Cities: Skylines
Metro not spawning trains
5 metro lines set up, no problem. The sixth will not spawn trains. I can set up the line and there are people waiting to get on, but no trains will spawn. Any thoughts?
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This is not an issue with TM:PE or a net nodes-type of issue.
We'll need to know a bit more, like if you use any mods related to public transport.

Depending on the size of your city and how much traffic you have, you might also have hit the vehicle limit, which would stop new metro trains from spawning.
I have the exact same problem, all of a sudden :-(

I had a fine working metro system, until I decided to build a suburb and a new metro tube + line. No trains spawned, even though the tubes were well connected (I saw it spawning, for just a second and then it disappeared again). Initially I thought that there might be a lack of trains (despite not receiving any notification there were no trains left), so I built a new metro depot. But to no avail, no additional trains were spawning for this new line.

I read on the community pages that I should redesign my routes, which I did, but again to no avail. Also adding other/additional trains to already existing metro lines, did not work anymore. I see them spawning for a second and vanishing in thin air just as quick. I also replaced some metro stations in this new line by vanilla stations (as I had used some new stations I had not used before, and read this might be an issue too).

It was all fine, until I started that new line. I'm puzzled, I did not add any new mods or assets.

Mods I'm using, amongst others: MOM; TM:PE.

Here's my city:

I hope anyone can help me with this, and hopefully without unsubscribing to MOM, which I really like.
John (Заблокирован) 30 янв. 2021 г. в 18:16 
You've likely got a broken line somewhere. Or you've hit the limit ? Do you have
You might hit the limits, but if you are using MOM then you need a depot and the depot only spans metros if the nearest station of the new line is close enough. I found that sometimes it is best that some depots are better at the end or beginning of the line.
@snowflitzer: I think I solved it! With your suggestion putting the MD at beginning of the line. Didn't think it would make such a difference, but it does! I removed the lower capacity train and was able to replace it with a higher one. Thanks Snow! You're awesome taking the time helping us, Appreciated so much!!
No problem. Trust me I run into the same problems. The moment I change where I placed the depots it worked. In a way, it does make sense. The depot in most cities is in the outskirts.

It is my pleasure, I learned it either by testing myself or asking for help :)
appreciate the comment
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