SimCity 4 Deluxe
Sim City 4 and Windows 7
Does it work? thinking opf bying it now as Cities XL keeps on slowing down and Sim City 5 is a big disappointmentz as far as critics go...
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Показані коментарі 115 із 17
i got a free copy from Origin about a year ago. played fine on Win 7 x64. i assume the Steam version would work just fine.
Works fine for me, some people seem to be complaing about it for some reason though, either way its a great game.
I posted a while back if you want here is some informationr egarding SC4 on current windows OS:

I run it fine using the information in that post.
SimCity 5 is amazing. Server issues will obviously be fixed
Sim city 4 works, However it seems it doesnt like anything more than one core and prefers XP, if you can set it to them then yeah its all good or expect random crashes. Well its not even crashes, it just closes.
SC4 Deluxe on Steam works perfectly fine for me, Win7 x64. Multicore doesn't seem a problem. If you have any issues, this thread might be of use:
Цитата допису Sniper:
SimCity 5 is amazing. Server issues will obviously be fixed
No one asked about 5, try telling that to the ppl who payed and cannot play.

thanks for the many answers - then I will go for Sim City 4 first - wanted to have a good city builder finally again...have already Anno and Tropico ;-)
I have Windows 8 and four cores. SimCity4 has never crashed on me, works fine.
out of curiosity and generally wanting to try this game out after the new one flopped i downloaded and installed the game last night. my copy is from Origin. i didn't get a chance to play but it started right up without any issues at all. i didn't add any launch options either.

my system
i7 920 OC'd with hyperthreading on (so 8 cores available)
12gb ram
GTX 670
Win 7 x64 on a SSD (game is on a HDD)
2560x1440 monitor

again, i only started the game up and let it sit for a bit as i didn't have time to play. no problems so far though.
This is good news to hear. My computer runs Windows 7 x64, and I was getting kind of worried on if it would work on Windows 7 or not after everybody says that it works on Windows XP and Vista only (though I was pretty sure that it should run on Windows 7 in compatibility mode). I'll probably end up picking this up from Steam soon.
Цитата допису C= /|miga:
No one asked about 5, try telling that to the ppl who payed and cannot play.

He did however mention it in his original post, you elitist Zool-playing buffoon!

He also misclaimed that it was crap, when in fact it has been getting blinding reviews by everyone and anyone. Having teething problems by misjudging how many servers you will need at launch does not make a game crap.

SimCity 4 works fine on my Windows 8 and has worked fine on all operating systems I've had since 2004, very easy game to run but it's max res is 1600x1200 understandably and it's graphics are no longer spectacular but it still holds it's own and is fantastic fun, there's nothing more satisfying than spending a week sculpting the perfect metropolis and then setting an alien or monster loose on your tiny citizens.
Автор останньої редакції: krashd; 11 берез. 2013 о 9:58
Цитата допису krashd:
Цитата допису C= /|miga:
No one asked about 5, try telling that to the ppl who payed and cannot play.

He did however mention it in his original post, you elitist Zool-playing buffoon!

He also misclaimed that it was crap, when in fact it has been getting blinding reviews by everyone and anyone. Having teething problems by misjudging how many servers you will need at launch does not make a game crap.

SimCity 4 works fine on my Windows 8 and has worked fine on all operating systems I've had since 2004, very easy game to run but it's max res is 1600x1200 understandably and it's graphics are no longer spectacular but it still holds it's own and is fantastic fun, there's nothing more satisfying than spending a week sculpting the perfect metropolis and then setting an alien or monster loose on your tiny citizens.

i'm playing it at 2560x1440
Win7 32bit, Dual Core CPU and it works flawlessly... which is more than I can say for some older games.
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Опубліковано: 9 берез. 2013 о 3:26
Дописів: 17