Viscera Cleanup Detail

Viscera Cleanup Detail

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BlackEagle  [Entwickler] 30. Dez. 2015 um 1:26
Trivia Cleanup *SPOILERS*
Greetings everyone.

So, in the interests of revealing details about the world of Viscera Cleanup Detail in small trickles, We've decided to launch a kind of Trivia thread.

The official trivia is closed, but you can still participate, see the latest posts!

New Rules:
  • A person will start by asking a question. This can be factual(to the best of your knowledge), or hypothetical. Just try and make it entertaining.
  • Everyone else will then answer that question to the best of their abilities, or skip it if they desire.
  • The person who asked the question, will then reply(after a period of time that suits them) with the answer.
  • They will then also decide who goes next, stating by name that: "I nominate Johnny Two-Toes for the next question".
  • After which point, Johnny Two Toes(or whoever) may either pose a new question, or hand off to someone else if they don't feel like it.
  • If the nominated person does not ask a question within one day, then another person is chosen by semi-consensus until a new question is posed.
  • And the cycle then repeats.

Official Rules
It'll go down like this(gonna gameify that sucka!):
  • We will ask a question about some small detail of VCD's universe/lore/mythos.
  • We will give several possible answers, or if more suitable we will provide no possible answers.
  • You will tell us which one is correct and detail your answer, either by filling in the missing details, or by elaborating on your theory.
  • Alternatively we will pose a hypothetical situation you will find yourself in, and you must formulate a way to act it out.
  • First and foremost, we're here to have fun. So while scores will be tracked(if applicable), they really don't matter most of the time. Just be creative, or as interesting as you want!
  • Each day(or when possible) the answer will be given and we shall move on to the next question, at which point the scores(if applicable) will be adjusted.

Old rules
  • We will ask a question about some small detail of VCD's universe/lore/mythos.
  • We will give several possible answers, or if more suitable we will provide no possible answers.
  • You will tell us which one is correct and detail your answer, either by filling in the missing details, or by elaborating on your theory.
  • We will assign you a point value based on your answer, 1 point for full and correct answer, 0.5 for half answers, etc. We shall use our discretion to be as fair as possible. Some multiple choice questions allow you to scoop more than 1 point, but the more choices you list the less rewards you get for being correct. The order in which you guess matters!
  • The first person to answer some portion of a question correctly will always get the points for that portion. Others may also(if suitable), but with ever decreasing rewards.
  • Covering a portion of the answer that the previous person/persons missed is allowed and will get you points if valid. Sometimes answering the same as others will also get you points, if applicable.
  • Changing your answers is allowed as long as it does not conflict with another person's answer.
  • We will list here in the original post the scores of each person who answers correctly(updated as we go).
  • The first correct full answer or the first few partial(yet sufficient)answers will allow us to move to the next question and no more opportunities for answering the former question will be allowed.
  • Each day(or when possible) the answer will be given and we shall move on to the next question, at which point the scores will be adjusted.
  • Checking for the answer in VCD's files or any Wiki is not allowed unless you already know the answer from said sources. Just be fair. Googling an answer is not a fair challenge.

Now for the disclaimer. If anyone posts bugs, unrelated questions or generally derailing posts, I will delete them. Rest assured, posting anywhere else is just as constructive, we read everything so there's no point posting anything like that in here.

Absurd Logic: 90.85
A Janitor: 80.0
StarrySock: 71.6
asinoaureo: 52.1
lexilogo: 43.05
margotbean: 33.0
Kamoba: 21.35
Jacket: 13.1
Pants On Head ♥♥♥♥♥♥(Gork): 13.05
Trainphreak: 12.95
Zelich: 12.7
Legochiel: 11.35
Bob4967: 9.15
Nada Afterwards: 4.9
eNex: 2.85
Revolver Ocelot: 1.0
rolandoftheeld: 0.75
The Gambler: 0.5
Pyrosancal: 0.5
Zuletzt bearbeitet von BlackEagle; 29. Juli 2016 um 2:24
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Beiträge 166180 von 1,701
2. Cultural Diversity
Players were going to have their vision messed up by other players hitting them in the face with a mop=better late than never for some temporary blindness:)

that broken vcteleport=i got it working=one can now use the toaster to teleport any object=use toaster and pickup object before it teleports you to take garbage with you:)
Zuletzt bearbeitet von A JANITOR; 23. Jan. 2016 um 23:16
bit late to the party but 5.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Davedunno; 23. Jan. 2016 um 11:27
socco 23. Jan. 2016 um 13:01 
I'm gonna go with 5. 3 as well if we're allowed more than one correct answer for this one.

Honestly, I think class-based VCD would have been amazing. Of course the game would be nothing like it is now, but with a large enough player-base that would be fun as hell XD
Zuletzt bearbeitet von socco; 23. Jan. 2016 um 13:02
eNex 23. Jan. 2016 um 13:09 

Names are absolutely cute no question asked.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von eNex; 23. Jan. 2016 um 13:09
I was actually impressed with the amount of diversity in the names from the beginning.

So 2 with a healthy dusting of 5.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Absurd Logic; 23. Jan. 2016 um 13:12
Ursprünglich geschrieben von BlackEagle:
In the early concept we first thought of it as a Team Deathmatch game where the levels would be symmetrical, with a line down the middle separating it in two halves. Each team would cleanup their own zone and toss mess into the other team's zone. Kind of like King of the Hill with mess. Players were going to have their vision messed up by other players hitting them in the face with a mop.
this needs to be a gamemode

socco 23. Jan. 2016 um 15:34 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Pants On Head ♥♥♥♥♥♥:
Ursprünglich geschrieben von BlackEagle:
In the early concept we first thought of it as a Team Deathmatch game where the levels would be symmetrical, with a line down the middle separating it in two halves. Each team would cleanup their own zone and toss mess into the other team's zone. Kind of like King of the Hill with mess. Players were going to have their vision messed up by other players hitting them in the face with a mop.
this needs to be a gamemode
With the "consume" key as part of it.
BlackEagle  [Entwickler] 24. Jan. 2016 um 10:37 
Spiffing. The correct and only answer is 5!
While yes there is a degree if cultural diversity, not a lot of thought actually went into that.
However, we usually spent a lot of time trying to give each name a hidden meaning(sometimes even using other languages). In most cases this took the form of innuendo, and as such we stuck to the trend.
More of this trend can also be found in many punch-out notes.

"Ben Dover" is the perfect example and was actually one of, if not the very first such name.

Maybe we're just disturbed, but it certainly makes the names interesting.
Lately the names have been references more often than innuendo, and seems to be the new trend that has emerged.
Maybe I've just run out of ideas, but I've packed in mostly references in the last few levels' names.

Next question.
What level has a very long example of blood graffiti written on the floor? What does it say and what is it a reference to?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von BlackEagle; 24. Jan. 2016 um 10:50
Athena's Wrath, "everything is permitted", no idea the reference.
Wouldn't "Everything is permitted" be a reference to the entire Assassin's Creed series, since its the second half of the titular creed? ("Nothing is true, everything is permitted")
Athena's Wrath, "everything is permitted"
assasins of creed reference
maxim of an ancient group of assassins known as The Assassin Order.
the qoute is from a book=1938 novel Alamut by Vladimir Bartol
@BlackEagle you found my weakness keep em comming really good questions:)
Zuletzt bearbeitet von A JANITOR; 24. Jan. 2016 um 22:19
BlackEagle  [Entwickler] 24. Jan. 2016 um 23:31 
Right indeed.
It reads "Everything is Permitted" and is a reference to the Assassin's Creed series in general.
And yes, it is also half of the well known phrase "Nothing is true, everything is permitted".

Ursprünglich geschrieben von A JANITOR:
Athena's Wrath, "everything is permitted"
assasins of creed reference
maxim of an ancient group of assassins known as The Assassin Order.
the qoute is from a book=1938 novel Alamut by Vladimir Bartol
@BlackEagle you found my weakness keep em comming really good questions:)

Heh, are you just googling these things? That's hardly a fair challenge. :P
It's fine to google the answer if you want to know, but actually answering with it doesn't seem right to me.

Next question.
When creating the level Overgrowth, which of the following features did we add?

1. Sand Dunes
2. Climbable Rock Walls
3. Salvation
4. Deadly Aliens
5. Burnable Bushes
6. Partially Skinned Humans
7. Destructible Trees
8. A Compass
9. A Blow Up Doll of Bob
10. None of the above
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Geschrieben am: 30. Dez. 2015 um 1:26
Beiträge: 1,699