Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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WBruce Aug 17, 2020 @ 5:51am
City Entrance Help
I always had a huge problem trying to connect my city highways to roads.
I can design amazing things that surprise myself, but I struggle with this basic issue.

In the image you can see both highways are put together so there is no space in between them.
I need to connect both to my entrance roundabout. The one you see is by no way final...I was just trying to recreate something I saw on video home-brewing it to my needs.

So how do I effectively connect two highways to a a road?
I do use a lot of mods and am well versed with most of the most used ones.

Yes, I am looking for a symmetric smooth connection...I am not asking how to just put two pieces together, I want the right angles.

I would appreciate any help.
Last edited by WBruce; Aug 18, 2020 @ 1:12am
Originally posted by MessengerOfRage:
I think Avanya is right and the OP doesn't like the looks of his Y connection where the highway joins the roundabout.

I allways build such stuff with normal roads (preferably the gravel road) first and then upgrade to highways.
it seems that highways use another set of construction rules ... as in it is easy to draw 90° angles with normal roads but highways allways want to curve.

you need the highways to be an even number of units apart. (to be able to put the 6 lane exactly in the middle)... redraw a stretch of highway if needed.

you want the Y to be as straight as possible as doing curved Y is a nightmare.
redraw the highway in a way that the last stretch towards the roundabout becomes straight.

as Avanya mentiones a broader 6 lane road helps the looks.

use streets to draw "helping lines" for construction.
like draw a street that will become the 6 lane.
draw a 4u long street 90° left from there (deactivate snap to road guidelines and snap to networks...only have snap to angle and snap to road lenght active when drawing helpers)
draw a 4u long street 90° right from there in the general direction where the highway comes from.
now draw a 3u long street at 90° right... it now should look like half a pincer.
mirror that on the other side of the 6lane....
the tips of the pincers are now 2u apart, connect streets there that will become the highway.

(all distances are atrificial numbers made up while writing, experiment a bit)

remove construction helper streets

connect the higways to the 6 lane... the longer those connecting arms the bigger the ugly triangle in the middle, but to short arms may glitch the terrain... but don't worry about the glitches at this point.

this is the point where I would upgrade the gravel road to the roads you want.

now it's all about the right curvature of the connectors, pull them outwards with move it and a bit towards the 6 lane. until you are happy with the looks. Finding the right curvature helps to shorten those connectors without terain glitches... if you don't find a curvature that doesn't glitch the connectors are to short. delete them, shorten the 6 lane by 1u and try again

in the end the form is more simmilar to the silhouette of a wine glas then a straight Y.... don't worry cars will still drive as if it was a Y ,

you will need a couple mods like move it, road anarchy, precission engeneering,.... (not sure if I remeber all)
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Showing 1-15 of 16 comments
snowflitzer Aug 17, 2020 @ 6:24pm 
Let me try to help you to understand the traffic in the game.

Your city needs, the bigger it gets more access to the highway. e.g. if you have a 1000 citizen you probably only need one. If you have 20,000 citizens you might need 2 access roads to highways.

In a city of over 100k, you want a highway going around or through your city with multiple access roads to and from the highway, with slip roads and with roads going from one district to another district without even connecting to your highway.

Then a highway connects to an Avenue or at least to 4-6 lanes two roads going through your city with only 2-5 intersections max and without traffic lights slowing them down. It is your major road through your city. Maybe you have another one from a different side?! If they cross, either you need to make a massive roundabout and/or you have both passing each without even directly connecting with each other.

The roads usually connecting to your major artery would be 4-lanes avenues both ways.
From there you sprawl off to smaller roads etc.

I hope this helps and makes sense.
Otherwise, add me as a friend and I show you how I build my cities or watch some Biffa videos on traffic rules.
caseyas435943 Aug 17, 2020 @ 7:20pm 
Yup. Remember options. If you build one way in don't be shocked if traffic gets nasty. They have only 1 option.

Had a person screaming the AI in the game is #%$#^%$. "All they do is drive right through the middle of my city causing traffic jams." Then I looked at his city and he had one road going through middle of his city. Where did he expect them to drive?

I told him that and he got quite shaped tongued with me. Telling me I didn't know what I was talking about. Well that's true most of the time:) But not this time.
WBruce Aug 18, 2020 @ 1:00am 
I appreciate your effort and time friend. Nonetheless, it didn't help. I didn't talk about traffic and I actually have no problems at all in that realm. I am a very experienced player that do some advanced stuff (I don't want this to sound the wrong way - I am just trying to highlight that I already mastered the game basics and I am usually talking about pro techniques).

On this topic my only concern is design. My Y connection don't have the right angles. I wouldn't have a roundabout with roads connecting to random points in the circumference, they must be symmetrical and connect to the "Cardinal" points.

I also don't want to stretch highways in opposing directions and connecting to different places. Since they are coming side by side from a long way I want to connect them to the same place at the end - poetical I know, but as I said I am looking for design.

I use move it, anarchy and everything else, but when it comes to connect both highways to a single avenue or point in a roundabout I don't get good results.
WBKotter (Banned) Aug 18, 2020 @ 2:49am 
If you’re going to bring your highways together, they may as well be two-way roads but as a pro you probably already knew that.
If your issue is that divided highways don’t like to merge at odd angles then you might use your amazing abilities to create a roundabout that accepts more poetic intersections.
Someone with your vast experience should have no problem at all using either precision engineering and or the editor to work it out.
WBruce Aug 18, 2020 @ 3:09am 
Maybe my English is not good enough, but I did my best to try to avoid this. It really makes me sad. I never claimed to have amazing abilities and never though that highly about myself.

You know, the simple idea that I asked for help should show that.

I said it didn't help because he opened the discussion, but mostly because I hoped to still get an answer.

I am playing since the first Sim City game, and CS since it first came out. I watched many youtube videos from a lot of different players - Strictoaster being my favorite, and I learned from them. Sometimes I struggle, sometimes I can't replicate what I saw, and sometimes I get away from the game and forget things I learned.

Like anything in life, we get better when we try hard and practice, and in that we start to see things in a more complex way naturally. That's all. I see a different level of answers for a player that don't use mods, play the vanilla game without dlcs from others that mod, tweak and stretch the game (which is still a valid way to use the software) to their liking. One had learned things the other is only starting, naturally. I don't think that is a bad thing at all.

If I can't come to the forums and try to find like minded players that faced the same problems as myself and are ahead of me in the learning curving where should I go?
If I take one kind of answer for the other I won't learn and will be stagnated.

Oh, one more thing, I've met many people in life that could do a lot of advanced stuff and for many reasons struggled with more basic ones and vice versa, so it is a possibility that I might do some pro stuff and yet have a hard time with simple mechanics, and am just trying to navigate the language barrier to do the best I can.

It's easy to just wait for the worst in everyone nowadays, I certainly try to give others my best and in that lies honesty as it lies politeness.
Last edited by WBruce; Aug 18, 2020 @ 3:32am
WBKotter (Banned) Aug 18, 2020 @ 3:35am 
You are right of course I must have misunderstood your comments. I was under the impression that you were having difficulty connecting highways to runabout? Perhaps you could explain just exactly what your issue actually is?
Avanya Aug 18, 2020 @ 3:36am 
I think I get what you're looking for. You'd like a better way to connect the highway. This part circled in this screenshot is what you're not happy with yes?

I would use the wider avenue road like you have at the opposite side. It will give you more space to have the highways connect in a way that looks more natural and adds some symmetry to your intersection.

Something along these lines:
WBKotter (Banned) Aug 18, 2020 @ 3:44am 
If Avanya is correct about the point in question, then I totally agree, You could use copy or free hand it to get there. If the roundabout design is the issue I defer to my original post of using PE and AE to create what you need. Or..... Easier still... Search Workshop for desired intersection.
Such as;
Last edited by WBKotter; Aug 18, 2020 @ 4:45am
WBruce Aug 18, 2020 @ 5:17am 
Hi Avanya, big fan of your assets here. In fact I almost posted a comment on your terraced planter yesterday.

That is exactly what I meant. The red circled area. Although I have to say I tried that already without success. I would like that option better.

The great difference I see in your image is that the highways are not put together. There is about one unit of space in between them. I am not sure that matters but at least for me it seems to make a difference.

Anyway, although I was able to reproduce what you did in the past that is exactly my problem now. I can't get a good result out of that. I am probably doing something wrong that I can't pinpoint, but I can't do what you did.
The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
MessengerOfRage Aug 18, 2020 @ 5:22am 
I think Avanya is right and the OP doesn't like the looks of his Y connection where the highway joins the roundabout.

I allways build such stuff with normal roads (preferably the gravel road) first and then upgrade to highways.
it seems that highways use another set of construction rules ... as in it is easy to draw 90° angles with normal roads but highways allways want to curve.

you need the highways to be an even number of units apart. (to be able to put the 6 lane exactly in the middle)... redraw a stretch of highway if needed.

you want the Y to be as straight as possible as doing curved Y is a nightmare.
redraw the highway in a way that the last stretch towards the roundabout becomes straight.

as Avanya mentiones a broader 6 lane road helps the looks.

use streets to draw "helping lines" for construction.
like draw a street that will become the 6 lane.
draw a 4u long street 90° left from there (deactivate snap to road guidelines and snap to networks...only have snap to angle and snap to road lenght active when drawing helpers)
draw a 4u long street 90° right from there in the general direction where the highway comes from.
now draw a 3u long street at 90° right... it now should look like half a pincer.
mirror that on the other side of the 6lane....
the tips of the pincers are now 2u apart, connect streets there that will become the highway.

(all distances are atrificial numbers made up while writing, experiment a bit)

remove construction helper streets

connect the higways to the 6 lane... the longer those connecting arms the bigger the ugly triangle in the middle, but to short arms may glitch the terrain... but don't worry about the glitches at this point.

this is the point where I would upgrade the gravel road to the roads you want.

now it's all about the right curvature of the connectors, pull them outwards with move it and a bit towards the 6 lane. until you are happy with the looks. Finding the right curvature helps to shorten those connectors without terain glitches... if you don't find a curvature that doesn't glitch the connectors are to short. delete them, shorten the 6 lane by 1u and try again

in the end the form is more simmilar to the silhouette of a wine glas then a straight Y.... don't worry cars will still drive as if it was a Y ,

you will need a couple mods like move it, road anarchy, precission engeneering,.... (not sure if I remeber all)
Last edited by MessengerOfRage; Aug 18, 2020 @ 5:28am
MessengerOfRage Aug 18, 2020 @ 5:25am 
Originally posted by WBruce:
The great difference I see in your image is that the highways are not put together. There is about one unit of space in between them. I am not sure that matters but at least for me it seems to make a difference.

exactly, they need to be spaced an even number of u so the 6 lane can point at the middle between the 2 highways... smaller highways can be spaced 2u.... I think from 4 lane up you need to space them 4u or they overlap.
OneJasonBradly Aug 18, 2020 @ 6:05am
Perhaps this clip can help some with understanding.
Avanya Aug 18, 2020 @ 6:38am 
Originally posted by WBruce:
Hi Avanya, big fan of your assets here. In fact I almost posted a comment on your terraced planter yesterday.

That is exactly what I meant. The red circled area. Although I have to say I tried that already without success. I would like that option better.

The great difference I see in your image is that the highways are not put together. There is about one unit of space in between them. I am not sure that matters but at least for me it seems to make a difference.

Anyway, although I was able to reproduce what you did in the past that is exactly my problem now. I can't get a good result out of that. I am probably doing something wrong that I can't pinpoint, but I can't do what you did.

If you use Move It, moving the nodes closer might help. Or pulling the curve on the segments further out. I drew a bit on my screenshot to show kinda how those lines look with Move It to get the effect I wanted.
WBruce Aug 18, 2020 @ 6:42am 
Thank you for the tips.

I did what Cookyman said and it worked. It took me sometime to get the result I wanted but it finally came through.

Although I wanted it to be curved I ended up going straight at least until I master it.
Another thing worth mention is that I was able to get it to work without any space at all between the highways.

Really appreciate the help everyone.
Last edited by WBruce; Aug 18, 2020 @ 6:47am
WhiteKnight77 Aug 18, 2020 @ 6:44am 
Overcharged Egg shows a nice way to start a city and get symetrical connections to different road types in this video.
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Date Posted: Aug 17, 2020 @ 5:51am
Posts: 16