The Crew
Here is how you fix the horrible Anti Alising and shimmering textures
Tired of blinking edges while wandering on cities?
Tired of getting sick with a bizarre "next gen" title with bad pos-processing graphics?

Here is the way to have it improved.

Since NVIDIA Control Panel wasn't able to tweak the game at all, I recommend the download from NVIDIA Inspector (It is just a better version of NVIDIA control panel and vastly used):

Once you have installed the program

- Select The Crew from the menu

On Antialising Tab:

- Set Antialiasing Mode to "Override any application setting"

- Set Antialiasing - Setting to "4x [4x Multisampling]"

- Set Antialiasing - Transparency Multisampling to "Off"

If you need perfomance:
- Set Antialiasing - Transparency Supersampling to "4x Sparse Grid Supersampling"

If you seek quality:
- Set Antialiasing - Transparency Supersampling to "4x Supersampling"

- Set FXAA to "Off" <----- IMO, It only added more Blur to the game

Your options of multi and supersampling options must match (4x MSAA /4x [4x Multisampling] with 4x SGSSAA/4x Supersampling/4x Sparse Grid Supersampling)

If you're using 8x for multi go all with the same values for supersampling. Keep in mind that higher values means more performance from your GPU but if your card can handle such master race epicness... Go for it.

If you're looking for more quality:

On Texture Filtering tab:

- Set Ansiotropic Filtering to "16x"

- Set Prevent Ansiotropic Filtering to "Off"

- Set Texture Filtering - Ansiotropic Filtering Optimization to "On"

- Set Texture Filtering - Ansiotropic Sample Optimization to "On"

If you STILL need more quality you can play with LOD BIAS and test it to your personal needs:

Still on Texture Filtering tab:

- Set Texture filtering - LOD bias to "-1.000" <----- Use -1.0 for 4x or -1.5 for 8x those are "default tweak" values

- Set Texture Filtering - Negative LOD bias to "Allow"

Level Of Detail BIAS is a standard related to the max distance and object is draw before you start losing quality on the textures you see.

In The Crew, in my opinion, the implemented distance is far from acceptable and constantly you can literally see the car models changing to something like a 20 poligon SEGA Crazy Taxi model as they get far from you.
Same happen with buildings and t is really easy to see this during night time in Vegas.

What value you should use?
That's personal and depend on several factors... below an "easy" description on how it works.

Zero is the default value and the default bad distance

Negative values ( < 0 ) means MORE distance but texture may shimmer (thats why you tweaked Texture Filtering)

Positive values ( > 0 ) means LESS distance so more ugly textures (good to improve performance if you really need it)

Once you're tired of tweaking your game click "Apply Changes".

Inside the game:

- Set your Anti Alising to match the values you put on NVIDIA Inspector (4x or 8x MSAA)

- PLAY THE GAME (when Ubisoft stop messing with the servers OR enable offline mode)

I do appreciate all comments, tweak improvements/suggestions and feedbacks

PS: Thanks to the user mmike0913 who introduced me to NVIDIA Inspector several years ago
En son salxicha tarafından düzenlendi; 4 Ara 2014 @ 10:57
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12 yorumdan 1 ile 12 arası gösteriliyor
thx, i had forgotten about SGSSAA. it can make a huge difference. this should prob be pinned assuming it works.
Don't suppose you know of anything like this for Radeon GPU's do you? I've set the AA in-game to 8x, but it looks pretty bad - It's almost as if the cars and scenery have no AA apply at all?
I'm sorry geekl33tgamer,

I dont know anything about Radeon GPUs :( Probably they can have those enabled as well I just don't know how to do it.

I google'd - SGSAA AMD - and found:

Hopefully you will find something usefull there :)
No matter what i do i keep on ending up with shimmery lighposts and awful looking roadstripes in distance. The shimmery roadstripes in crossroads are gone thou.
Hi all,

Firstly the nVidia Inspector AA needs to be set to "Enhance the Application Setting" !!!
Secondly, you want to select 4x or 8x MS as AA mode.
Leave the rest off.
In game set AA to FXAA (fastest mode) so AA support is enabled.
Restart game and et voila. AA active.

HOWEVER: AA is not well supported neither ingame nor with current nVidia drivers. Tried all versions from 344.75 upwards. It's somehwat better but still lacks, as certain geometries are simply not AA'ed at all. iE fencing etc. - Transparency AA could help, but that is a matter of PC/GPU power and heat. Make sure you monitor.

Just about to try the latest BETA from 10th of Feb. I let you know how that goes. And I hope I could help somewhat.

Greetings from OZ

I just used NVIDIA DSR to play the game at 2715x1527 downscaled to 1920x1080. Clears up a lot (but not all) of the jaggies. Would this offer a clear improvement on top of that?
Yes, it will but this can affect your game perfomance since AA is very GPU demanding.

I suggest trying both Dynamic Super Resolution and at least 4x SSGSAA and check what better suits you.

Maybe only GTX 970 and above can handle both at the same time.
I did the same for my Radeon R9 280. I was pretty unhappy with the graphics for the same reasons you already mentioned. After playing with the settings for hours I found the right configuration.

This is what I did.

In the game:
- activate v-sync
- select 60 fps
- set the overall graphic settings to ULTRA
- then reduce the aa to fxaa
- do not change all other settings

In AMD Catalyst Control Center (ccc):
- select games on the left panel
- select 3D application settings
- set anti-aliasing-mode to override application settings
- set filter to edge-detect
- set anti-aliasing-samples to 12xEQ
- set anti-aliasing method to multi-sampling
- deactivate the morphologic filter
- I also always set texture quality to high (for all games)

This worked for me.
The game runs very smooth now and looks nice.

You might notice that we seem to have two conflicting aa settings now. In game it's fxaa and in the ccc it's edge detect 12xEQ. My test showed that the aa settings made in the ccc affect the environment while the fxaa setting from the game affects the cars. I know this sounds impossible but this is what I experienced. If I only activate the aa settings in the ccc and deactivate the aa settings in the game the environment looks nice but the cars look terrible. If I only activate the aa settings in the game the environment looks terrible but the cars look nice.
Activating the override mode in ccc should not even allow the in-game fxaa setting to have any effect but in fact the fxaa setting makes a huge difference. However, the combination of both worked for me.

The performance is great too. If I use the 4x aa setting in the game my performance goes down and becomes unbearable. Using the settings as described above the performance is great.
Reducing any of the other ULTRA settings in the game does not seem to influence performance at all.

My Rig:

CPU: Intel Core i5 3570K
Board: Gigabyte Z77-DS3H
Memory: 8 GB DDR3
Graphics: Asus R9 280 DirectCU II TOP
En son Chane tarafından düzenlendi; 25 Tem 2015 @ 13:43
you should probably make this into a Steam community guide.
OK, I added a guide.
i've tried this for ROTTR. it worked but i got that green square in the top-left of the sceen.
If you need perfomance:
- Set Antialiasing - Transparency Supersampling to "4x Sparse Grid Supersampling"

If you seek quality:
- Set Antialiasing - Transparency Supersampling to "4x Supersampling"

##### sparse grid supersampling is for directx, supersampling is for opengl.
#If you use supersampling in a directx application it is the same as sparse grid.
#If you use sparse grid in an opengl application it does not work.

On Texture Filtering tab:

- Set Ansiotropic Filtering to "16x"

- Set Prevent Ansiotropic Filtering to "Off"

- Set Texture Filtering - Ansiotropic Filtering Optimization to "On"

- Set Texture Filtering - Ansiotropic Sample Optimization to "On"

#####turning the optimizations on results in lower quality
#note: forcing anisotropic filtering can cause problems but in few titles.

Still on Texture Filtering tab:

- Set Texture filtering - LOD bias to "-1.000" <----- Use -1.0 for 4x or -1.5 for 8x those are "default tweak" values

- Set Texture Filtering - Negative LOD bias to "Allow"

#####also set driver controller LOD bias to "off"
# "y = -0.5 * log, base 2, of (n)" where n is the number of samples and y is the correct lod bias
#(2 samples): -0.5
#(4 samples): -1.0
#(8 samples): -1.5
#(9 samples): -1.58 (or as close as you can get)
#(16 samples): -2.0
#If you are using DSR by itself set your LOD to 0.00. If you are using DSR with SGSSAA use the same LOD as you normally would (4xSGSSAA+DSR: -1.0). If you're curious as to why research mipmapping

Level Of Detail BIAS is a standard related to the max distance and object is draw before you start losing quality on the textures you see.

#####Research mipmapping

In The Crew, in my opinion, the implemented distance is far from acceptable and constantly you can literally see the car models changing to something like a 20 poligon SEGA Crazy Taxi model as they get far from you.
Same happen with buildings and t is really easy to see this during night time in Vegas.

#####This is model LOD not texture LOD. They are completely different. Research mipmapping to understand what the setting in nvidia inspector changes.

What value you should use?
That's personal and depend on several factors... below an "easy" description on how it works.

Zero is the default value and the default bad distance

Negative values ( < 0 ) means MORE distance but texture may shimmer (thats why you tweaked Texture Filtering)

Positive values ( > 0 ) means LESS distance so more ugly textures (good to improve performance if you really need it)

#####Just use the correct LOD i stated the formula above

Once you're tired of tweaking your game click "Apply Changes".

Inside the game:

- Set your Anti Alising to match the values you put on NVIDIA Inspector (4x or 8x MSAA)

#####Disable in-game anti-aliasing.
#If you don't have anti-aliasing after this try:
#A compatability bit (search: nvidia compatibility bits master thread and iq guide then click the not so obvious "NVIDIA compatibility bits master list" blue link inside the quote box)
#If compatability bits do not work then:
#choose enhance then application setting instead of override any application setting, and enable in-game anti-aliasing with the matching amount (2x, 4x, 8x)

PS: Thanks to the user mmike0913 who introduced me to NVIDIA Inspector several years ago

#shotout to mmike0913 lol
En son ELK tarafından düzenlendi; 7 Şub 2018 @ 21:14
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12 yorumdan 1 ile 12 arası gösteriliyor
Sayfa başına: 1530 50

Gönderilme Tarihi: 4 Ara 2014 @ 9:14
İleti: 12