Gas Guzzlers Extreme

Gas Guzzlers Extreme

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Measuring Player Interest: Events, Tournaments
Hello everyone. My name is Drew, and I do event hosting. I'd like to ask how many people in the BlazeRush community would be interested in regular, recurring events for fun.

I'd also like to ask: How many of you are interested in tournaments where the same game modes are taken a little more seriously and with possible prizes? This would include various themes, including a team-vs-team format. I know the Fun Crew is still around, but I'm polling to the entire community, anyone out there, will you join in? =]

For background, I come from Ignition Racing and while we are expanding beyond racing games, we're also looking to tack-on Gas Guzzlers if there is a player demand for events in this game. We're doing a test-runGGE event tomorrow (Sunday) as well, click here to see the event listing in your local timezone (Look for the Gas Guzzlers icon in the events list, it's at the top right now).

Thanks in advance for your consideration,

- DrewUniverse
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As far as i know my guys almost all of them are out somewhere in Sunday, but i still can be in. Just call me via steam when you will be ready, and if some1 from my team will be on ill get him aswell :)
Would be cool to duke it out against other teams. But I guess there aren't any others on GGE :/
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Çreative; 15. Aug. 2015 um 13:15
There are others. This game may not retain players like Skyrim or LoL does, but considering the budget this is a great title that deserves recognition. As is the case with many games that "Get lost in the sheer numbers," The main problem here is not the game, but rather isolation. Part of Ignition's mission is to unify a scattered low population and turn it into a sustainable little habitat; hopefully more. That goes for any game that has high quality to it, and GGE most certainly fits in.

I love the game a lot, personally. I will do what I can to make it stand out and become a mainstay, providing we get a total of at least ~20 players in our event lobbies for GGE. If not, I'm still going to push for it. Best combat racer on Steam and that's without an EA-level budget.
I didn't mean that there aren't any other players on GGE. I meant teams. I've never seen any other team than us playing GGE.

Thanks for your efforts anyways. It is sad indeed that this game got a little lost because it purely is a hidden gem. Would love to participate in a tournament or just an event. Not to win but to get this game some attention.
I see now. Still, the individual count is lower than it should be, for how enjoyable the game is. As for teams, that's something I want to organize. First I need to re-confirm if spectating is possible, switching between player camera perspectives. If so that's a broadcaster and 7 deathmatch players, or two 3-man teams. You can also just run the event privately without a caster, but that severely hinders outreach and production value to help show off the game.

Let's see what we can do. I'll tap into all my networks. Can you notify the Fun Crew team members and use your own contacts to spread word as well? We can do this. I'll make the push.

Edit: typo
Zuletzt bearbeitet von DrewUniverse; 15. Aug. 2015 um 14:25
AlenC 15. Aug. 2015 um 20:29 
I'd love to see more life in GG multiplayer and I'd do my best to participate in event. This game really deserves more attention.
I'm down! Count me in. Wanted to post to show interest :D
Hazed 16. Aug. 2015 um 1:29 
will see if im around at the time of event if so prepare to be samshed,rammed and beepbeeped to destruction.will be bringing out the general
We're starting now!
LevaOpaki  [Entwickler] 16. Aug. 2015 um 7:34 
Great thread. Pinned!
Wow, thank you! We had a GREAT trial event just now, and IR is going to invest in more events for GGE.
It was a blast for sure! Even though I am quite bad! :D
Crunsher 16. Aug. 2015 um 10:24 
Im interested count me in !
even7ide 23. Aug. 2015 um 12:50 
the servers are empty. i would really like to play with someone :)
Hi. Is someone playing this game online? I'm having so much fun playing this game.
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