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Laatst bewerkt door ✅RE҉ZUS; 17 jul 2015 om 7:56
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Hunter Mode is already here! Check the news.
Laatst bewerkt door ✅RE҉ZUS; 27 jun 2014 om 7:32
We have released a patch. Those who experienced a crash during the startup now can play normally. Game will be updated automatically.

Thanks to all our devoted fans and their feedback. We really appreciate your patience!

We would like to express our special thanks to Malidictus. He was the only one who could replicate the issue on three different systems and notice a possible cause of crash.
Can you fix the localization? The spanish one is an authentic and huge ♥♥♥♥. It's looks like a Google translator job, or even worst. I only hope you didn't pay for that. I've changed the language to English because in spanish, my native language, I didn't undestand a ♥♥♥♥.

Great game, BTW.
Laatst bewerkt door Sheen; 24 jul 2014 om 18:03
Thank you for your feedback! We will work this out with a translation bureau. Any updates (including localization fixes) will be highlighted in this thread.
Origineel geplaatst door Sheen:
Can you fix the localization? The spanish one is an authentic and huge ♥♥♥♥. It's looks like a Google translator job, or even worst. I only hope you didn't pay for that. I've changed the language to English because in spanish, my native language, I didn't undestand a ♥♥♥♥.

Great game, BTW.

Could you please provide some examples of bad translation in spanish?
Ok, I didn't play a lot, but I can show you some examples:


It isn't "Juega", It's "Jugar".

It isn't "Resolucion", It's "Resolución" (minor mistake)

It isn't "Lengua", It's "Idioma". "Lengua" isn't correct in this case. "Lengua" can be similar to "Language" but not in this case. This word is used with another purpose. Also, "Lengua" is translated like "Tongue" as well. So, the normal option, and correct, is "Idioma".

In this case It isn't "Deslizar". It's "Deslizarse".
You will need these tricks to complete this track.
Collect coins to unlock them all!

Usted precisa estas maniobras para completar las pistasos niveles.
Junte monedas para desbloquear todas!

The correct translation for the game would be: "Necesitas estas acrobacias para completar esta pista. ¡Recoge las monedas para desbloquearlas todas!"

This phrase "Usted precisa estas maniobras para completar las pistasos niveles.
Junte monedas para desbloquear todas!" is a complete mess. "pistasos" is not even a word in spanish.

Look, the game doesn't seem to have a lot of text so if you want you can send me the full text and I can upgrade this one for free with a proper translation. I use to translate videogames for commercial and no commercial purposes so it won't be a problem for me.

You've created a great game, so you need a good translation as well IMHO.

Laatst bewerkt door Sheen; 30 jul 2014 om 3:45
Sheen, please, send me a message to
New Tracks, Achievements and Steam Cloud are already here! Check out this for more detailed information.
Laatst bewerkt door ✅RE҉ZUS; 21 aug 2014 om 6:40
Thank you for the new update. That is the 3rd time I move this game out of the '100%' category and I am working on it again. It is true that 1-9 was quite a challenge but I managed to beat it after all.

Back to running it is!

Keep up the good work guys!
Thanks for the new update!

I've a problem with the Perfectionist achievement though. I just finished all the new levels with 3 stars but I didn't get it and now the counter on my achievements page is stuck to 150/360 :squirtmeh:
The counter does not work and stays at 150/360, however you still get the achievement. Are you sure that you finished level 9 as well from the first chapter?
Yep, all locations say 60/60 in normal mode and hunter mode as well ^^
Origineel geplaatst door THE TENTH:
Thanks for the new update!

I've a problem with the Perfectionist achievement though. I just finished all the new levels with 3 stars but I didn't get it and now the counter on my achievements page is stuck to 150/360 :squirtmeh:

Origineel geplaatst door Soupias:
The counter does not work and stays at 150/360, however you still get the achievement. Are you sure that you finished level 9 as well from the first chapter?

Stars counter is fixed. Perfectionist achievement should work properly now.
I have another counter problem. I own over 30 tricks, but the counter for the Phellumenist achievement says 0/52. Anyone else having this problem?
Any update on the level editor?
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