Cities: Skylines
Issues with game due worse update
Issues, bugs and other things with this game. I can not longer use Steam Workshop content after that worse update, from Feb 9 2023.
Game shows some messages, who are not helpful. I see strange things.

Many delays, game is not responding for seconds or waiting for something.
Blue or white thing on roads and buildings.
Some items can be missing.
White full screen bug and game does not work longer and I must remove Cities.exe from the Taskmanager list, repleast after x hours.

I can not longer enjoy my game.
Several items are not fixed and/or still missing.

It is not my game and repair game via Steam give only back the bad files.

Same for new cities started by myself.

I want to use the Steam Workshop Content who I could use before, because they make playing better, add things to game which the game does not have or work very slow.

Remove that worse update!
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Показані коментарі 115 із 48
Don't waste your time mate. He does not want to listen.
Цитата допису LordOmar2:
verify your game files
update your mods (which you use on your own risk!)
unsub the mods who are broken...

and remember that CO/Paradox aren't in chrage of fixing Mods

and "remove update".. *rolls eyes* yeah sure.. I'm sure they will do that... taking out the new items and such
(even so I agree that the new city quay needs fixing)

Verify game files via Steam do nothing for me and only give back the bad files from this worse update.
Remove this and my game will work again. Other players do say this too.
Other updates before do not do this poor work.

I can only run the game without Steam Workshop Content, but still having issues, crashes, being slow and not fast responding. I can not enjoy the game without Steam Workshop Content, things who add items to make game better. Or just to see what other players made as cities.

CO/Paradox added that the game can work with Steam Workshop Content. Now they change something in their game to make this work do not let longer. So, they are not in charge?...
Adding new (less usefull) things and do not fix issues stays not good.
Same for getting new issues, who can not be there anymore,
Verify game files again. Do not revert back to older versions.

After verifying the game files I suggest you do the following:

- Subscribe to the 'Compatibility Report' mod (link below).
- Go to the Main Menu of the game, then the Content Manager.
- Enable this mod, and exit the game to the desktop.
- Start the game again.
- Go to the Main Menu of the game, then the Options Menu.
- Go to the options menu of the Compatibility Report mod.
- Click on the button called 'Generate Report'.
- Click on the button called 'Open Report'.

Read the entire report you now see. Literally from top to bottom. It holds crucial information on how to deal with mods. It tells you which mods are broken and incompatible with either the current game version or other mods.

After doing this you'll have a far better understanding on mod use, AND you're game should work again. If this is not the case, you might have a corrupt save.

Link to the Compatibility Report:
Цитата допису snowflitzer:
Don't waste your time mate. He does not want to listen.
Цитата допису MaxFX:
Link to the Compatibility Report:

How to use this without Steam Workshop Content is working?
DD (Заблокований) 7 квіт. 2023 о 4:58 
If you've turned workshop off and don't know or understand how to turn it back on there's only one other thing you can do. Makes no difference really if it was you or the steam update. If your access to workshop is gone. Just uninstall then reinstall the game. BUT before you do that be sure to backup any saved games you may have created.
I used Steam Workshop Content before this worse update.
my brain hurts from reading this.
I start the game with -noWorkshop -noMods options and still having bugs, who are added with base game and/or so called updates and/or DLCs. Not having Steam Workshop is less fun and missing some tools. Also can not see saved games from other players.

Random and repeat game stops working for a few seconds or less, Game is waiting on something and does not repond. I can not move the map or do my actions. Andimations (moving cars, trains, boats, rain and buildings) stop too.

I still see a big white screen, like snow for your window. My game is gone and you can not play with it anymore. I must delete Cities.exe from Taskman list.

Still missing roads and buildings in cities with Public Transport, 2 or more types at 1 builiding.

Also why stupid lanucher who does not adding more to game ands gets corrupted after some period.
With -noWorkshop -noMods options still seeing many times the white screens, crashing and a not responding game. Something is very wrong deep inside this game. Bugs rise due this so called update who beeing not good and fixing any of my issues.
Цитата допису Ralf Ferdius:
With -noWorkshop -noMods options still seeing many times the white screens, crashing and a not responding game. Something is very wrong deep inside this game. Bugs rise due this so called update who beeing not good and fixing any of my issues.

Please make a reporton our support forum so we can look into this. We will need to see your output_log.txt (called player.log on Mac and Linux) to be able to help, which cannot be attached here on Steam.

Depending on your operating system the log can be found here:
<Epic Games>\CitiesSkylines\Cities_Data\output_log.txt

Mac OS X

~/.config/unity3d/Colossal Order/Cities: Skylines/Player.log
Bugs list added / update.

Issues, bugs, questions and other things with the game, already the basegame, DLC, updates ann also Steam Workshop content.

Stupid and useless launcher, Launcher does not add something more, due you find evertying in main menu. Launcher can stop working and then you might reinstall it. Or try first to verify game files via Steam program.

Missing some tutorial to learn the game.

Even loading a new game can take up to 10 minutes. And more. In yet less times, game crashed or stop responding for x minutes.

Stupid and useless bird at top window in every city. No option to remove it.

Game stops working after x minutes and repeats. Game does not longer resond and seems waiting on something. Animations (water, vehicles and weather) stop too. After x minutes this repeats. Unknown what and why.

No easy difficulty option as choise.

Game crashes after few days or hours playing. Big white full screen. I can not see anything anymore and everyting not saved is lost. You can wait a few minutes or hours, but this does not change. Sometimes changing windows or clicking on let Windows say Cities.exe dis domething wrong and must be closed.

Sometimes white shapes are visible on a few roads and buildings. This is not snow.
Sometimes soft blue shapes are visible on a few roads and buildings. This is not water.

Can not longer use Steam Workshop Content due last and poor made so called update and you can not remove it to solve it.
That worse update from Feb 9 2023. Other players are saying the same things about it.

Before, I like to try saved cities from other players, but not everyone worked. So far I see strange (error) messages. Loading takes forever or stops someway. Some have missing or wrong items, there are empty places on the map. I can see strange things: Missing roads (parts), floating cars, high water. empty / white map tiles. Game does not replace these missing items for basic ones or a near item with "missing".

I can not longer enjoy my game. Several things are still not fixed or just missing.
Renaming game folder and Steam Workshop Content folders with game files verification do nothing to solve it.

After some saved game gets loaded, then the game shows strange error messages many times and they are not saved to some text file, it seems.

Moving around map can be slow, must wait a small time before game respond to these actions. Same for zoom in and zoom out for longer become slow for a few seconds or minutes.

Saving you game is slow. Automatic selected file name is poor or not visible, soft on soft color. I must wait a few minutes before I can click on the saving button and confirm overwrite action.

Names for cities in start a new city / map have limit and fast used again.

Default buildings are too smal and look old in bigger cities.

Shovel tool is slow. There is no height indicator as in Map Editor and this make small different heights on maps. Game still shows new land added as water and you can nott build on it.

Common industrial zoneworks, but specialized (farm, forrest, oil and iron/diamonds) not. Nothing seems to happen there, even with water / sewer and electricity added. With police added and fire stations added too. I must use space for other things fast or later.

No option or tool to remove the nature items only. Like stones or trees.

Game does not remember the settings from shovel tool and road tools.

On way road work only in direction they are made. Most times other direction works better.

Unable to build on yet made land, game does not register and things I am still building in water.

Names for districts and parks can be repeated and do not fit for their thing. Like pine for forrest industrial zone. Park and garden for parks.

Hydro dams do not work. Unable to make electricity by using them, building stays black.

Trains get stuck and do not move anymore, even outside the cities.

Missing several road combinations with other Public Transportation buildings / options.
I see only 6 platforms train station with metro, 12 / 2x6 platforms train station with metro, 2 platforms train station with metro and monorail. No bus combinations option(s) here. No tram combinations option(s) here. No ferry and boat combinations option(s) here. No train, metro, tram and ono rail combinations or just 3 of them.
Big airport has metro station and nothing more.

Power lines do poor or not connect, to zones and roads, must use pre built buildings (like parks, schools or fire stations) to connect them. Just a little bit next to a road and power line does not connect.

Game does not show (always) some message about missing required and used DLC.

After finishing last Milestone game does not unlock new tiles. Still having 9 in more choices and not 25 tiles. Also there is no option so sell back a tile, when yo do not want to use that tile anymore.

Power lines seems to stop working after some time playing for unkown reasons, whilem oney is still set on 100%.

Can not always remove items near and on city borders. Same for when items are placed halfway on city borders.

There is no counter / tool to measure the distance from roads and items.
Blue one when making roads is poor visible, as degrees and price do not always show.

Info / detail window from buildings seems many times in your way.

Placing highway roads will bend quickly when not needed.

Upgrading or changing to one way road does not work, wrong arrow direction.

Can not change or upgrade roads fixed to some buildings and items. Like the harbor buildings for cargo and people. They have already roads connected to them, but like a train station or park you must first make a road.

People can park their vehicles on some broad roads (2, 4, 6 lanes) and their is no option to remove these vehicles.

Water and sewer pipes can stop working while amount is far in green. 2x or more needed. Also laying them in tree shapes gives problems, must connect them in loops.

Can not remove garbage dumps rectangles.

Power lines get (too fast) removed without asking, but this will happen when your delete buildings and items.

In Map Editor testing your yet made map, you must complete everything from begin.
There is no option to unlock everyting / skip things.

Can not remove dead body gardens rectangles.

There is no single lane one way road, one way road(s) with bike lane in both directions and one way road with tram lines in both directions.

Not always possible to make Public Transportation lines, when road or track is connected.
Also for ferry lines. Like having bigger islands connected with each others with ferry lines seems not always working. Short distances can work better then longer distances between several ferry stops.
You need 2 loops on both sides / directions for 1 tram line. Making it is not easy to use tram.
For train, metro and monorail you need at least 2 station buildings and connect their rails / track between them.

Prices new tiles get more after another new choice to buy them.
You can just buy 1 new tile.

Cheap gravel road is placed last in line in the Roads tab.

Stones and other small items are difficult to remove, not select and filter option was added in bulldozer tool.

If you made a set of roads parts and what to use it again, there is no way to do that. Same when you must move a set of roads parts just a small distance.

Vehicles use wrong lanes on round abouts. If 2 lanes or more, they do not keep right.

Border in center on main roads / avenues (2x2) are missing, traffic will turn left and cross upcomming traffic, which making slow and give danger.

One way roads should have their own tab, now browsing too them takes long time.

Type roads are not visible in underground view.

Missing parking spaces and parking garage buildings.

Tool to make lines is at last, which makes it difficult to go to it and back to roads or buildings here. Why there are canals before the ferry line?

Paths should be a seperate option or added to Roads under its own tab.

Green and blue helper lines for roads are poor visible. You can not change their colors and being more bold.

Trains should be first or faster to unlock as Public Transportation buildings.

Missing the main road / avenue (2x2) one way road.

Difficult to place canals near other things. Not always able or difficult to place a road above them. Deep and wide canals do not let place roads on them.

The road with people path near it should be the default road used for access roads.

Less or no difference between rail / track Public Transportation. Difficult to see rail / track types. Train and metro look very same.

For unkown reason having 1 industrial zone, but 2 residental zones (low and high) and 3 commercial zones (low, high and offices). While airports and harbors/ports, garbage, water and sewer, Public Transportation buildings do count as industrial zones too.

Traffic gets fast stuck on highways, keep driving on same roads and not keeping right.
Traffic stops and let others go first on highways. Make strange moves, with slowing down the other traffic.

If you make a road set where traffic goes from one way roads to a main road / avenue, the can turn on the part where all are connected to each others. A border here or something else should prevent this. Because this makes traffic slow and can add more danger.

Buildings have high buy prices and very low working values.
In a city with 3-4K people I do need already 6 buildings.

Unable to make park paths and college paths to go underground, to place main roads / avenues above them.

Game adds stop lights to crossings on bigger roads as main roads / avenues. There are stop signs but they are wrong ones, need the upside triangle signs instead.

Money you get for having new Milesone is just enough to make small fixes. To buy a new needed building or buy an new Tile or just add one new added building. Lower prices or more money.

Train tacks should be added under Roads under its own tab.
Same for monorail, tram and metro.
Game shows canals double, at Landscaping and in Ferry/Ship tab.

Do you pay for highways already placed on the map inside your city borders?

For unkown reason, game crashed or closed already one time, without asking me and giving a message.

Автор останньої редакції: Ralf Ferdius; 25 квіт. 2023 о 18:35
You need help from paradox forums (the devs):

First, read this post and gather all info it asks for:

Then, take all if that info and start a new "Report Issue" and "attach" all files to the end of the post:

Nothing can be done until you do this!
If you can't do this, then I'm afraid that you will need unsubscribe all workshop and just start a new game so you can at least play the game.

Nothing more we can really do.

All of your issues are workshop related and we can't get the correct information from you to help fix it.

Good luck.
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Показані коментарі 115 із 48
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Опубліковано: 7 квіт. 2023 о 2:32
Дописів: 48