about a training/experimentation mode for a map?
It could unlock once you beat the map or have failed 3 times.
The function would be to test angles / bullets on this map - therefore you can choose freely from your card deck.
Each time you have shot a card, the game would allow to undo the damage and shoot again with another card.
(If the first shot was perfect, but the second was flawed, you could simply repeat it)
This mode would obviously not award any cards, but is merely a tool for casual mayhem and training :)
Last edited by Frozen Yoghurt; Jan 12, 2014 @ 5:05am
Kryttre  [developer] Jan 14, 2014 @ 2:14pm 
These are all great suggestions!

The next release should include some updated UI. You'll be able to minimize the Shot Selector to get a better view of the level. Hovering your mouse cursor over the selected card in the top right corner will enlarge the card so you can see it better. You'll be able to click through the win/lose card quicker. We've also started to add help to various screens starting with the World Map.

There should also be at least 10 new level cards in the next release, in addition to all-new level card story text.
Last edited by Kryttre; Jan 14, 2014 @ 2:15pm
VinceXavier Jan 16, 2014 @ 8:09am 
A few minor things that aren't all that related to the gameplay:

-I like the music in the main menu, but the actual game doesn't have much sound other than annoying lightning things and a bottle sound that I have no idea where it's coming from.

-The monster deaths don't really seem to be that rewarding, they just kind of lay there as they die. It might be nice to be able to click and go back to the tank, if you know the monster is going to die or you want to throw in a second shot?
Adaax Jan 18, 2014 @ 1:08pm 
Good game, as others have noted. A couple of things right off the bat:

- Shot trajectories. The dotted line you provide for shot guidance is confusing at best, misleading at worst. Does it measure angle and velocity, or just angle? Some of my projectiles would thud right to the ground after the initial lift, while others went in a much longer arc. Maybe this differs per artillery piece, but that isn't made clear.

- Damage physics. Why is it I can blow a big hole in a tower without causing any kind of collapse, unless I bump up into an explosive? It seems like any shot that doesn't trigger a chain reaction is wasted. Since some of these pieces are technically explosive, I thought I would see, you know, some kind of explosion, even when I didn't knock into a bomb or whatever. Unless I'm missing something.

Anyway, there's a lot of great stuff in here. Just want to give you the feedback you're asking for :)
Mephis Jan 18, 2014 @ 4:12pm 
As a multiplayer mode thinking of the campaign map it would be nice to battle against people for the one who collect more tiles on it, maybe coloring the border of the color of the player and when two player duel for a tiles already conquered the level could change to a versus game with offensive, defensive and other type of shoots....
As a bonus to it the player who conquer a x number of tiles gain a random new shoot to use against the others player likes a trapt to use in the map that increase the difficult level of a tiles or decrease the avaiable shoots of a player by one for a single turn.
Billfunk Jan 18, 2014 @ 11:20pm 
1. Economy. Pvp trading marketplace.
2. Boss levels
3. Tank upgrades (to increase power of munitions across the board, accuracy across the board, to show power and angle of elevation, to deploy a paratrooper/sappr/electrician,
4. Facility to build your own base, have it assigned a defense score and have other players take it on. Might make a nice metagame where only after playing for many hours do you get to build a superbase.
5. Improved tactical definition of levels with specific solutions and weak spots. At the moment it feels like levels have quite similar solutions.
6. Ability to choose munitions after seeing the level but prior to playing it.
7. Greater differentiation of munitions. Perhaps having the option of an aeroplane which flies over and drops bombs in an arc - timing would be tricky, aeroplane cards would be difficult to aquire.
8. Simpler mechanism to boost cards.
9. Design your own munition - more damage + utilty = higher cost.
Herr Klopek Jan 20, 2014 @ 7:33am 
Thanks, Adaax. This is the type of stuff we're happy to hear from our players. Keep 'em coming!

Originally posted by Adaax:
Good game, as others have noted. A couple of things right off the bat:

- Shot trajectories. The dotted line you provide for shot guidance is confusing at best, misleading at worst. Does it measure angle and velocity, or just angle? Some of my projectiles would thud right to the ground after the initial lift, while others went in a much longer arc. Maybe this differs per artillery piece, but that isn't made clear.

- Damage physics. Why is it I can blow a big hole in a tower without causing any kind of collapse, unless I bump up into an explosive? It seems like any shot that doesn't trigger a chain reaction is wasted. Since some of these pieces are technically explosive, I thought I would see, you know, some kind of explosion, even when I didn't knock into a bomb or whatever. Unless I'm missing something.

Anyway, there's a lot of great stuff in here. Just want to give you the feedback you're asking for :)
Herr Klopek Jan 20, 2014 @ 7:36am 
Hey Germano,
Thanks for the feedback, and these are definitely of use.
As for seeing what levels you've completed, you can do that from the main menu in your deck manager. You'll see which shots you've collected as well as what level cards you've completed.

The rest are good points, indeed, so we appreciate your feedback!
Originally posted by GermanoK21:
I really like this game. Its a good time waster with CCG mechanics. Here are my suggestion:

- Add some kind of currency (gold id good =D)
- Allow player to see which levels they've completed
- Give rewards for players when completing a level for the first time, and a smaller reward when finished the level again, to add some replayability
- Random Mode, pick 5 random levels
- Challenge Mode, players keep playing on a infinite(can have a limit, like 10 or 15) number of random selected levels, until they lose 3 lives. The further the player gets, the better the reward (just like arena in hearthstone)

CCG Mechanics
- I personally like collecting things, specially cards in CCGs. Give players some cosmetic cards to collect, like monsters. And some can be functional, like tank add-ons, or even spells (extra card draw, extra shot, double reward for completing the level)
- A shop so players can spend their currency on cards packs (offensive pack, defensive pack)

Keep up the good work! =)
Herr Klopek Jan 20, 2014 @ 7:40am 
Also thanks to frengodj, Billfunk and Xavier. These suggestions help us steer the game into a direction that everyone can benefit from. Thanks for the suggestions, guys!
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