Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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Malacanth 2022년 5월 30일 오후 7시 28분
Replay tool question
Anyone know if it is possible to swap actors that are seated in 2 separate vehicles? F6 just wont let me swap characters while in a cockpit.
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16개 댓글 중 1-15개 표시
Dan2D3D  [개발자] 2022년 5월 31일 오전 4시 17분 
Hi, the replay tool window must be open for the F6 to work, we can swap character when that window is open only.
Malacanth 2022년 5월 31일 오후 3시 00분 
Dan2D3D님이 먼저 게시:
Hi, the replay tool window must be open for the F6 to work, we can swap character when that window is open only.

Hey Dave, thanks for responding, you can swap characters without the window being open, however, one character is in a cockpit and I need the other character in a cockpit, however once, in a cockpit, I am unable to swap characters, even with the replay tool menu open, I even tried clicking switch character, and it still will not let me.
Dan2D3D  [개발자] 2022년 5월 31일 오후 6시 21분 
Looks like a new bug to report so the best would be to let the SE programmers know.
-> on the Portal or by Email (see pinned green messages).


I will go try on my side to see if the same and feedback to you.
Dan2D3D 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2022년 5월 31일 오후 6시 21분
Dan2D3D  [개발자] 2022년 5월 31일 오후 7시 12분 
Testing done on my side = All good

I was able to swap characters while the Admin menu is open, even with characters in small ship cockpits :

Looks like you have a bugged save ready to send to the SE programmers so don't be shy cause they told the community to send them bugged saves for testing.

-> Publish your save and send the Workshop item link with short description of the problem and they will tell you if they can fix it or not.
Dan2D3D 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2022년 5월 31일 오후 7시 13분
Dan2D3D  [개발자] 2022년 5월 31일 오후 7시 24분 
I will add :

You may share it here so all can load and confirm it's a bug to report before you send it to the SE Team.

>> How to publish a world save :

1 - Select your save.

2 - Click the "Publish" button on the left.

3 - Choose a proper Tag, check Steam upload and click the OK button.

4 - Your world will be uploaded to Steam Workshop.

5 - Paste the Workshop item link here.
Dan2D3D 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2022년 5월 31일 오후 7시 25분
Dan2D3D  [개발자] 2022년 6월 3일 오전 7시 59분 

a Xbox player just told me that the "Change character" button in the Replay screen is not working on Xbox and I told him to go create a new Portal Bug report.

So it seem to be bugged and the best you can do would be to send your bugged save to the SE Team in a new Portal Bug report, well if you want them to know so they can start working on a fix asap.

Directly to the SE Programmers :

Support Portal =
(create "Bug report" or "Request help"(Private) or "Feedback"(Petition) on the Portal)
Dan2D3D 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2022년 6월 3일 오전 8시 00분
이 앱의 개발자가 이 게시물을 해당 주제의 답변으로 채택하였습니다.
Dan2D3D  [개발자] 2022년 6월 3일 오전 8시 14분 
I just used the Portal search tool and one already reported :

BUT -> Strange thing is that I can switch character when they are in a cockpit in my Vanilla saves = ???
Dan2D3D 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2022년 6월 3일 오전 8시 15분
Malacanth 2022년 6월 3일 오전 8시 41분 
Dan2D3D님이 먼저 게시:
I just used the Portal search tool and one already reported :

BUT -> Strange thing is that I can switch character when they are in a cockpit in my Vanilla saves = ???

It is a vanilla save, however it is a world that is a few months old now, I will test it in a new world version and see if it repeats.
Dan2D3D  [개발자] 2022년 6월 3일 오전 9시 16분 
Mine is old too, so I will do more testing later cause I have to go out in a few minutes and I will feedback to you later today ...
Dan2D3D 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2022년 6월 3일 오전 9시 17분
Dan2D3D  [개발자] 2022년 6월 3일 오후 7시 21분 
I did more testing and :

I was finally able to reproduce, well the "change character" button does not work while in a cockpit and the only working solution is still to keep the Replay screen open and hit F6 to swap, that still worked for me

I also noticed that the F6 and "change character" button works sometimes when the character are in a cockpit so no need to keep the Replay tool open, but very random tho!

-> Tap F6 to switch works fine when the characters are not in a seat/cockpit.
-> Must keep the replay screen open to swap/hit F6 while they are in a cockpit.

And reading the Dev reply in the Portal report tells me they know so we have to wait for the fix, well and swap with replay tool open till it's fixed.

I will go post a comment into the existing report and paste this forum discussion in.
Dan2D3D 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2022년 6월 3일 오후 7시 56분
Dan2D3D  [개발자] 2022년 6월 3일 오후 7시 22분 
Malacanth 2022년 6월 3일 오후 7시 46분 
Dan2D3D님이 먼저 게시:
I've tested with 6 characters + me ;)

I gave it a test as well and it worked in the new world, I went back and tried again in the old world and it is working now too, so maybe just a glitch?

However the change character button did not work.
Malacanth 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2022년 6월 3일 오후 7시 47분
Dan2D3D  [개발자] 2022년 6월 3일 오후 8시 11분 
Yes, it works but always end up locked in a cockpit at some point.

Hopefully we'll have a fix soon with all that testing :)
Blacky Watchy 2022년 10월 28일 오전 11시 18분 
yeah... for me it is always locked and theres no luck changing from a cockpit. i dunno what they did to it to end that way but the fact they even removed the option of changing their appereance from the replay menu makes me think they have been doing a lot of changes on it and something broke
Dan2D3D  [개발자] 2022년 10월 28일 오전 11시 26분 
The Portal report is reaction marked as

>> In Progress <<

that means it should be fixed in the next game update.


I will move this dicussion to Bug Report forum.
Dan2D3D 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2022년 10월 28일 오전 11시 27분
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16개 댓글 중 1-15개 표시
페이지당 표시 개수: 1530 50

게시된 날짜: 2022년 5월 30일 오후 7시 28분
게시글: 16