Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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iznogoude 11. aug. 2020 kl. 9.59
industries DLC storage strange behavior
There is a loop between two large grain silos. And of course this generates useless chaotic traffic !
Sist redigert av iznogoude; 11. aug. 2020 kl. 10.10
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snowflitzer 11. aug. 2020 kl. 19.01 
I would first change your road hierarchy. You need one major road through your industry and the others are smaller roads.

Occasionally, a one-way road from the field to the storage facility and then back to the field can make better traffic flow.

Watch the in-game tool where the traffic goes to and from where.

These mods can help you, make sure you read the description first of each mod:

Avanya 12. aug. 2020 kl. 3.36 
What are the two storage buildings set to? Empty, Balanced or Fill?
iznogoude 12. aug. 2020 kl. 9.17 
both are balanced
Mr. Monday 12. aug. 2020 kl. 11.58 
So both are trying to keep each other roughly the same level. What's the production/usage numbers of your crops?
caseyas435943 12. aug. 2020 kl. 13.49 
Traffic in The DLC is easy. If you remember where trucks need to go.

Raw goods first goes to storage.

Storage of raw goods then goes to production.

Production then goes to a warehouse.

Warehouse then goes to a factory.

Factory then goes to a warehouse.

Warehouse then goes out to your city or export.

So build a network the flows like this and traffic is easy to handle. If you build a lot of back tracking you can get over run by truck running into each other.

Your industry zone should have a direct way on and off the highway. This makes it easier not having tons of trucks piling into let's say your housing area to get to a highway.

You can sort of have 1 big one way running through the whole zone. Where the end goes back to raw goodies side and to the highway. Sort of. That's simplified a bit. But it can work. All thou isn't the super efficient. But it's better that tons of back tracking on everything for trucks to get anywhere.

Efficient is each part of the chain can easily get to the highway encase the part of the chain doesn't need anything so it just goes right up to export.

I've build some very efficient areas. It was trial and error. But now it doesn't matter how big I make an area. Traffic won't happen because I have the basic road network in place. Just expand it larger for more buildings. My oil industry makes 75K a week with zero traffic problems. And there are a ton of trucks running around. But they run around where I want them to go. While keeping the supply chain flowing from building to building where they need to be delivered to.
Avanya 13. aug. 2020 kl. 2.51 
Opprinnelig skrevet av iznogoude:
both are balanced

Are the trucks able to export the crops in some way? As in can they leave the area? Or is the other silo the only option they have to get rid of crops?
iznogoude 13. aug. 2020 kl. 10.04 
@ Mr.Monday : Production is 67000 units /weeks . Transformation is aroud 100000 Units /weeks.
@ Ayana : I tried to have about half of the prodution with a shorter route to silo1 and the rest to another route to silo 2. Both Silos are connected to transformation unique factories and exportation (I don't have large roads but one way road).
Mr. Monday 13. aug. 2020 kl. 10.28 
Opprinnelig skrevet av iznogoude:
@ Mr.Monday : Production is 67,000 units /weeks . Transformation is aroud 100,000 Units /weeks.
@ Ayana : I tried to have about half of the prodution with a shorter route to silo1 and the rest to another route to silo 2. Both Silos are connected to transformation unique factories and exportation (I don't have large roads but one way road).

My guess then is that your extractors are going to their closest storage, and your processors are pulling from their closest storage. As a result the two storage units are trying to balance each other. Have you tried increasing extraction? That might help with the balancing.
iznogoude 13. aug. 2020 kl. 11.40 
My silos are full at 78-80%. I think I need more processing . BTW, once both silos are more or less at the same %age, the traffic is less important but sill have the loop.
Avanya 14. aug. 2020 kl. 3.56 
Opprinnelig skrevet av iznogoude:
My silos are full at 78-80%. I think I need more processing . BTW, once both silos are more or less at the same %age, the traffic is less important but sill have the loop.

More likely you need more silos. If they fill up too fast for them to deliver crops around, they are likely to be too busy to deliver to more processing. With storage it's just as much about having enough available trucks for the amount of crops you are delivering. The guide Mr. Monday linked goes into more detail about storages and why it's so important to have enough.

My rule of thumb is you need to have enough storage buildings of a type for at least one to always be at its ideal level (for balanced that's around 50% full) AND have 3-5 trucks sitting around doing nothing every time I check. I tend to aim to have 2-3 storages like that, then things run super smooth. :)
Sist redigert av Avanya; 14. aug. 2020 kl. 3.58
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Dato lagt ut: 11. aug. 2020 kl. 9.59
Innlegg: 11