biggalloot Sep 13, 2017 @ 2:23pm
Tips for Verduners with higher ping
I am willing to play Verdun outside of my "best" server, so I have some first-hand experience attempting the game with higher ping than most of the other players in a match. All who have played the game with me know that my abilities are limited, so those more skilled who also suffer from high ping should add their suggestions in the comments below.

The main tip for playing with higher ping is to understand that the lower ping players are more likely to see and shoot at you where you are, but you will see and shoot at them where they were. One example is being shot by somebody who in animation doesn't even look to be aiming at you, as your clock runs slow and it will not see them take true aim in real time. If one plays Verdun with /shootdebug on like I do, one often seems to shoot the other first and sometimes even get the request for 100 hit only to be killed by the other as the request was not verified. On your slow clock, it only seemed that you shot first. In both examples, the usual culprit is having a ping higher than the other person. It all seems unfair. Are there any tips to play better Verdun with higher ping?

1. Move around even more than usual. The old Verduner saying that a "stationary player is a dead target" is even more true for the high pinger. Actually, high pingers have one slight advantage in that your movements seem somewhat laggy and clunky to lower pingers so you might actually be a more difficult target as long as you keep moving. When crossing no-man's land, for example, don't act like a bot with predictable paths forward. Roles which reward movement might be better for higher pingers than roles needing you to provide base of fire.

2. If you actually get to shoot at a target, remember that you are seeing the target as they were and not as they are. Be sure to lead your target much more than usual. Prayer might help, so worth a try.

3. If in a trench, never camp just outside a corner you are not already covering. A low pinger can round the corner, see you, and shoot you before you even know what happened. Either cover the corner or stay far enough away from corners that it does not become your fate.

4. If you must enter a corner to reach an objective, sprint with melee handy while zigging and zagging from side to side. You might get lucky. ESP helps, but this tip is not the best if playing a match with friendly fire on when you don't know where your team is.

5. The most important tip for high pingers is try to keep a sense of humor. We know we are at a disadvantage, but the low pingers will take no sympathy. Consider a requested hit which is never verified as an unrewarded accomplishment. Consider a high ping long range shot at a moving target as the greatest demonstration of rifle skill possible in the game. Don't complain about low pingers and have fun.

(posted for now in general forum, requesting more tips from other high pingers)
Last edited by biggalloot; Sep 14, 2017 @ 2:54am
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Showing 1-8 of 8 comments
Anomander Rake Sep 13, 2017 @ 4:07pm 
Good stuff Big. When i play in a different region it seems to be hit or miss, hehe see what I did there, but yeah, sometimes in a different region it is like godmode and sometimes you get squashed.
Thomas Sep 14, 2017 @ 3:24am 
I'm not sure. Is a high ping sadly not an advantage as long as you move? Because it takes a lot of time until the information about your movement reaches the other players. So while strafe- and jumpshooting you should always have an advantage.

Example: Your ping: 300. An enemy hides behind a corner. Your game client is already aware of his position, because he is stationary. You move around the corner and see the enemy. He will see you 300ms later. Should be an advantage. Did not test it yet.
biggalloot Sep 14, 2017 @ 3:31am 
to Thomas:
the AU people have their big match every friday, about this time. their page is:
if you are up and about tomorrow, join me there. i have played with you before and know that you are highly skilled, but expect your ping there to be over 300, perhaps over 400, so tomorrow is a chance to test your theory.
i do think that your theory is partially correct in that covering corners with high ping has a better chance if you keep moving especially dealing with stationary targets, but your targets will appear to you to be in positions they actually used to be if they are moving themselves. i think that your survival depends upon your movement, but your aim will require much adjustment at a moving target.
good luck testing this. the AU community is a fun group and i am sure that they will welcome you.
Last edited by biggalloot; Sep 14, 2017 @ 3:53am
Axman Sep 14, 2017 @ 7:38am 
What day is tomorrow in the South Pacific? Asking for a friend. Date/time GMT would be awesome.
Thomas Sep 14, 2017 @ 7:54am 
Just check out the scheduled event in that group. The date is displayed in your local time.
Muco Sep 14, 2017 @ 8:03am 
biggalloot Sep 14, 2017 @ 1:53pm 
Originally posted by Axman:
What day is tomorrow in the South Pacific? Asking for a friend. Date/time GMT would be awesome.

it looks like the AU match tomorrow will be 11 in the morning for london and 12 noon for paris/berlin/rome.
Last edited by biggalloot; Sep 14, 2017 @ 1:54pm
acur1231 Sep 15, 2017 @ 6:51pm 
Originally posted by biggalloot:
I am willing to play Verdun outside of my "best" server, so I have some first-hand experience attempting the game with higher ping than most of the other players in a match. All who have played the game with me know that my abilities are limited, so those more skilled who also suffer from high ping should add their suggestions in the comments below.

The main tip for playing with higher ping is to understand that the lower ping players are more likely to see and shoot at you where you are, but you will see and shoot at them where they were. One example is being shot by somebody who in animation doesn't even look to be aiming at you, as your clock runs slow and it will not see them take true aim in real time. If one plays Verdun with /shootdebug on like I do, one often seems to shoot the other first and sometimes even get the request for 100 hit only to be killed by the other as the request was not verified. On your slow clock, it only seemed that you shot first. In both examples, the usual culprit is having a ping higher than the other person. It all seems unfair. Are there any tips to play better Verdun with higher ping?

1. Move around even more than usual. The old Verduner saying that a "stationary player is a dead target" is even more true for the high pinger. Actually, high pingers have one slight advantage in that your movements seem somewhat laggy and clunky to lower pingers so you might actually be a more difficult target as long as you keep moving. When crossing no-man's land, for example, don't act like a bot with predictable paths forward. Roles which reward movement might be better for higher pingers than roles needing you to provide base of fire.

2. If you actually get to shoot at a target, remember that you are seeing the target as they were and not as they are. Be sure to lead your target much more than usual. Prayer might help, so worth a try.

3. If in a trench, never camp just outside a corner you are not already covering. A low pinger can round the corner, see you, and shoot you before you even know what happened. Either cover the corner or stay far enough away from corners that it does not become your fate.

4. If you must enter a corner to reach an objective, sprint with melee handy while zigging and zagging from side to side. You might get lucky. ESP helps, but this tip is not the best if playing a match with friendly fire on when you don't know where your team is.

5. The most important tip for high pingers is try to keep a sense of humor. We know we are at a disadvantage, but the low pingers will take no sympathy. Consider a requested hit which is never verified as an unrewarded accomplishment. Consider a high ping long range shot at a moving target as the greatest demonstration of rifle skill possible in the game. Don't complain about low pingers and have fun.

(posted for now in general forum, requesting more tips from other high pingers)

Yes. I currently live in Asia and this have a high ping, so I usually take a Lewis and just spray. However, I get a fair amount of rifle kills and loads of melee kills.
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Date Posted: Sep 13, 2017 @ 2:23pm
Posts: 8