Expeditions: Conquistador

Expeditions: Conquistador

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Preserving Meat vs Allocating Meat
Is there any reason to preserve meat instead of eating it immediately? It saves time to eat it before it goes bad and preserving it takes more camp time. Does preserving it, for example, create more rations, numerically speaking?
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if your hunters fail is good to have extra rations from the day before
certain events and a high hunting score or finding a few boars can sometimes end up with giving you more meat than can be consumed that day. If you do not preserve this meat into rations, the excess is lost.

otherwise, there is no reason to preserve meat if the amount you consume that day is greater than the meat you have on hand.
Thanks persocom, I think that's what I was trying to ask.

I was wondering if, for example, it was something like this;

Meat gives a higher morale bonus when consumed, but if it's turned into rations, it's converted at a rate better than 1:1. Meaning either consume the meat now and be happier or preserve it and have food for a longer period of time.

But based on what you're saying it's nowhere near this complicated.

I've simply been eating the meat from the past 24 hours and, if there's any left over, preserving it. I take it that this is what should be done?
yes, that's the idea.
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