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This game gives me motion sickness
I would consider adding an option to make both backgrounds, text and cards completely static. I love the gameplay loop, but after 20 minutes or so I get severe motion sickness due to the continuous movement. A shame.
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Damn, sorry to hear that :(
How do you play 3d games?
Maybe playing in windowed mode would help
turning down the screenshake helped me a lot, but I agree a static background/"decreased motion" mode would be a great feature.
Take a dramamine before playing lol
+1 for this option. I don't have sickness issues, I just find it annoying and would like the option to turn it off like the CRT effects.
ailalelo Feb 22 @ 1:59am 
Originally posted by Nick Scythe:
Damn, sorry to hear that :(
How do you play 3d games?
Maybe playing in windowed mode would help

I actually can play 3D games with no problems whatsoever. There is just something about the motion of the background and text of Balatro that does it for me, idk.

Originally posted by LlamaPaLooza:
turning down the screenshake helped me a lot, but I agree a static background/"decreased motion" mode would be a great feature.

Indeed, turning off the screnshake was the first thing I did, but I'd love a similar option for the rest of the motion in the screen
MrMette Feb 22 @ 2:37am 
That sucks to hear. I can get pretty sick from some first person games so I know how sick you can get from that. I think my record was that I had to lie down for a couple of hours after playing 15 minutes of Antichamber, it felt like I had to throw up for hours. It sucks.

For some reason this game isn't doing that for me and I left on most things like the screenshake. I am playing the game in windowed mode though and I am mainly playing it on a TV (so not super close to me).

I know from experience that the original Mirrors Edge only caused me issues after I had switched from an old CRT to a big plasma TV back in the day. I completed the full game without issues on the CRT and playing it on the bigger TV made me sick very quickly. It probably wont make a difference to change it to windowed but it's at least worth a shot.
Last edited by MrMette; Feb 22 @ 2:41am
Aldayr Feb 23 @ 9:31am 
This also happened to me, please add an option to disable the background
Huey Feb 23 @ 9:37am 
Interesting. I get motion sick from head bobble in FPS games, but Balatro makes me feel calm with its swirling backgrounds
I've been playing on windowed mode, on a very small window. Can't really fathom how someone can play this game fullscreen on a big screen.

Quick edit: Just thought it was worth mentioning that I, too, have to disable some CRT visual effects and "retro" fonts for games like Loop Hero and Tiny Rogues, for the same reason.
Last edited by AqueleSimão; Feb 23 @ 10:53am
This!! This game is utterly fantastic. But I find myself struggling with the swirly background and shaking cards. If I could just turn that off, I would be okay! I genuinely hope the dev(s) add the ability to do this so I can continue to play the game!
Goblin Feb 25 @ 4:22pm 
I made a mod that changes or completely removes the background:
ckoerner Feb 28 @ 7:26am 
Adding my +1 to this request. I'd love a no-motion setting that would keep the cards and text from wriggling around. Less dynamic, but that's ok if it means better legibility and decreased queasiness.

It's additionally irksome on the Switch version in handheld mode. The comparatively lower resolution screen and the thin lines used make everything appear very aliased.
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Date Posted: Feb 21 @ 6:16am
Posts: 12