Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Is it safe to unsub TM:PE partway thru a city build? ANSWERED
Getting heavy lag, need to unsub one of the two big mods and I want to keep Find It, and I've trimmed my assets to a thousand, not less as most are already plopped. I don't have TM:PE's AI features enabled. I've mostly used the lane arrow tool, and occasionally the vehicle restrictions and forbidden parking at the transit hub stops and outside malls. Do I need to go through the city to find and remove all TM:PE use before unsubbing it, or can I save that effort and just unsub it without breaking my save? (I looked briefly through the 81 pages of posts that mention TM:PE but couldn't see this mentioned.) Thanks!
Dernière modification de CoolantCorrie; 2 aout 2020 à 4h46
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it wont break your game, traffic may take a while to sort itself out but it should be OK. If you want just make a save under a different name then unsub TMPE so you can always go back to the "TMPE" version if you so wish.
I wondered about doing a save under a different name and testing it but feared it might break more than just a savegame. Being able to sub TM:PE later and go back to it is a good idea as one never knows. Thanks!
Dernière modification de CoolantCorrie; 30 juil. 2020 à 10h03
I could very well be, and probably am, wrong about this, but I don't think that TM:PE or Find It! are your issues. Neither, I don't believe, can have huge issues on traffic. I would instead recommend you modify things like your resolution, and make sure you have vehicle despawning off in TM:PE. I play with many mods and over 3000 assets on a not very powerful mac, and at the default settings it doesn't run at all. I turn down my resolution to 2048x1152, and it runs fine. (Excluding all my issues with my save-game unrelated) If you want my full set of graphics settings, just ask. TM:PE can be a hugely useful mod to keep, even if you don't use it much, so I would recommend you try and keep it and lower quality rather than otherwise.

Dernière modification de CATboardBETA; 30 juil. 2020 à 10h15
CATboardBETA a écrit :
I could very well be, and probably am, wrong about this, but I don't think that TM:PE or Find It! are your issues. Neither, I don't believe, can have huge issues on traffic. I would instead recommend you modify things like your resolution, and make sure you have vehicle despawning off in TM:PE. I play with many mods and over 3000 assets on a not very powerful mac, and at the default settings it doesn't run at all. I turn down my resolution to 2048x1152, and it runs fine. (Excluding all my issues with my save-game unrelated) If you want my full set of graphics settings, just ask. TM:PE can be a hugely useful mod to keep, even if you don't use it much, so I would recommend you try and keep it and lower quality rather than otherwise.

I don't know, without going in-game to look, whether I've got despawning on or off - I have left it at the default. My tech guru(s) deal with computery things. Apparently the resolution was turned down a while ago. It's 1920x1080. Several times I've subbed, then unsubbed TM:PE, between cities, and I get no lag when I don't have TM:PE - that, and its reputation as a biggie, made me assume my problem is TM:PE. Thanks very much for your post - I'll ask my techy people if there's some tweaking they can do to help. Of course I really need a new computer as it never occurred to me I'd end up gaming on it when I splashed out a few £thou. (It was high-spec for what I bought it for!)
CoolantCorrie a écrit :
CATboardBETA a écrit :
I could very well be, and probably am, wrong about this, but I don't think that TM:PE or Find It! are your issues. Neither, I don't believe, can have huge issues on traffic. I would instead recommend you modify things like your resolution, and make sure you have vehicle despawning off in TM:PE. I play with many mods and over 3000 assets on a not very powerful mac, and at the default settings it doesn't run at all. I turn down my resolution to 2048x1152, and it runs fine. (Excluding all my issues with my save-game unrelated) If you want my full set of graphics settings, just ask. TM:PE can be a hugely useful mod to keep, even if you don't use it much, so I would recommend you try and keep it and lower quality rather than otherwise.

I don't know, without going in-game to look, whether I've got despawning on or off - I have left it at the default. My tech guru(s) deal with computery things. Apparently the resolution was turned down a while ago. It's 1920x1080. Several times I've subbed, then unsubbed TM:PE, between cities, and I get no lag when I don't have TM:PE - that, and its reputation as a biggie, made me assume my problem is TM:PE. Thanks very much for your post - I'll ask my techy people if there's some tweaking they can do to help. Of course I really need a new computer as it never occurred to me I'd end up gaming on it when I splashed out a few £thou. (It was high-spec for what I bought it for!)

What version of TM:PE are you using? If i remember, the original causes large amount of lag, and LABS has had some lag issues for me. What is your computers specs? It might just take a bit of optimization for you to get better performance and such. Here is my graphics settings:

CATboardBETA a écrit :

What version of TM:PE are you using? If i remember, the original causes large amount of lag, and LABS has had some lag issues for me. What is your computers specs? It might just take a bit of optimization for you to get better performance and such. Here is my graphics settings:

Stable v.11. I first subbed it when Sunset Harbor came out and broke v.10. But I've unsubbed and subbed since then and this time subbed maybe 2 or 3 weeks ago, so I'm pretty sure that I have the most up-to-date version.
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5500U CPU @ 2.40GHz
Installed memory (RAM): 12.0 Gb
System type: 64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor
That's all the info I can access. I'm not allowed access to more as firstly I don't have the knowledge and secondly I destroy computers. I'll pass your post and link to my tech guys, sorry for the delay, I didn't realise this would get this technical, sorry. Thanks for your help.
CoolantCorrie a écrit :
CATboardBETA a écrit :

What version of TM:PE are you using? If i remember, the original causes large amount of lag, and LABS has had some lag issues for me. What is your computers specs? It might just take a bit of optimization for you to get better performance and such. Here is my graphics settings:

Stable v.11. I first subbed it when Sunset Harbor came out and broke v.10. But I've unsubbed and subbed since then and this time subbed maybe 2 or 3 weeks ago, so I'm pretty sure that I have the most up-to-date version.
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5500U CPU @ 2.40GHz
Installed memory (RAM): 12.0 Gb
System type: 64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor
That's all the info I can access. I'm not allowed access to more as firstly I don't have the knowledge and secondly I destroy computers. I'll pass your post and link to my tech guys, sorry for the delay, I didn't realise this would get this technical, sorry. Thanks for your help.

hmm... can i have you graphics card info?
also 12GB orf ram seems a little off.
CATboardBETA a écrit :
CoolantCorrie a écrit :

Stable v.11. I first subbed it when Sunset Harbor came out and broke v.10. But I've unsubbed and subbed since then and this time subbed maybe 2 or 3 weeks ago, so I'm pretty sure that I have the most up-to-date version.
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5500U CPU @ 2.40GHz
Installed memory (RAM): 12.0 Gb
System type: 64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor
That's all the info I can access. I'm not allowed access to more as firstly I don't have the knowledge and secondly I destroy computers. I'll pass your post and link to my tech guys, sorry for the delay, I didn't realise this would get this technical, sorry. Thanks for your help.

hmm... can i have you graphics card info?
also 12GB orf ram seems a little off.

Thanks for spending time on me.

I don't know how to get 'graphics card' info. My main tech guy was unaware of my struggles (I didn't want to bother him) and is taking Monday off to investigate. Without your posts I wouldn't have known to delve deeper and ask him. He mentioned possibly adding more RAM. Or that nowadays decent new computers needn't cost a lot though he'd prefer to build from 'bare bones'(?). He also said that what barrygreybeard said makes sense - so all posters here have helped. He can't talk more today but wants me to keep this discussion and your posts to read on Monday.
Dernière modification de CoolantCorrie; 30 juil. 2020 à 12h29
I don't know how to get 'graphics card' info

Easy way to get the information is : Steam overlay - above help button , klick -> systeminformations , klick ... and the system specs will be listed
hit the "windows-key" and the letter "R", type into the command line (cmd) "dxdiag">

On win10 it asks if you want to verify your graphics drivers are digitally signed?
Click yes

It opens you the Dxdiag Diagnostic Tool.
There you can see several displays (mine was under display 2)
Check the one with your graphic card and you see your information.
If you're unsure about removing a mod from a city, you can always try. There's a few things, which are good to keep in mind when doing this:

  • Back up the save first. Go find the file in the saves folder (C:\Users\YOURUSER\AppData\Local\Colossal Order\Cities_Skylines\Saves) and make a copy of it to keep somewhere else.
  • Always save as a new file. This doesn't just go for testing mods, but generally it's best to always save as a new file when saving your city, so you have multiple versions of a save. This is especially important when removing a mod, as issues aren't always visible right away. Sometimes you can play for some hours before realising your city actually needed that mod.
  • You can always add the mod back. If the city is in chaos or you're getting a million errors when loading without the mod, just shut the game down without saving and add the mod back. If you don't save, the city should be unaffected, but in the rare case it might not be, you have a backup. So there's no harm in trying.

That goes for not just TMPE but any mod really. For TMPE you should be fine. You don't need to remove any of the changes that you made with the mod, those will just stop working once the mod isn't loaded. Traffic will likely need some tweaking once the mod is missing, and the city might be a little messy depending on how you used the mod. But personally I'd give it a go. Worst case you just waste some time and decide to get the mod back anyways. :)
Is the following 'graphics card' info?
Video Card:
Driver: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 850M
DirectX Driver Name: nvd3dum.dll
Driver Version:
DirectX Driver Version:
Driver Date: 9 26 2014
OpenGL Version: 4.4
Desktop Color Depth: 32 bits per pixel
Monitor Refresh Rate: 60 Hz
DirectX Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 850M
VendorID: 0x10de
DeviceID: 0x1391
Revision: 0xa2
Number of Monitors: 1
Number of Logical Video Cards: 1
No SLI or Crossfire Detected
Primary Display Resolution: 1280 x 720
Desktop Resolution: 1280 x 720
Primary Display Size: 15.00" x 8.43" (17.17" diag)
38.1cm x 21.4cm (43.6cm diag)
Primary Bus: PCI Express 4x
Primary VRAM: 4095 MB
Supported MSAA Modes: 2x 4x 8x

I notice from my earlier post that my computer says the resolution is 1920x1080 which differs from the figure in the above. (I don't understand the rest.)

Unsubbing TM:PE turned out fine and I have no lag any more. From Monday 3rd Aug. my laptop will be going on an upgrade holiday. Thanks so much for your help, everyone.
Dernière modification de CoolantCorrie; 31 juil. 2020 à 12h02
Avanya a écrit :
If you're unsure about removing a mod from a city, you can always try. There's a few things, which are good to keep in mind when doing this:

  • Back up the save first. Go find the file in the saves folder (C:\Users\YOURUSER\AppData\Local\Colossal Order\Cities_Skylines\Saves) and make a copy of it to keep somewhere else.
  • Always save as a new file. This doesn't just go for testing mods, but generally it's best to always save as a new file when saving your city, so you have multiple versions of a save. This is especially important when removing a mod, as issues aren't always visible right away. Sometimes you can play for some hours before realising your city actually needed that mod.
  • You can always add the mod back. If the city is in chaos or you're getting a million errors when loading without the mod, just shut the game down without saving and add the mod back. If you don't save, the city should be unaffected, but in the rare case it might not be, you have a backup. So there's no harm in trying.

That goes for not just TMPE but any mod really. For TMPE you should be fine. You don't need to remove any of the changes that you made with the mod, those will just stop working once the mod isn't loaded. Traffic will likely need some tweaking once the mod is missing, and the city might be a little messy depending on how you used the mod. But personally I'd give it a go. Worst case you just waste some time and decide to get the mod back anyways. :)

Very helpful, thanks! Which meant that when I unsubbed TM:PE and loaded my game I didn't feel worried at all. My city was and is fine.
snowflitzer a écrit :
hit the "windows-key" and the letter "R", type into the command line (cmd) "dxdiag">

On win10 it asks if you want to verify your graphics drivers are digitally signed?
Click yes

It opens you the Dxdiag Diagnostic Tool.
There you can see several displays (mine was under display 2)
Check the one with your graphic card and you see your information.
BucketBrain a écrit :
I don't know how to get 'graphics card' info

Easy way to get the information is : Steam overlay - above help button , klick -> systeminformations , klick ... and the system specs will be listed
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Posté le 30 juil. 2020 à 9h41
Messages : 15