Unholy Heights

Unholy Heights

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Dentorhedge Feb 18, 2014 @ 5:20am
Petit Depotto Supports LA-MULANA 2
Petit Depotto: Medukaresan (Unholy Heights)

"They’re making a game because they want to make a game. They need money for that so they organize a fundraiser. They want people to come together so they notify people. But that’s all easier said than done.

Creators like us keep running up against that wall, but NIGORO is a beacon of hope in that regard, scaling that barrier with passion and courage. NIGORO isn’t just a group of entertainers. They’re also innovators. If we could all just put our faith into NIGORO, I’m sure they’d be able reach their goal with ease.

I know they can definitely, definitely, DEFINITELY make this happen!"

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