Rocket League
'Unable to connect to Rocket League servers' [SOLVED]
In order to fix 'Unable to contact Rocket League Servers':
I needed to Go to control panel> Internet options> Advanced> Reset and apply. Let it finish.
Then go back in to Advanced internet options and Click Restore Advanced settings. Then restart computer.

I would like to thank everyone for your help and support.

Here you can find the forum I have posted.
Автор останньої редакції: kip; 28 листоп. 2017 о 15:07
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Показані коментарі 115 із 29
Have you tried rolling back your driver to its older version ? or it might just ip address ban ,try resetting your router by going online and resetting by its ip address. Tell me if it works for you or not .
I have reported to assistance of rocket league they answered to delete the folder of cache in <My Documents>\My Games\Rocket League\TAGame\Cache. I have resolved.
Цитата допису Assogames:
I have reported to assistance of rocket league they answered to delete the folder of cache in <My Documents>\My Games\Rocket League\TAGame\Cache. I have resolved.
Sorry I forgot to update this. Its been solved.
It did not work: / already tried everything and nothing
Цитата допису Assogames:
I have reported to assistance of rocket league they answered to delete the folder of cache in <My Documents>\My Games\Rocket League\TAGame\Cache. I have resolved.

Thanks a lot dude,this helped me sooo much you have no idea
Цитата допису Assogames:
I have reported to assistance of rocket league they answered to delete the folder of cache in <My Documents>\My Games\Rocket League\TAGame\Cache. I have resolved.
I know this is an old issue but i just want to shed light on this solution as it has worked for both me and my friend when we had the issue.
Цитата допису AS$OGAMES:
I have reported to assistance of rocket league they answered to delete the folder of cache in <My Documents>\My Games\Rocket League\TAGame\Cache. I have resolved.
thanks man you're a legend
what do i do if i never had the cache folder??
Цитата допису Juharo:
Цитата допису AS$OGAMES:
I have reported to assistance of rocket league they answered to delete the folder of cache in <My Documents>\My Games\Rocket League\TAGame\Cache. I have resolved.
thanks man you're a legend
which folder in the cache do i delete
Цитата допису Franco lo Svalvastico:
I have reported to assistance of rocket league they answered to delete the folder of cache in <My Documents>\My Games\Rocket League\TAGame\Cache. I have resolved.
do i just delete both folders? which one
Цитата допису ♛X♛:
It did not work: / already tried everything and nothing

How can you try everything and nothing at the same time?
guys i literally tried everything and nothing seems to work .. if anyone has any more suggestions that may have worked for you please do share
Цитата допису Franco lo Svalvastico:
I have reported to assistance of rocket league they answered to delete the folder of cache in <My Documents>\My Games\Rocket League\TAGame\Cache. I have resolved.

Thanks, man! This worked.
ok i have done everything you can think of for 2 weeks i still cant get online nothing on any web page works i have redone the install over 9 times and more nothing works i will post here if i ever find out why mine was not working
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Показані коментарі 115 із 29
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Опубліковано: 24 листоп. 2017 о 20:24
Дописів: 29