Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Mad Aug 27, 2020 @ 9:51am
Intercity trains not coming to main station
I've checked the broken mods list, non of my mods are listed - tried re-connecting the train line itself. No trains come to the station, yet the area around the station has population and areas for tourists. Not using any train related mods or assets and the main station is the first station from an outside connection.
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Showing 1-12 of 12 comments
A Fat, Angry Serval Aug 27, 2020 @ 10:34am 
First off, click on the station to bring up the building dialog and check if "allow intercity trains" is enabled. If it's not enabled, enable it. If it is and you have any other stations on the map, check to see if they have it enabled. Only enable intercity trains on stations that you specifically want to have intercity trains, and disable it on stations that you only use for local trains.
Avanya Aug 28, 2020 @ 3:33am 
Hmm, I think sharing your save is the easiest way for us to help figure out what's up here. You can do that by going into the Content Manager, then find the Savegames category and select your save. Click the Share butten, give it a name and description if you'd like and then click Upload. Then copy the url of the page that appears and post it here.
Mad Aug 28, 2020 @ 8:24am 
Originally posted by Avanya:
Hmm, I think sharing your save is the easiest way for us to help figure out what's up here. You can do that by going into the Content Manager, then find the Savegames category and select your save. Click the Share button, give it a name and description if you'd like and then click Upload. Then copy the URL of the page that appears and post it here.

Here is the link for the savegame:
kristofburger Aug 28, 2020 @ 8:32am 
I can already see the problem based on the savegame thumbnail, since you're using one of the multiplatform stations from Mass Transit.

The map you're playing on is Arid Plains which has a total of four intercity train connections. Out of these you're probably using two at most since the rest are outside of your city's limits. The game assigns every intercity connection to a specific platform, so it's likely that your rails aren't connected to platforms the way the game wants. You need to connect all platforms to intercity connections currently in use, there's no other way to find out which intercity link is connected to which platform.
Last edited by kristofburger; Aug 28, 2020 @ 8:35am
WhiteKnight77 Aug 28, 2020 @ 9:43am 
I posted about this not long ago with the End Of Line Train Station thread and show what I did to alleviate the problem. Of note is to ensure that one main line has branches to all platforms. In my example above, I tried to have a couple of different lines connect to the station, but would not as they did not connect to the one line that feeds the majority of the platforms. I hope that makes sense. If not, I will post screens showing what I am talking about.
Mad Aug 29, 2020 @ 7:44am 
Originally posted by WhiteKnight77:
I posted about this not long ago with the End Of Line Train Station thread and show what I did to alleviate the problem. Of note is to ensure that one main line has branches to all platforms. In my example above, I tried to have a couple of different lines connect to the station, but would not as they did not connect to the one line that feeds the majority of the platforms. I hope that makes sense. If not, I will post screens showing what I am talking about.

All platforms have a way to connect to the exit connection - still no Intercity trains

WhiteKnight77 Aug 29, 2020 @ 11:52am 
I took at look at your city and you did exactly what I did when I first used the End Of Line Train Station and talked about in that thread. While in my case, I had only connected the intercity line and an intracity line to the station, you did the same thing except you did connect intracity lines to all the platforms. You need to connect the intercity line to all or most of the platforms. I took some screens and will post them shortly.
WhiteKnight77 Aug 29, 2020 @ 12:39pm 
Here is what I did and what I found out about your city as I played it for a bit. This shot is of your train tracks before I added to them[]. While you have tracks running to all the platforms, only one platform has intercity tracks running to the station, the one on the far right. That set of tracks is not connected to the other platforms.

This screen is a shot of the tracks[] after I added to what you had and made some small adjustments to get them to connect. Notice the orange train on the left. That is your intercity train to outside connections as you can see here[]. The blue train is from a station I added on the other side of the river. Give tourists a place to go once they get to the end of line station.

A rider is entering the station on the other side of the river[] on a side road I put the station on to keep the noise from bothering the cims in the low density residential area. Notice that there are bus stops on either side of the road. I moved the stops for your lines to near the station and put an elevated walkway over the road so cims could cross the street to the station easier and without needed to walk around the corner and back to use a crosswalk.

As you can see, both intercity and intracity trains are using the station[]. In my city, I have intercity trains using 2 different platforms (see the screens in the linked thread above) and are dropping off tourists[] in your city. This night shot of your city[] shows some additions I had made to your city.

I made the changes to the tracks while on pause and when I unpaused your game, you had cims in the residential area across the river from the tracks complaining of low land value due to pollution and lack of services. The population dropped down and built back up. Make your changes to the train tracks on pause, dezone industry on the road closest to the residential area and plant trees, lots of them, they will help reduce the pollution there.

Also, in that area near the station with nothing in it, dezone all of that as well and add zones in smaller sections verses everything at once, I had something like 46% unemployment rates and industry wanting workers. If that happens and a building is abandoned, bulldoze it and dezone it. And add more services all around. It looks like you have plenty of parks so far, but clinics, fire houses, police stations and trash services are needed. Set districts and give then policies, and increase taxes for everyone to 12%.

If you want the city as I reworked it, I can repost it, but you may want to rebuild the tracks yourself. Let me know.
Last edited by WhiteKnight77; Aug 29, 2020 @ 12:48pm
Termite Aug 29, 2020 @ 12:49pm 
@WhiteKnight77 is right and he has given a good explanation of what is wrong with your city. I also took at look at your game. Only the one platform was connected to the outside. After connecting them all to the same outside connection intercity trains started to arrive at the second platform.
Mad Aug 30, 2020 @ 1:36am 
Thanks for fixing the issue, could you send me the link to the revised station area please?
Last edited by Mad; Aug 30, 2020 @ 1:36am
WhiteKnight77 Aug 30, 2020 @ 3:36pm 
Something else about your city. As you start playing from where I left off if you play that, is you are gonna have a big death wave as everything that filled in did so in a large way and as all those cims arrived about the same time, they are gonna die off in the same time frame.
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Date Posted: Aug 27, 2020 @ 9:51am
Posts: 12