Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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jmac2727 Jul 16, 2020 @ 3:15pm
Help with Industries factories please
I have four industrial areas spread throughout the city so as to avoid traffic from to much industry in one place. So here is my question. I setup a shipyard which is fairly close to two of the three industries it needs for raw materials except planed timber. I have a forestry industrial area and it makes surplus planed timber, but it's not necessarily close to the shipyard. All my industrial areas are connected to my internal cargo network and I have a cargo hub right next to the shipyard. So I should be covered right? I have a direct train connection to my lumber industrial yard the planed timber should travel through through that line and supply the shipyard.

It doesn't.... No matter what I try I can't get cargo to use the train line. What seems to happen is the shipyard will put out a call for planed timber and the first source that can supply that planed timber is assigned to bring it ... this seems to be totally random depending on what source can first supply the material. So all the planed timber is traveling over my road network to the factory and because of the distance I'm constantly stuck on idle on the shipyard.

So my question is ... How do I keep the shipyard supplied and avoid that money draining away idle state? All my industrial areas are already setup with warehouses which I made sure always has at least a few trucks available so it's not a storage issue, at least I'm pretty sure it's not a storage issue. I tried using the warehouses near the shipyard as well, tried them on full, balanced, empty, none work.

When full the warehouse does just that, it fills and the shipyard can be SCREAMING for planed timber and it never leaves the warehouse. Set it to balanced and the warehouse fills to 70 then exports all the goods, if the shipyard JUST SO HAPPENS to make it's call for material at the same time the warehouse hits 70% then Maybe ... just maybe... it will supply the shipyard. Set it to empty and the warehouse doesn't even both storing anything it just exports right away... exports... does not use on the shipyard

I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing wrong, or failing to do ... it's driving me nuts. Any help is appreciated, thanks.
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Showing 1-15 of 73 comments
M.S.Referee Jul 16, 2020 @ 9:21pm 
Yep, look like so many people got those problem about Industries, so still this mod is always that one. You can set the one or more warehouse only supply to your factories and also you can set which service and warehouse to work in which district(s).
And you can check look my post in this mod, and you will know the detial.
jmac2727 Jul 16, 2020 @ 10:06pm 
With that mod could I setup a warehouse as the exclusive supplier for my factories and then set it to fill? While set to fill would it still respond to the calls for planed timber from the factories?
jmac2727 Jul 16, 2020 @ 10:11pm 
Also are the industries so poorly implemented that it's impossible to accomplish this without using mods? I admit, that mod sounds useful... but we really shouldn't HAVE to use a mod to do something as simple as keeping a factory supplied.... should we?
M.S.Referee Jul 16, 2020 @ 11:09pm 
This game got simple and stupid framework for Industries. So sometime if no mods, you just can see that smirk and angry to cry. For example let me laugh to cry that before mod, if you build two warehouse too closed and set to same resource, and you will got those two warehouse send eachother forever, your whole Industries down. Then with mod, go to say bye bye to this so stupied situation.

Yes, if with this mod you just need to use 'Supply Chain' to enter the name of your factory or factories to the one or more warehouse. Then whatever you set warehouse to those 3 types, the warehouse only send to this or those factory or factories you have set. And you can also disable the export of warehouse and don't worry about no truck to send out because they are exporting........
And you also can disable import of warehouse, that will let your got purely local supply flow.

And my point is that if mod can easy help to solve and get more fun of game, why not???
Don't be afraid of mods, they are not so terrible, as long as you keep the updated version and don't use it with many of the same functions, everything will be good.

I got 170 mods work togather, and work fine and let the game more fun even games without Mod cannot be compared.
Last edited by M.S.Referee; Jul 16, 2020 @ 11:23pm
Costarring Jul 16, 2020 @ 11:24pm 
Nope, it isn't bugged or badly designed. (yes, from a gaming standpoint it might be. I wouldn't disagree with anyone thinking that).

But it is a simplification of capitalism. The logging company is not owned by the city (even though the player built it)
Who ever pays the right price for timber, will buy the timber. And the company doesn't care if it is a local buyer (shipyard in this case) or a company from outside the map.

I would agree with having the option to not sell your resources to outside buyers from a setting in the industry district settings though.

Don't kill me. It is just my interpretation of the game. :steamsad:
M.S.Referee Jul 16, 2020 @ 11:37pm 
Tell your thoughts and opinions, this is true democracy.:steamhappy:
jmac2727 Jul 17, 2020 @ 12:00am 
I tried the mod and set up one warehouse to export only to my factory, then all of a sudden all the industry on the map stopped moving product altogether... the industry just ground to an immediate halt. I think I may have set all warehouses to only use the one shipyard... how do you specify that you are setting up just the one warehouse and not all warehouses? Hope that question came out alright . . .
M.S.Referee Jul 17, 2020 @ 12:12am 
1. Set "Incoming" to 'All local Areas', disable 'All Outside Connections'.
2. Set "Outgoing" ---->'Supply Chain' to type your Building id of factory(Get factory Building id with EDS icon to click factory and on top the number), disable 'All Outside Connections'.
3. Set "Districts served" to your factory in.
4. Set "Global Tab" ---> Outside Connection Intensity to 200, "Outside Connection Percentage" to 100
5. Disable this option "Enable dummy cargo traffic" from mod in game option.

If you got Steam Vehicles, you can set form Vehicles Option and choose what cars, trucks you need.

And don't forget you need to set each single service or buildings.

And you can check look this my post
Last edited by M.S.Referee; Jul 17, 2020 @ 12:35am
jmac2727 Jul 17, 2020 @ 12:39am 
Wait, I'm sorry... what do you mean by set each single service or building. Let's say I want to just set one warehouse to service one factory and leave everything else as standard behavior... can I do that with this mod or does turning this mod on mean I have to micro manage every single service and industry in the game?
M.S.Referee Jul 17, 2020 @ 12:56am 
That means you need to set each single service or buildings to what you want them to do. If they don't need to do for something special, just keep the default.

For example, you need a school to server only "A" district, you need to set it, if not, just let it keep default.
Last edited by M.S.Referee; Jul 17, 2020 @ 12:58am
jmac2727 Jul 17, 2020 @ 1:48am 
K thanks
jmac2727 Jul 17, 2020 @ 2:35am 
Sorry man, this mod breaks my game. The warehouse I set up works exactly like I want, but then every other warehouse stops exporting goods at all... those are warehouses I never touched with the mod they just stop working and none of my cargo moves at all and the industry grinds to a halt. Which seems odd since you sounded so confident in the mod ... not sure what I could be doing wrong though.
Avanya Jul 17, 2020 @ 2:37am 
There's no way to control where goods come from without mods. The game doesn't consider distance, service vehicles behave the same way.

A less micro management option that might solve things for you would be the Rebalanced Industries mod. Among other things, it makes the trucks deliver fewer but larger deliveries of goods, and it lets the factories have larger internal storages.
jmac2727 Jul 17, 2020 @ 2:48am 
Thanks I'll give that one a try
M.S.Referee Jul 17, 2020 @ 3:11am 
Yep, I got working good with it.

That sould be this setting "Outside Connection Intensity".

You can set "Global Tab" ---> Outside Connection Intensity to 1000.

This is Global Setting, it affect all. if you want other do exporting, just set to 1000.

And no, the Rebalanced Industries mod will decrease your truck number, and you will got more easy got no enough truck. I have tested all mods, and I don't use Rebalanced Industries mod anymore.
Last edited by M.S.Referee; Jul 17, 2020 @ 3:14am
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Date Posted: Jul 16, 2020 @ 3:15pm
Posts: 73