Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Mikessnow Mar 16, 2020 @ 3:42am
This game is so broken.
So many things are terrible in this game and make zero sense, just bad programming I suppose. Bought pretty much all the DLC knowing what paradox is like to maybe solve the issues and it didn't.

Most recent example I build one school and my whole industry and commercial areas collapse like wtf!
Last edited by Mikessnow; Mar 16, 2020 @ 5:21am
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Showing 1-15 of 20 comments
Future Mar 16, 2020 @ 1:45pm 
I agree it is a bit complicated, and are you asking got help or are just talking?
snowflitzer Mar 17, 2020 @ 2:20am 
Originally posted by Mikessnow:
So many things are terrible in this game and make zero sense, just bad programming I suppose. Bought pretty much all the DLC knowing what paradox is like to maybe solve the issues and it didn't.

Most recent example I build one school and my whole industry and commercial areas collapse like wtf!

Without more information, I cannot help you. Is it a vanilla school or a workshop school?
Without a screenshot or a save game, we can only guess.

I have plenty of schools and built many cities but I haven't come across the issue. It could be a mod that conflicts something.

I am happy to load your save to find what's happening.
Show us your output log would help us to help you.
Mikessnow Mar 17, 2020 @ 2:33am 
I'm not looking for help, more of a statement. I don't use mods. Open any stream without mods and the player is usually having issues of some sort, appreciate the offer of help, it's not just the school, the whole progression of the game is scuffed and has many issues and all you need to do is load the game vanilla to figure that out.

Annoys me so much people like you are willing to help and people make mods that fix the game out of their own free time while this company makes so much money to do what people are doing for free and making a better job of it.
Last edited by Mikessnow; Mar 17, 2020 @ 4:03am
Streeto Mar 17, 2020 @ 3:18am 
Did you really pay $200 for all the DLC? You need a financial adviser mate lol... why would you buy so much DLC for a game you've barely played??

I know you're probably gonna go ape s*** at me for that, but let it all out, better out than in.

Seriously though, what issues are you talking about other than this weird school glitch that I've never hard or seen myself (900 hours played~), you didn't mention anything else?

Nice rant I guess lol...

Edit: Also there was no need to go off on the first responder like that, makes you look like a tw**. English obviously isn't his first language, he agreed with you and then just asked if you were asking for help or ranting.
Last edited by Streeto; Mar 17, 2020 @ 3:21am
Mikessnow Mar 17, 2020 @ 3:48am 
Originally posted by Streeto:
Did you really pay $200 for all the DLC? You need a financial adviser mate lol... why would you buy so much DLC for a game you've barely played??

I know you're probably gonna go ape s*** at me for that, but let it all out, better out than in.

Seriously though, what issues are you talking about other than this weird school glitch that I've never hard or seen myself (900 hours played~), you didn't mention anything else?

Nice rant I guess lol...

Edit: Also there was no need to go off on the first responder like that, makes you look like a tw**. English obviously isn't his first language, he agreed with you and then just asked if you were asking for help or ranting.

No, I got them cheap and also some keys from people I know. Same with EU4 and others but you're completing missing the point by even saying that and the reason for DLC is because most paradox games are just a skeleton of it's potential as most people know. Why would I go mad at you for that?

As I said, there's a lot of issues and I started watching streams of people and the ones without mods are constantly having issues and most of the "good" mods are literal fixes for the game. That's great you've never had a issue or one you're willing to see, different people have higher expectations I guess.

You talk about going off on people but again I deal with it on a daily basis and I said to the person I'm not sure whether you're trolling or not, the funny part is how you then go on to be a "twt", the irony.
Last edited by Mikessnow; Mar 17, 2020 @ 4:05am
ams083 Mar 17, 2020 @ 4:20am 
Originally posted by Mikessnow:

No, I got them cheap, same with the EU4 and others but you're completing missing the point by even saying that. Why would I go mad at you for that?

As I said, there's a lot of issues and I started watching streams of people and the ones without mods are constantly having issues and most of the "good" mods are literal fixes for the game. That's great you've never had a issue or one you're willing to see, different people have higher expectations I guess.

whilst I haven’t experienced the issue you’re having, I get what you’re saying. I played the game vanilla for a small while when I first got it, but a few things here and there bothered me.

Whilst I know no game would ever be perfect, the modders & asset creators we have here have made the game, in my opinion. I think CO/PDX should be greatly acknowledging what the modders do for the game (they do to some small extent), as I believe that without them, to a certain extent this game wouldn’t be as successful as it is.
Mikessnow Mar 17, 2020 @ 4:53am 
Originally posted by ams083:
Originally posted by Mikessnow:

No, I got them cheap, same with the EU4 and others but you're completing missing the point by even saying that. Why would I go mad at you for that?

As I said, there's a lot of issues and I started watching streams of people and the ones without mods are constantly having issues and most of the "good" mods are literal fixes for the game. That's great you've never had a issue or one you're willing to see, different people have higher expectations I guess.

whilst I haven’t experienced the issue you’re having, I get what you’re saying. I played the game vanilla for a small while when I first got it, but a few things here and there bothered me.

Whilst I know no game would ever be perfect, the modders & asset creators we have here have made the game, in my opinion. I think CO/PDX should be greatly acknowledging what the modders do for the game (they do to some small extent), as I believe that without them, to a certain extent this game wouldn’t be as successful as it is.

Very true, I want to play the game so much, not many games within this genre and within the genres paradox make on the market but I just can't bring myself to use mods, I've always been like that but I still notice through youtube, twitch etc how essential they are to gaming in this day in age.
Last edited by Mikessnow; Mar 17, 2020 @ 4:54am
davejplatt Mar 17, 2020 @ 5:11am 
The game is fine, you just need to learn how to play it. Probably would have been better spending some time on vanilla first before overloading yourself with all that DLC. Some of the DLC doesn't work as well as it might and you could have picked that up from reading some of the reviews before you bought it all.
I know this isn't what you want to hear and judging by your earlier responses you'll probably go off on one over what I'm saying, so go ahead knock yourself out. because I sorta find ranting kind of posts a little amusing, as I'm sure many others here also do.
Originally posted by davejplatt:
The game is fine, you just need to learn how to play it. Probably would have been better spending some time on vanilla first before overloading yourself with all that DLC. Some of the DLC doesn't work as well as it might and you could have picked that up from reading some of the reviews before you bought it all.
I know this isn't what you want to hear and judging by your earlier responses you'll probably go off on one over what I'm saying, so go ahead knock yourself out. because I sorta find ranting kind of posts a little amusing, as I'm sure many others here also do.

Quoted for truth...

As an example that "I will no longer buy blah... Blah... Blah!" thread that's now 940+ responses long and refuses to die off.
InteraMR Mar 17, 2020 @ 5:22am 
The game is not broken, there are minor bugs here and there but the devs fix them constantly.
A school shouldnt cause such issue, something ales caused it, the most common cause of such problems is when you upgrade roads, maybe you placed a one way road and blocked a whole area form access? maybe you removed a road by mistake, many things can cause this, not a school
Mikessnow Mar 17, 2020 @ 5:28am 
Originally posted by davejplatt:
The game is fine, you just need to learn how to play it. Probably would have been better spending some time on vanilla first before overloading yourself with all that DLC. Some of the DLC doesn't work as well as it might and you could have picked that up from reading some of the reviews before you bought it all.
I know this isn't what you want to hear and judging by your earlier responses you'll probably go off on one over what I'm saying, so go ahead knock yourself out. because I sorta find ranting kind of posts a little amusing, as I'm sure many others here also do.

I'm not bothered about feeling as if I wasted money, I don't care.

The game is not fine.

I have looked into the DLC before I bought it and if I spent all my time looking into that I wouldn't have time to do anything and again missing the point, extra content is great, I wouldn't say it's overloading at all, it's pretty basic but even the basics don't work and that's why people mod it, you say it's fine and if that were true people wouldn't have to mod the specific fundamentals of the game to make it work the way it should.
Future Mar 17, 2020 @ 5:37am 
hey guys how about we calm down a bit before things get ugly
davejplatt Mar 17, 2020 @ 5:50am 
Originally posted by Mikessnow:
I have looked into the DLC before I bought it and if I spent all my time looking into that I wouldn't have time to do anything and again missing the point, extra content is great, I wouldn't say it's overloading at all, it's pretty basic but even the basics don't work and that's why people mod it, you say it's fine and if that were true people wouldn't have to mod the specific fundamentals of the game to make it work the way it should.

The basics do work, the game wouldn't have so many players if the basics didn't work. Games where the basics fail, die off pretty quickly because players are quick to pick up on really bad design and make it public.
I don't believe that the majority of modders here are making mods to fix a game that is broken, they are improving the game for their own and other players benefit. In some instances they will be making changes, so that players can play the game a certain way which is not available with the base game.
There aren't many things in this world that are the best they could be, things are constantly being improved. I know it's sometimes frustrating when a game falls short of our, sometimes, high expectations but that's the way of progress.
When I consider the many hours of entertainment I have had from games versus the amount of money I have spent, I have to say that in most instances, games are great value for money.
Streeto Mar 17, 2020 @ 6:09am 
Originally posted by Albob:
Originally posted by Mikessnow:
I got flagged as a disrespectful post which is funny considering the original comment from the person was meant to be sarcastic and condescending. That comment is still there.

Then the next comments was two people defending someone else's right to do that and for me not to be able to reply, protected boys with big mouths, same old forums and they are still there, just goes to show.

They can give the abuse but can't take it.

I hate steam moderators

The moderators do seem quite trigger happy as of late... I didn't personally flag the post btw.

My final comment is this; Regardless of the issue you're experiencing (which sucks), this game is pretty basic without mods. It's the kind of game that's designed to be modded extensively, and Paradox have designed it that way. They've even implemented features into the game that were only possible through modding previously, so they're taking notes.

Second to Planet Coaster, it's one of the most heavily modded games on Steam.
Last edited by Streeto; Mar 17, 2020 @ 6:11am
Avanya Mar 17, 2020 @ 7:21am 
Alright people, let's quit the insults and attempts to provoke each other. Feel free to discuss the game and things you wish were different, but disagreeing is not an excuse for going off on each other.
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Date Posted: Mar 16, 2020 @ 3:42am
Posts: 20