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banned by mistake
Hello everyone, I am very unhappy, the game banned me permanently yesterday automatically without using hacks or anything similar, it turns out that a few days ago someone stole my steam account, they got my email and could change the password, I contacted steam by providing the tests and they got me to return the account, that if rust had a VAC for 4 days, apparently whoever stole the account used hack in rust, well wait those 4 days and I got to play the first day nothing strange happened, but the next I mean, yesterday I was creating bullets in the house and I automatically ban the game permanently without doing anything, this is a very serious error, has someone something similar happened to him? can I get the game back somehow? thanks to everyone beforehand
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18/8 megjegyzés mutatása
u cheated and got caught lol theres no other way u make a story to try and get un banned lol u know how many people say the same thing go start again without cheats this time and see
no friend I do not use hack, you can check my pc, and you can check the theft of steam I have the proof of the theft and that steam gave me back the account for theft, the theft was made from a US IP but the aldron was Russian, this Everything in tests to change the emails, it is a mistake, if I used hacks I would not waste time on this
I do not know why you judge something without knowing or seeing if it is going in life ... if I tell you that I have proof of what happened, why am I going to be a hacker? do you always criticize without knowing? I'm just looking for help and to know if someone else happened something similar to him and if he solved it, I'm not looking for you to judge me without knowing or seeing
Even if the account was stolen... steams policy is YOUR account, YOUR responsibility. You wont be unbanned. Be more careful with your account info in the future. And, obviously, dont try to cheat.
already, but they hacked my email, someone guessed the password and was able to change the stem account, I found the deleted messages in the trash and thanks to that I was able to recover it and now I find myself with this problem ...
Your steam account is your responsibility. Even if the ban was for someone else's actions and not your own, it was still on your account, which like previously mentioned is your responsibility and yours alone. Ergo, the ban stands.
lama  [Fejlesztő] 2021. jan. 20., 8:44 
Unfortunately, as others have said, your account cannot be unbanned because someone was using it to cheat. There is simply no way to confirm that the account was truly stolen.

You may have tried to sign into a gambling or giveaway website with your Steam account and they stole your password. Everyone should avoid those websites and make sure they have Steam Guard enabled.
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18/8 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2021. jan. 20., 1:40
Hozzászólások: 8