Spacebase DF-9

Spacebase DF-9

Oxygen Glitch?
Why do many of my rooms have low oxygen when I have enough oxygen recyclers to support 75 people?
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Right now, oxygen only goes from specific room to specific room (bar to living quarters to refinery, etc). Hallways that are left undeclared as to room type don't recieve or transfer oxygen except where an open door is involved.
I don't have any hallways between my rooms, just doors.
Is the room set to seal oxygen? Rooms will only receive oxygen from the recyclers if their oxygen is unsealed. If oxygen is sealed, rooms will only receive oxygen that leaks through the doors, which won't be enough to keep up with several people's oxygen consumption.
Ultima modifica da crezeh; 9 mar 2014, ore 22:14
I've also noticed that if you replace all your O2 recyclers with the modified version, the game complains that your base doesn't have any oxygen. This is probably a bug where the level 2 O2 recyclers aren't recognised as such.
neither one was the issue. the oxygen levels seem to just vary a lot
I'm just reviving this thread but i have a problem.
Can someone explain how this oxygen transfer thing works exactly ? Cause i had the same problem. A room with enough recyclers for about 80 people, only had about 40. And the rooms further out in the station and some much closer oscillated between 30 to 50% oxygen max with a couple 70% spikes right before everyone started asphyxiating. Of course when i figured ishould build recyclers in different areas my builders were jsut running abotu refusing to go fix that problem.

So unzoned corridors don't leak enough oxygen ? that's a bummer cause corridors are very useful.
Necro thread, but think I may have just discovered what was happening to my oxygen. I had plenty of recyclers in good condition, 10/33 O2 capacity, however most of my rooms outside of the life support area were down to around 40% O2, no station leaks or damage, no open doors to space, however...

I had stripped a derelict but noticed that my builders were taking a long time to vapourize the floor so I left it, it wasn't until I tried sending them back to get rid of it that my base oxygen started to go back up. I don't know for sure if this is what's going on, but perhaps the base was trying to supply oxygen (quite stupidly) to this bit of floor that was open to space, and thus losing 100% of the oxygen that was going there.
Necroing after 6 years? Oh boy. Anyway, I recall the oxygen mechanics were dependent on room sizes and framerate. If you have low fps, oxygens spreads slower. If you have small rooms, oxygen spreads slower. The minimum tile count between any two adjoining rooms is what determines the transfer rate between them, so you're kinda supposed to have long corridors or large rooms right next to O2 generator rooms to distribute the oxygen faster.
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Data di pubblicazione: 9 mar 2014, ore 0:35
Messaggi: 8