[VIDEO] Failure to Launch Via Steam on Win7 64-Bit with Beta Branch

My friends. The depths deny me pleasure. What has my machine done to offend the blue smoke?


Go here. Install patch. Restart PC. Now you can play BELOW.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Thain; 2019. jan. 7., 13:34
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19/9 megjegyzés mutatása
I checked the local files, and sure enough, there is a list of "BelowD3D11Steam_x64.exe.20181215_235316.dmp" files.

Tried clearing them according to another user. Didn't solve it.

Lets see if I can find a way to open the dump file.
I got the same issue dude, I'm trying to fix as well
I already solve the issue

Error summary: N versions of Windows 10 (In my case: Windows 10 pro N) does not include Media Feature Pack.
Error Solution: Install and enable Media Feature Pack for N versions of Windows 10

In order to solve the issue:

1) Installing Media Feature Pack
  1. Go to
  2. In "Select Edition" dropdown list select your version of Windows (in my case was Media Feature Pack - Version 1803 (April 2018))
  3. Install the .exe downloaded file (in my case was Windows_MediaFeaturePack_x64_1803.exe)
  4. Reboot your computer.

1) Enabling Media Feature Pack
  1. Go to Windows seach bar and searh for cmd
  2. Click right over Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator
  3. Write the next command: dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:MediaPlayback
  4. Press enter an wait for the process finish.
  5. Reboot your computer
  6. Enjoy your game

Following video shows the same previous steps:

All the best my friend!!!

Legutóbb szerkesztette: Alcastic; 2018. dec. 19., 19:25
I'm on Win 7. That update, even on the Win7 branch, doesn't want to install on this machine.
Here is the fix for the issue:

Follow this link, install, restart -- you're good to go.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Thain; 2019. jan. 7., 13:33
I'm having the same startup issues. (Windows 7 Ultimate) I went to the site for that platform update.
When I try to install I get a screen saying: "Update for Windows (KB2670838) is already installed on this computer."
So it's a dead end for me. I really want to play this game I just bought, please help.

The Below.log file states
..\src\audio\CapyAudioManager.cpp(147):[ERROR](0) FMOD Error: Error initializing output device.

Already running it on the beta branch.

All audio drivers up to date.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: ja8ju5; 2019. ápr. 2., 15:27
Fk it. I'm requesting a refund.
Patience is not my strong side, but in my defence, this ♥♥♥♥ better work if you are gonna sell it.
Real shame too. It's on a sale, and looks like something I'd enjoy a great deal.
ja8ju5 eredeti hozzászólása:
I'm having the same startup issues. (Windows 7 Ultimate) I went to the site for that platform update.
When I try to install I get a screen saying: "Update for Windows (KB2670838) is already installed on this computer."
So it's a dead end for me. I really want to play this game I just bought, please help.

The Below.log file states
..\src\audio\CapyAudioManager.cpp(147):[ERROR](0) FMOD Error: Error initializing output device.

Already running it on the beta branch.

All audio drivers up to date.

Exactly the same problem on my laptop.
Windows says
"Update for Windows (KB2670838) is already installed on this computer."

I tried launching it in normal mode and in BETA - still the same issue. Game won't launch.

Win 7 sp1 64 bit .
Please, help with the problem
Same here - I already have the Win7 platform update, but the game simply doesn't turn on.
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