Skullgirls 2nd Encore

Skullgirls 2nd Encore

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url.exe Nov 15, 2013 @ 3:42am
Playing with an Xbox controller.

I'd like to play with my Xbox controller but it seems just way too confusing and not much friendy I'd say.
When I'm using my Xbox controller, I can navigate and play with it, but the left stick won't work and the game it self doesn't show any of the Xbox buttons. So it makes it a bit confusing to use and I pretty much have no idea what I am doing.

Any help or tips?
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Showing 1-14 of 14 comments
Muro Nov 15, 2013 @ 4:17am 
For starters, default configuration:

X - light punch [LP]
Y - medium punch [MP]
RB - hard punch [HP]

A - light kick [LK]
B - medium kick [MK]
RT - hard kick [HK]

LB & LT - custom macros

Not sure what's wrong with the stick. I use a 360 pad myself. I just plugged it in and the left analog worked from the beginning.
url.exe Nov 15, 2013 @ 4:47am 
Originally posted by UOTS Super Kami Muro:
For starters, default configuration:

X - light punch [LP]
Y - medium punch [MP]
RB - hard punch [HP]

A - light kick [LK]
B - medium kick [MK]
RT - hard kick [HK]

LB & LT - custom macros

Not sure what's wrong with the stick. I use a 360 pad myself. I just plugged it in and the left analog worked from the beginning.

Hey, thanks for the help!

for the stick, well that's probably because I tried to bind and mess up with the controller settings, now I can't make anything that could cause it to wrong.. Oh well.
Muro Nov 15, 2013 @ 4:51am 
Going to Documents/Skullgirls/Save data/some-long-number/ and deleting BUTTONSETTINGS.BIN should reset all changes you did. Maybe that would help.
[Lethalvriend] Nov 15, 2013 @ 5:56am 
Is there any way to display actual xbox controller button images instead of those HP etc? It's really really confusing when you're not used to the game yet. Especially since the game supports an xbox controller by default.
Muro Nov 15, 2013 @ 6:07am 
I don't think there is.

While I know it may not seem true at the moment, the in-game images will be much more natural when you get the hang of things. Think of X-Y-RB as of a line of three punch buttons scaling from light through medium to hard. Same for A-B-RT and kicks.

Chains of attacks generally follow a light->medium->hard logic. That being said, when you start "feeling" the consistency of this layout, it will be easier to put together your attacks and combos than when you'd stick to the "A button, B button, etc" mentality.
Last edited by Muro; Nov 15, 2013 @ 6:07am
Cat Daddy Nov 15, 2013 @ 6:40am 
use XPADDER if your not happy

i dont see what the big problem is
LK mean weak kick
MK means mid kick
HK means hark kick

its been around for several years.
the easiest way to remember without buttons you're used to is imagining an arcade stick warped around the controller. i'll draw you a picture so you can remember next time.
[Lethalvriend] Nov 15, 2013 @ 6:53am 
Personally my problem is more that I'm used to memorizing actions to a button on my controller. For example, having a green A button displayed on screen during a tutorial means more to me than LK because every game I've played with my controller uses a green A button for an action rather than having a LK being A button being a weak kick. It's like you have to memorize 3 references rather than simply remembering the A button. That's why I'd prefer to have xbox buttons displayed. I do get the logic with the combat layout but that's how I see it. However, if there is no mod or something to swap the images I'll get used to it.
heres the work of art i promised

Originally posted by Lethalvriend:
having a green A button displayed on screen during a tutorial means more to me than LK because every game I've played with my controller uses a green A button for an action rather than having a LK being A button being a weak kick.
that makes sense for almost any other games, such as brawlers having a weak and strong attack labeled, but fighting game annotation is different, and has been different almost since the snes era. once you're used to it, you'll quickly realize how much easier this style is for fighting games. also, if you're serious about skullgirls, i'd suggest ditching the controller entirely and hopping on an arcade stick. they're not necessary, but neither is bathing, think about that -super meat boy
Muro Nov 15, 2013 @ 7:18am 
Funny how that quote was actually about gamepads.
Originally posted by UOTS Super Kami Muro:
Funny how that quote was actually about gamepads.
i know :3 but this is a fighter not a platform. different controllers work for different games.
Muro Nov 15, 2013 @ 7:33am 
In the end it depends what's most important for the player. I find playing with a pad so natural that I wouldn't replace it for a stick even if it the latter would improve my execution. Comfort over efficiency for me.
i actually find sticks MUCH more comfortable than a pad, you get to rest your hands on the panel, you get to use all your fingers so your thumb isn't doing all the opening combos, not to mention that the buttons are far bigger so you dont worry about dropping frame strict combos. the pad, on the otherhand, dpad is terrible, and i wouldnt dream about using the stick for precise movements
Jhonpit May 18 @ 2:29pm 
Guys how i use my ult in Xbox controler?
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