Space Hulk

Space Hulk

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Stradimus 7. mars 2014 kl. 13.40
Worth Buying?
I have recently been told about this game and was quite interested. Most of what I had heard was that it's a really cool idea, but that it was as close to broken as a finished product could be on launch.

That said, I was informed that this game has been mostly fixed and is worth checking out. I was hoping that I could get the input of someone who initially bought into the game when I came out and still plays it so that I could get a perspective of how true or not true this is.

I would welcome anyone else's thoughts, but I'm mostly just trying to verify that what made this game "bad" is no longer present. Thanks for everyone's time!
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illitrate 7. mars 2014 kl. 13.51 
I bought it when it came out last summer and am still playing it at least once a week. But I don't remember what it was that was so wrong at the start. I don't remember it being unplayable, although i didn't play any multiplayer until a couple of months ago.
So yeah, I'd say I've definitely had my money's worth from the game.
Black Rain 7. mars 2014 kl. 14.57 
On relest game had only basic content and some bugs. While i decided not to play before coop and squad customization are relesed game is very much playable. It had many bugs and lacked optimization but it was fixed/patched alot and it have some bonus missions
Kulrig 7. mars 2014 kl. 20.54 
Short version? Yes.

Long version? Absolutely.

I was there for the Cleanse and Burn bug, and when the Assault Cannon sometimes shot up into the camera and other random directions instead of the target. One was frustrating, the other hilarious. Alarm Call was also bugged, and that was just awful considering how long it took. Anyhow, those bugs were squished and now each mission completes as it should for just about everybody; some still have an issue now and then, but there's always a solution.

There were complaints about how slowly the Terminators moved, and so they added in an option to make them move faster. I still have them move slowly when I'm in the mood for a more atmospheric experience, but when I speed run the missions I always have it on fastest.

There are a few things I think the game still needs, such as more hotkeys and a Genestealer campaign. They're working on a mission/campaign editor and a coop mode, and are about to release a Space Wolves campaign and chapter unlock once Apple gets around to approving it. The devs are still actively trying to improve the game and add more content, so the metascore and release reviews are now thoroughly outdated. In all, if you're a fan of the board game or turn-based strategy I highly recommend giving Space Hulk a go.
datguy13 8. mars 2014 kl. 1.13 
I pre-ordered. The first sign that Full Control meant business is when they announced that their release was going to be set back 6 hours and as an apology they gave all of us who pre-ordered the Kraken genestealer skins DLC for free.

The old bugs are gone--not that there were many to begin with. People negatively exaggerated the state of this game at release. Now, any bugs that happen are a result of adding new content and having unanticipated conflicts. The key being that Full Control adds new content. Constantly.

Is it worth buying? If this type of game is your cup of tea, then yes. But I'm not a mind-reader. I don't know what your idea of fun is, I don't know what you consider a reasonable price for a game like this and most of all I don't know if this game is to your tastes. So I can't tell you if the game is good for you, and I won't try to convince you to buy it. I will only say that my experience with Space Hulk has been extremely positive and that most of the critics for this game don't understand it and shouldn't be commenting about the game witht he negativity they do.
Sist redigert av datguy13; 8. mars 2014 kl. 1.15
grandmastermoth 8. mars 2014 kl. 17.08 
The game is excellent. It's a true conversion of the original board game. As long as that doesn't bother you, its very much worth it.
Old Swoggle Eye 11. mars 2014 kl. 11.47 
Opprinnelig skrevet av grandmastermoth:
The game is excellent. It's a true conversion of the original board game. As long as that doesn't bother you, its very much worth it.
if you like board game/codex style play you should check out the F.O.K mod, every true warhammer fans wet dream.
Sist redigert av Old Swoggle Eye; 11. mars 2014 kl. 11.47
MáDKínG 11. mars 2014 kl. 12.09 
I don't know the board-game and I also have never played a warhammer 40k game yet. So everything was pretty new to me. Before I bought it I watched the first part of a really good lets play on youtube, he explained a lot about this universe and stuff. long story short, I love this game. Go get it!
Friendly Fire 11. mars 2014 kl. 13.08 
I had the board game back in the old days, along with space crusade (that would be a great remake). I really enjoy this,... the only things I would like to include, are some kind of character progression/ cusomisation/ loadout select (though it would ruin some missions) and an army painter to create and customise my own chapter.
hyansith 11. mars 2014 kl. 14.42 
i remember playing this version when i was a kid:-

and i had the space crusade board game too.

Both awesome. :)
Sist redigert av hyansith; 11. mars 2014 kl. 14.43
Norwegianjesus 11. mars 2014 kl. 14.53 
I really enjoy and find it challenging. The only thing I don't like is you can't load a save game from inside the game. I am one of these people who hates to finish a mission with a marine down. I read all the fiction and I know what a trauma it is for a chapter to lose just one marine so it always makes me anal about keeping them in one piece haha. But in order for me to do that I have to come out and go into the main menu and load my save game instead of restarting from a save game.

BUT to answer the question - it is a turn-based board game style space hulk game and it is really fun if that is what you're looking for. I can imagine if you thought it was an RTS or a fps it would be a real shocker but if you love warhammer 40k that alone is a reason to give this a spin.
Cougarific 11. mars 2014 kl. 15.22 
Opprinnelig skrevet av datguy13:
Is it worth buying? If this type of game is your cup of tea, then yes. But I'm not a mind-reader. I don't know what your idea of fun is, I don't know what you consider a reasonable price for a game like this and most of all I don't know if this game is to your tastes.

This should be the boilerplate reply for anyone asking SHULD I BY THIZ on the Steam forums - especially for a game that's been out as long as this.
Sist redigert av Cougarific; 11. mars 2014 kl. 16.45
Stevenson Family 11. mars 2014 kl. 16.13 
Even if all the bugs and multiplayer are fixed I wouldn't recommend the game.

It's short, too easy, little replayability and if you've played the original or flash versions theres no need to even buy it as the missions are directly lifted from the board game.

Not worth the price.
Perchpole 11. mars 2014 kl. 17.59 
The game is ok - but it can be a bit slow and ponderous. I have to say I prefer the boardgame!
datguy13 11. mars 2014 kl. 18.10 
Opprinnelig skrevet av Cougarific:
Opprinnelig skrevet av datguy13:
Is it worth buying? If this type of game is your cup of tea, then yes. But I'm not a mind-reader. I don't know what your idea of fun is, I don't know what you consider a reasonable price for a game like this and most of all I don't know if this game is to your tastes.

This should be the boilerplate reply for anyone asking SHULD I BY THIZ on the Steam forums - especially for a game that's been out as long as this.

I believe that honesty is the best policy. And sometimes, being honest with a person means having to leave your own personal opinion out of the equation, putting your personal agendas aside, and looking at a bigger picture than your own concerns. So, every time one of these questions comes up now, I respond with some form of what you quoted here. Thanks for noticing it.

I'd like to convince the Op to try the game because I really truly like it and its Developer, but that wouldn't be fair to him. So instead, he gets a response that tells him to make his own choice based on his own preferences, not some else's arbitrary opinion.
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Dato lagt ut: 7. mars 2014 kl. 13.40
Innlegg: 14