Dreamfall Chapters

Dreamfall Chapters

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Hobbes 12 dec, 2015 @ 0:41

I think I might have screwed up! I may have just gotten the biggest ball of adorableness, the shining light of the game...killed. I'm so sorry Enu!

I really hope that somehow she survives, but it does not look good. She didn't make it to the door and Na'ane was locked in on the other side. I'm going to be stuck with grumpy ol' Likho....the world isn't even worth saving anymore. :bulauren: :goalsad: :abs_birdfly:

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She is locked in ther because she traited the rebels. I thought I made the right decission, she has to be punished and I didn't want to kill her. Why does everyone die when you take Likho with you? That's not logical.
OptoNick 12 dec, 2015 @ 1:19 
Ursprungligen skrivet av anja.wassermann:
Why does everyone die when you take Likho with you? That's not logical.
Because he's one of the best warrior among rebels and their combat leader, isn't he? It's pretty obvious on its own, and Kian have spoken this kind of thought to himself in the end of Book 3 when you've made a choice to take Likho or not.
Hobbes 12 dec, 2015 @ 1:47 
Yeah, I had a horrible feeling that something bad was going to happen if I took Likho with me. He is a strong leading force with the rebels...I was just hoping it wouldn't be so....dramatic.

Blooming Na'ane, I was hoping that with her still alive she'd still be able to do *something*. Why did they take so long to make a decision with her. Oh well...at least I have Bip. Please don't kill Bip.... ;-;
John Hunter 12 dec, 2015 @ 4:15 
I'm happy it happened. I'm trying to kill as many people as I can. I was hoping Likho would die if i took him along with me but this is even better
Senast ändrad av John Hunter; 12 dec, 2015 @ 4:15
Hobbes 12 dec, 2015 @ 4:53 
Ahaha, you're horrible. How could you say that about poor Enu! She's too cute to want to kill!

In all seriousness though, that sounds like an interesting way to play. It'd be fun to see if you could really mess things up lol. :evilwonkers: I'm waiting to see how much I'll screw things up for the next chapter, in my case though it isn't as intentional. I obviously just make really bad choices haha.
Senast ändrad av Hobbes; 12 dec, 2015 @ 4:53
Mr. Nobody 12 dec, 2015 @ 5:39 
Leaving Likho behind doesn't help at all. I did that and now he's dead and Enu is in the exact same situation. The only difference is Sheperd is still alive for me.
Senast ändrad av Mr. Nobody; 12 dec, 2015 @ 5:42
Hobbes 12 dec, 2015 @ 6:05 
Yeah, it seems like it was all on Na'ane...whoops. :/
Yuu 12 dec, 2015 @ 6:15 
There seems to be some confusion here i think so thats how it works:
Likho stays = Sheperd lives, Likho dies. Likho goes with Kian = Sheperd dies, Likho lives.
Na'ane alive and free = Enu lives. Na'ane dead = Enu dead.
Only thing I'm not sure is what if Na'ane imprisoned.
Senast ändrad av Yuu; 12 dec, 2015 @ 6:15
Hobbes 12 dec, 2015 @ 6:59 
Mmm, that makes sense.

But yeah, Na'ane was imprisoned for me and like I said, Enu was crawling towards her door but then collapsed before she got there. Meanwhile Na'ane can be seen on the other side banging to get out and I presume help.

Does anyone remember what it said in those end scenes where it went through the choices? Fr mine it said something along the lines of that Enu was seriously injured in the attack and her fate depends on what you did with Na'ane. Does it say the same thing for the other choices, or is it more black and white?
Kazzy 12 dec, 2015 @ 10:48 
I know Na'ane is a traitor and all, but it really broke my heart to see the panic on her face as she was pounding on the door, unable to reach Enu. Let's hope Enu was able to reach the cell door to unlock it.
caros 12 dec, 2015 @ 18:22 
I was hoping for a thread like this. I let Na'ane live (probably playing more myself than Kian's character, as he's becoming dark and strange to the point of going off the rails at times, eg, in the pub in book 3 if you click on the peasants drinking and esp if you click on the owl statue). I let the soldier live, so Likho hates me more and Kian goes on missions almost exclusively with Enu (and you don't get the extended discussion about "men lying with men" with her, as she gets girlishly flustered when he says "I'm not interested in women"). Have to admit, I initially took that as his just being so wrapped up in being a soldier and the Apostle and all, he wasn't interested in romance. There certainly are soldiers like that (including the last King of Gondor, Earnur, if you're into LOTR). SPOILERS FOLLOW

Anyway, I had read a walkthrough that said at the end of 3 where you make the choice to take Likho or not, and it said "damned if you do, damned if you don't). I took that to mean he got onto the cloudship no matter what you did. So WOW big difference. So for this set of options
1) Na'ane lives and is not confined to cell=Enu lives. After the slaughter, you see a group of surviving rebels, so they don't get everyone. Shepherd and Bob are among the dead, but you can see Enu and Na'ane standing with the more anonymous rebels.
2) You help Likho onto the cloudship and get a very interesting response from Likho about how Kian keeps doing things that make Likho not hate him, as he very much wants to. (On the cloudship you can also trip a conversation---called an "intimate moment," I think---where the two of them talk about gay-ness. Unlike the Azadi, the Dolmari would severly ostracize a man who liked other men, so Likho has always had to hide who he is. Which I guess includes being April's lover (I had forgotten this), although he says he loves/loved her. So (apologies if I phrase this wrong and offend anyone) I wondered with Likho and possibly Kian, it's more "bi-ness" than "gay-ness!"

I don't know what the norm is, but when I had Book 4 loaded, I got the chance to replay everything from the time the rebels brought Zoe in forward, so I could have changed my decision and left Likho on the quay. I can't believe it's possible to get Enu killed, she's just too adorable and sweet and fleshed out as a character! And I'm almost afraid to go back to try to leave Likho behind just to see how things play out because of the autosave system---that's the story I want to play forward from. But if you left him behind, I would recommend taking the chance with the autosaves (I really hate this system where if you want to save, the best you can do is roll back to the last autosave, although in 4, they come frequently and at intelligent places.) Besides the interaction you get on the ship, it makes your sneaking through the Ge'en tower a little more interesting, and there is a scene that will just crack you up when Likho appears to (sort of) save you from Kian's Crazy Fangirl.

One other thought: who betrayed the rebels? Was it Jakai (sp?), meaning Benrime Salmin's nephew? Does that part of the story play out differently if you have Zoe observe what he's doing and then converse with him differently? I just couldn't tell from the image of the guy Vamon pays off, the *really* pays off. Just as Enu is the most delightful DF character yet, Vamon is the most despicable. He's not even nice to his mistress!

Sorry, long. Please keep this thread going with more info!
Dreamfall 13 dec, 2015 @ 0:02 
Ursprungligen skrivet av Hobbes:

I think I might have screwed up! I may have just gotten the biggest ball of adorableness, the shining light of the game...killed. I'm so sorry Enu!

I really hope that somehow she survives, but it does not look good. She didn't make it to the door and Na'ane was locked in on the other side. I'm going to be stuck with grumpy ol' Likho....the world isn't even worth saving anymore. :bulauren: :goalsad: :abs_birdfly:

If you don't turn the healer in she saves Enu
Axion 13 dec, 2015 @ 8:37 
Yes I think I saved her. Naane is still with me, so she was there to heal her wounds /spoiler]
CrazyOdd 15 dec, 2015 @ 20:45 
Ursprungligen skrivet av caros:
One other thought: who betrayed the rebels? Was it Jakai (sp?), meaning Benrime Salmin's nephew? Does that part of the story play out differently if you have Zoe observe what he's doing and then converse with him differently? I just couldn't tell from the image of the guy Vamon pays off, the *really* pays off. Just as Enu is the most delightful DF character yet, Vamon is the most despicable. He's not even nice to his mistress!
Yeah, it seems to be Jakai.
My guess is that you most likely need to leave Likho behind and then have Zoë tell him what she saw or something along those lines. At least there was no option to tell anyone durring my playthrough and Likho was the only one missing.
Floppy Chops 16 dec, 2015 @ 5:26 
You can catch Jakai snooping around suspiciously in Likho's room, but you're never given the option to report his suspicious behavior to either Lihko or Shepherd. That kind of pisses me off, honestly, because I would have ratted him out in a heartbeat. It would have prevented the HQ slaughter. The disconnect between what I would have done -- what most rational people would have done -- and what options the game offers is enough in this situation to completely pull me out of the experience. That's pretty poor design for a game that's supposed to be about choices -- you can make the ones with unclear long-term consequences, but not the choices that have relatively clear and immediate consequences.
Senast ändrad av Floppy Chops; 16 dec, 2015 @ 5:28
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Datum skrivet: 12 dec, 2015 @ 0:41
Inlägg: 40