Skullgirls 2nd Encore

Skullgirls 2nd Encore

ForsakenM~ 2023 年 7 月 27 日 下午 6:27
So Skullgirls is being featured in a side tournament at EVO, as usual, but they are also part of the Aug 4th Friday Showcase
They will be on at 1:10PM and Hidden Variable will be there to show off Marie, but look at the phrasing here:

'See Marie in action as she closes out the game's *first* season of DLC.'

So...they really think they can pull this off into a franchise? After everything that has happened recently? With what most people know about how awful they were to Alex and Mike Z?

This just proves to me that even if Mike wins anything at all, he can't get the IP back. They wouldn't be acting like there was a planned future for the IP from the new dev team if there was a solid chance of him taking it all back.

This means that devs who's wishy-washy morality determines what stays in the game or not, who won't listen to feedback and will ignore the outcry as much as they possibly can, while also likely being hypocritical about it all and insulting to the content the community got together to make possible...will run this beautiful work into the ground...and there ain't a damn thing we can do about it.


Pour one out for my second-favorite game of all time, right behind SMRPG. You were too good of a game for this world, and as such you hit every snag, bump in the road, and roadblock possible to the point of the fan base believing you were cursed. And just when I thought that you were going to have a noble send off in your twilight years with the community being given the bigger of the unfulfilled requests with the eventual potential of a sequel, the reality is that your mangled corpse that is being made less and less recognizable is strung up for display and the last of the lifeblood is being siphoned by soulless hacks with no unique thoughts of their own, until you crumble into dust.

I at least hope that Alex and Mike find great success in their future.
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正在显示第 46 - 60 条,共 72 条留言
Alpharius 2023 年 7 月 29 日 上午 9:49 
引用自 Woke Missingno.
Buddy, I don't think the devs even know who you are, let alone did anything specifically because of you.

What are you refering to here?

They don't know and proven they don't care about ANY of us, not even you and YOU deserve the content you paid for, all of it. Censored and uncensored.

I think it's wrong, and I'm going to keep campaining for uncensorship. There was no good reason for it and you know it.
Tanoomba 2023 年 7 月 29 日 上午 10:30 
引用自 Alpharius
no they had problems with what made the game popular; it was never THEM, it was Alex and Mike Z's game and desicions that made the game waht it was, maybe they thought tht was a problem and this was the only way to get what THEY wanted out of the game... either way it's still WRONG to do this. It didn't sit right WITH THEM, no one else in the community... and it only took them until a month ago to change it? Why?
Mike Z wanted the game to be less risqué from the beginning. He'd probably support the changes.

引用自 Alpharius
I think it's wrong, and I'm going to keep campaining for uncensorship. There was no good reason for it and you know it.
You are not owed only reasons you consider "good".
最后由 Tanoomba 编辑于; 2023 年 7 月 29 日 上午 10:30
Alpharius 2023 年 7 月 29 日 上午 10:35 
引用自 Tanoomba
引用自 Alpharius
no they had problems with what made the game popular; it was never THEM, it was Alex and Mike Z's game and desicions that made the game waht it was, maybe they thought tht was a problem and this was the only way to get what THEY wanted out of the game... either way it's still WRONG to do this. It didn't sit right WITH THEM, no one else in the community... and it only took them until a month ago to change it? Why?
Mike Z wanted the game to be less risqué from the beginning. He'd probably support the changes.

引用自 Alpharius
I think it's wrong, and I'm going to keep campaining for uncensorship. There was no good reason for it and you know it.
You are not owed only reasons you consider "good".

Yeah and Alex pushed back. I'm not on Mike Z's side, i'm on Alex's side at best. It's his world, his artstyle. It was never the developers who made anything, they just helped realize it. They worked on someone else's work, and i applude them for the job, but i do not support censorship in any form. this aslo does not anwser the question posed there, Tanoomba.

No i want reasons; i was fine when Eliza's mechanics were changed in beta (The ESRB is a ♥♥♥♥♥) but the reasons they gave are not satisfactory and the outcry needs addressing. Say "vocal minority" all you want, but Censorhsip is wrong, as is the removal of backer content and fanart
Tanoomba 2023 年 7 月 29 日 上午 10:45 
引用自 Alpharius
this aslo does not anwser the question posed there, Tanoomba.
They answered the question in their explanation.

引用自 Alpharius
the outcry needs addressing.
It does not.

引用自 Alpharius
Say "vocal minority" all you want, but Censorhsip is wrong, as is the removal of backer content and fanart
Not inherently it isn't.
Missingno. 2023 年 7 月 29 日 上午 10:45 
Alex didn't push back against Mike at all. There's one notable scrapped animation that Mike objected to early in development and all Alex had to say was "Yeah you're right we shouldn't use that one."

You're making up imaginary versions of these people in your head that you just assume would agree with you on anything and everything. Why do you think you know their minds?
CCfan 2023 年 7 月 29 日 上午 10:58 
引用自 Tanoomba
You don't speak for "everyone".
No. I merely speak facts, no need to speak for other people.

引用自 Tanoomba
I don't believe it will, sorry.
The train won't care what you believe when it will inevitably hit you.

引用自 Tanoomba
Fun theory. Where's this sales boost? How have they benefited AT ALL from the changes?
Nowhere, of course.
I said that this is what they hoped to achieve with their ugly censorship, because no one that does the stuff they've done to their game actually care in the least about either the art of the messages, it's all about the money. I never said that their idea for making money was a good idea though.

You see, the new devs are idiots. They hoped to make the game more marketable and what they got at the end of the day is a game that is still marked by the stain of being a fanservice game, and thus will always be despised by the puritanical half of the internet, and now they also pissed off the people who support anti-censorship and artists doing whatever they want by taking the knife to Alex Ahad's stuff.

Now what we have is a game that is unappealing to everyone except hardcore FGC junkies, and even in that field no one gives a crap about Skullgirls, an insignificant discord fighter since 2012 that only made it through because it had (emphasis on had) a supportive community. A dead game, only supported by people who would be fine if they removed the graphics and kept the hitboxes, and weird corporate defenders like you.

引用自 Tanoomba
- Begging the question, presenting it as a given that the devs "despise" the franchise and only see it as a "cash cow"
- They're rationale for the changes does not at all demonstrate any problem with fanservice.
They have no problem for the fanservice, but the rationale showed in their actual edits is that even male torsos may be too much in the modern age of Skullgirls.

My man, what are we talking about?
CCfan 2023 年 7 月 29 日 上午 11:01 
引用自 Woke Missingno.
Again, you're just leaping to the worst possible conclusion with no real logic behind it.
For the last time: I have eyes and can recognize things when I see them.
If you want to delude yourself into believing the most canned corporate speeches the devs can produce then suit yourself. We all know you're just going to adapt to whatever new stance the devs will assume when they'll censor the next bunch of tits, asses and things that might be considered political by terminally online culture warriors.
Missingno. 2023 年 7 月 29 日 上午 11:52 
And yet your eyes are completely incapable of reading, apparently.
Alpharius 2023 年 7 月 29 日 下午 12:13 
引用自 Woke Missingno.
Alex didn't push back against Mike at all. There's one notable scrapped animation that Mike objected to early in development and all Alex had to say was "Yeah you're right we shouldn't use that one."

You're making up imaginary versions of these people in your head that you just assume would agree with you on anything and everything. Why do you think you know their minds?

Yes i know that one that one is OOC for sampson, which is the reason i imagine Alex didn't go for it. Otherwise? The game was fine. It's STILL fine and never needed this patch, and people are right to be upset about it.
MONSTERDROID 2023 年 7 月 29 日 下午 2:06 
Just wanted to point out that Future Club is partnered with Moonrise Fund (functionally it might as well be an ESG knockoff) which is known for wanting "inclusive" games, with that in mind they probably made the changes to pander to them.

In regards to Mike & Alex the reason why there is probably so much confusion as to their personal positions is that they were notoriously kicked out of their own game company by the hired hands & mobile game devs. So it only makes sense that maybe they wanted the game to go into directions the hired hands didn't like.

Notably Miazaki Mycroft who is friends with the devs said that the devs had wanted to change the game to a co op type situation where everyone had equal say or something (In essence not wanting to be told to do their job by the owner Alex & co owner Mike).

Make of that what you will.
ForsakenM~ 2023 年 7 月 29 日 下午 2:13 
Just wanted to point out that Future Club is partnered with Moonrise Fund (functionally it might as well be an ESG knockoff) which is known for wanting "inclusive" games, with that in mind they probably made the changes to pander to them.

In regards to Mike & Alex the reason why there is probably so much confusion as to their personal positions is that they were notoriously kicked out of their own game company by the hired hands & mobile game devs. So it only makes sense that maybe they wanted the game to go into directions the hired hands didn't like.

Notably Miazaki Mycroft who is friends with the devs said that the devs had wanted to change the game to a co op type situation where everyone had equal say or something (In essence not wanting to be told to do their job by the owner Alex & co owner Mike).

Make of that what you will.

I know that stuff like this was framed that Alex was 'hard to work with' and that Mike was suddenly a tyrant who kicked everyone out of Lab Zero in a craze...but the deeper you look, the less that seems to be true.

I think the truth is that Mike and Alex were autistically specific with their vision, and they would often shut out anything that got to close to breaking from that vision. Because of this we got how amazing Skullgirls is and the lost potential of Indivisible and how great it could have been. However, others involved wanted to have more say and probably thought their ideas were better and didn't like being shut out, to the point where they took their collective anger over this and banded together to push out Alex and then Mike.

And now here we are, with them only able to push out empty shells of Alex's work as what will likely be the last content this game ever gets, and then move on to make even more shameful recreations of his work with THEIR vision in mind...only to likely find out their vision was always awful and they should have shut up the whole time.
Missingno. 2023 年 7 月 29 日 下午 3:44 
you've been listening to too much right-wing propaganda
Kyrion 2023 年 7 月 29 日 下午 3:51 
引用自 Woke Missingno.
you've been listening to too much right-wing propaganda
TBH there is a tons more left-wing one in last 10 years... then again there was a ton of right-wing in 90s. Though then majority of Devs were quite vehemently against any side's idiocy.

Guess it is 'whoever is in power at time' thing.

00s and maybe very early 10s were in fact a bit of a Golden age when neither political implications were so overwhelmingly influencial on the market itself. Now we can look at them fondly.... though I can say that whatever feelings we might have on that as consumers/clients -> the creators have to deal with a way more issues on that front. Which is sad.
最后由 Kyrion 编辑于; 2023 年 7 月 29 日 下午 3:52
Alpharius 2023 年 7 月 29 日 下午 3:53 
I just wanted to play a cool video game with cool lore man.
Tanoomba 2023 年 7 月 29 日 下午 4:42 
引用自 CCfan
The train won't care what you believe when it will inevitably hit you.
I'll take my chances, thanks.

引用自 CCfan
no one that does the stuff they've done to their game actually care in the least about either the art of the messages, it's all about the money.
This is blind cynicism for the sake of cynicism. You're saying that they lied about their motivation and they really did it for the money, even though it didn't make them any money, because they're dumb, you decided.

引用自 CCfan
You see, the new devs are idiots.
Anybody can be portrayed as an idiot if you get to just make up their motivations and rationale.

引用自 CCfan
what they got at the end of the day is a game that is still marked by the stain of being a fanservice game, and thus will always be despised by the puritanical half of the internet
I've never heard from any puritanical groups who despise the game. Do you get to make up demographics too?

引用自 CCfan
Now what we have is a game that is unappealing to everyone except hardcore FGC junkies
Actually it's appealing to everyone it was always appealing to except entitled gamers who want to fight a culture war.

引用自 CCfan
and weird corporate defenders like you.
You'll not find someone more critical of corporate culture than me. But I guess making up people's motivation is kind of your thing now.
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发帖日期: 2023 年 7 月 27 日 下午 6:27
回复数: 72