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what is the objective?
So I have no idea what I am suppossed to be doing after I start this game always ends the same way I wander around and after a certian ammount of time some invisible force lifts me up and throws me back down. Then i get what looks like a game over screen, then im thrown back to main menu
Terakhir diedit oleh RosesFullBloom; 28 Okt 2013 @ 11:01pm
< >
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By what I can figure, you have to "go to bed" when your battery power starts running low.
Unfortunately, there seems to be several sequences I've run into where the game outright refuses to let you go...
As for the objective? Find as much as you can? Seems to be it right now.
Terakhir diedit oleh Hippocampus Hamster; 28 Okt 2013 @ 11:23pm
Diposting pertama kali oleh Pwny Express:
By what I can figure, you have to "go to bed" when your battery power starts running low.
Unfortunately, there seems to be several sequences I've run into where the game outright refuses to let you go...
As for the objective? Find as much as you can? Seems to be it right now.

hmm interesting it will let me go to sleep as much as i want however, every time seems to be the same i find 3 letters som stuff happens and then i die just like my first post desribed i never get to go into the basement or anything like that. I always find the same 1 item on the couch and the 3 letters and thats about it. I have seen other game play footage consisting of a lot more but I can never get that far there is nothing to tell me that i will be lead to my death i just seem to run around aimlessly untill it happens
sharleedee 29 Okt 2013 @ 8:43am 
You have to play it a few times to learn what manifestations to keep your distance from, so you won't get killed. Once you know what to avoid, you can last long enough to find the rest of the pages (some don't spawn until the second or third day), open the safe, and get into the basement.
Saelune 29 Okt 2013 @ 9:25am 
Sleeping past July 4th will kill you, as well as running out of power anywhere. Theres also a weird lady mannequin ghost that is covered in steam that kills you. The key to the basement is in a safe that you need the random combination for, which can eventually appear in blood in atleast 2 places so far.
MC  [pengembang] 29 Okt 2013 @ 10:07am 
The basement is the true ending of the game.
Diposting pertama kali oleh sharleedee:
You have to play it a few times to learn what manifestations to keep your distance from, so you won't get killed. Once you know what to avoid, you can last long enough to find the rest of the pages (some don't spawn until the second or third day), open the safe, and get into the basement.

thats jst it nothing really manifests ill be wandering aimlessly then suddenly my character is randomly lifted and killed. The dolls seem to manifest and the lady just seems to walk around then disapear nothing is in front of my screen when im lifted to my death. if i got too close to a doll or the lady and it happened that would make sense but it happens with no warning
sharleedee 29 Okt 2013 @ 8:51pm 
You should only get lifted up and killed if the battery on the camera dies. Keep an eye on the readout and head back upstairs if it's down to less than half a charge, sprinting if you're running out of time.
Diposting pertama kali oleh sharleedee:
You should only get lifted up and killed if the battery on the camera dies. Keep an eye on the readout and head back upstairs if it's down to less than half a charge, sprinting if you're running out of time.
Really? then something is wrong the battery is full every time im killed. The messaging for the battery dieing is all over the plae too. I notice after i head to bed and wake up the game tells me emediatly need to charge the battery sometimes it tells me the same message at the very start of the game too. its pretty random when i get the battery messages.
sharleedee 30 Okt 2013 @ 1:09pm 
Definitely something wrong with your game, then. Have you tried re-installing?
MC  [pengembang] 30 Okt 2013 @ 1:12pm 
Diposting pertama kali oleh LightningZombie:
Diposting pertama kali oleh sharleedee:
You should only get lifted up and killed if the battery on the camera dies. Keep an eye on the readout and head back upstairs if it's down to less than half a charge, sprinting if you're running out of time.
Really? then something is wrong the battery is full every time im killed. The messaging for the battery dieing is all over the plae too. I notice after i head to bed and wake up the game tells me emediatly need to charge the battery sometimes it tells me the same message at the very start of the game too. its pretty random when i get the battery messages.
This is a glitch. Re-installing the game likely won't fix it. An update is coming :)
Diposting pertama kali oleh MattDementous:
Diposting pertama kali oleh LightningZombie:
Really? then something is wrong the battery is full every time im killed. The messaging for the battery dieing is all over the plae too. I notice after i head to bed and wake up the game tells me emediatly need to charge the battery sometimes it tells me the same message at the very start of the game too. its pretty random when i get the battery messages.
This is a glitch. Re-installing the game likely won't fix it. An update is coming :)

alright sounds good cant wait for it
Eventually the spirit will warn you with DONT GO TO BED written in blood on the floor.
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Tanggal Diposting: 28 Okt 2013 @ 10:57pm
Postingan: 12