Remove Shadows (Outer Edges)
Hey, does anyone know if it's possible to remove the black shadow that forms on the outside borders of the screen when you're walking around in the dark? It's not normal shadows, but just this border that fills onto the screen as if to let you know "Hey, you're in the dark!"

But you can already tell that by the darkness icon and by simply knowing you're in the dark already. It's annoying and messes with my view. I tried all of the options but nothing turns it off.

Please let me know if there's something else I can edit. Thanks!

EDIT: Oh and it flashes white whenever you enter a lit area.
最近の変更はDravvadが行いました; 2015年2月20日 15時58分
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ya man I wanted to get rid of that garbage as soon as I started playing. Unfortunately I dont think you can.
found it!

IV. Disable the shroud/white flash/proxy light effects

Follow the instructions below, courtesy of Mavros and Witness from the ttlg forums! These hex edits are for the latest version of the game (i.e. v1.3 build 4118.5) and represent true fixes that stay on and remove the shroud and white flash effects permanently, or at least until edited otherwise!

There are two ways of disabling these effects, based on whether you want to hex edit the compressed or the decompressed thiefgame.u file!

Decompressing thiefgame.u and hex editing (Mavros):

"Components listed to disable here are:

Shroud = the black vignette around the screen's edge while in shadow
White flash = the screen-wide flash upon entering light
Proxy light = brightness increase when in shadow (N.B. disabling proxy light can make it very difficult to discern objects in the dark!)

They made some changes with the patch but I managed to figure it out, sorry about having to decompress thiefgame.u, it saves me having to launch the game 500 times trying to find the right hex values.
There seems to be two "proxy lights" now, (thats what its called in the game files).
An "in shadow" and an "in light" proxy light, it's as if Garrett has an LED lantern with him.
If you disable these, the game will be dark....Make backups and try it out to see if you like it!

1. Go to Steam\steamapps\common\Thief\ThiefGame\CookedPCNG\
2. Make a backup of thiefgame.u just in case
3. Download this utility: and unzip decompress.exe, put it anywhere
4. Drag thiefgame.u onto decompress.exe you should now have a new thiefgame.u in \Steam\steamapps\common\Thief\ThiefGame\CookedPCNG\unpacked\
5. Open \Steam\steamapps\common\Thief\ThiefGame\CookedPCNG\unpacked\thiefgame.u in a hex editor. (I used HxD:

To disable shroud:
Search for Hex-value: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CD CC 4C 3F 36 3D 00
Replace with Hex-value: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 36 3D 00

To disable white flash:
Search for Hex-value: 3E 9C DE F4 3E 9C DE F4 3E CD CC CC 3E A4 3D 00
Replace with Hex-value: 3E 9C DE F4 3E 9C DE F4 3E 00 00 00 00 A4 3D 00

Tweaking "in shadow" proxy light:
Disabling "in shadow" proxy light is not recommended, so I added tweaks to reduce the range of the light instead!

Search for Hex-value: 00 00 00 00 00 B4 43 14 38 00 00 00 00 00 00 28
for half range (180), Replace with Hex-value: 00 00 00 00 00 34 43 14 38 00 00 00 00 00 00 28
for 1/4 range (90), Replace with Hex-value: 00 00 00 00 00 b4 42 14 38 00 00 00 00 00 00 28

To disable "in light" proxy light:
Search for Hex-value: 00 00 00 00 00 96 43 14 38 00 00 00 00 00 00 28
Replace with Hex-value: 00 00 00 0A D7 23 3C 14 38 00 00 00 00 00 00 28

6. Save and fire up the game.

When you start the game, it will notify you that its using thiefgame.u in the unpacked directory and not your original one, just hit ok and the launcher should start!"

Hex editing the compressed thiefgame.u file (Witness):

"In Steam\steamapps\common\Thief\ThiefGame\CookedPCNG\

Make a backup of thiefgame.u and then search the hex values for:

Disabling the shroud
02 CD CC 4C 3F 36 CC 66 36 BC 00 01 9C DE F4 3E
Replace with: 02 00 00 00 00 36 CC 66 36 BC 00 01 9C DE F4 3E

Disabling the white flash
33 33 33 3F 36 18 4D 01 CD CC CC 3E 38 A9 4C C0
Replace with: 33 33 33 3F 36 18 4D 01 00 00 00 00 38 A9 4C C0

ATTENTION: It works only on the original thiefgame.u without decompression (and thus without notification at start of the game). You have to delete or rename the 'unpacked' folder if it exists!
Vik 2015年2月21日 8時20分 
Amazing how the game allows you to disable hud, but that not nonsense.
Thank you for that, it indeed works! I simply did it without decompression and so far, no problems.

Also, yeah Vik, really dumb that everything can be disabled except for that.
That is meant to be an indication that you are in darkness....
Nifft の投稿を引用:
That is meant to be an indication that you are in darkness....

Except, as I said in my original post:
But you can already tell that by the darkness icon and by simply knowing you're in the dark already. It's annoying and messes with my view.

And further:
it flashes white whenever you enter a lit area.
Nifft の投稿を引用:
That is meant to be an indication that you are in darkness.... No ♥♥♥♥♥... no longer works. any1 know where i can find that soft?
最近の変更はSlaveOfSelf(lucas)が行いました; 2016年7月10日 17時46分
found it,, but i cant find proxy light hex address 00 00 00 00 00 B4 43 14 38 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 , which i really want to reduce. any1 any ideas?
simon 2016年11月19日 12時37分 
A possible to completely disable the proxy light? version 1.7!
最近の変更はsimonが行いました; 2016年11月20日 4時37分
EbonHawk 2021年12月13日 14時01分 
Oh wow. Sorry for the necro, but I could hug everyone involved. Thanks for this!!

This game has so many flaws. Thank goodness for the clever and resourceful public who learn how to fix these things.
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