Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide

Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide

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VernonKun Aug 17, 2019 @ 7:04pm
Trying some Deathwish numbers tweak
Currently there are 2 versions of Deathwish I am aware of, the one in the Quality of Life mod by Grimalackt, and the one by Zaphio (can be founded in Steam workshop). Grimalackt's version was made before nerfs of overpowered weapons and the killing blow trait, e.g. trueflight doing 16-24 damage to armored targets, and killing blow procs on body hits on armors. After these nerfs the rats are too tough to kill, especially SVs even with anti-armor weapons. On the other hand, I think the problem that weapon unbalance persists regarding overkill damage (>20, which doesn't affect normal cata gameplay at all), but Deathwish is made with these damage numbers in mind. Here I want to propose some changes to the deathwish numbers:

- Increase Handguns' damage to normal targets to 25.
Handguns deal less damage than raw trueflight (24), which significantly reduces it's use in special sniping. The number 25 is used together with the specials hp below.

- Slave Rat HP changed to 9.
- Clan Rat HP changed to 15.
The number 15 is a sweetspot that rewards charged headshots of many weapons. In Zaphio's version they have 12 HP, but I feel that is unfair to 2h hammer since both 1h weapons and 2h hammer requires one more hit than cata clan rats. Numbers between 12-15 are also possible.

Edit: Changed Clan Rats' HP to 14 to differentiate weapons dealing 3 damage and those dealing 3.5 damage.

- Gutter Runner HP changed to 25.
It is practically impossible to headshot a gutter runner unless it launches at you. Previously gutter runners have 30/28 hp so they cannot be one-shot by handguns, making handguns into weak and high-risk weapons. Now handguns are good against gutter runners. Also a trueflight longbow without hawk eye cannot one-shot it, but a crossbow headshot can.

- Pack Master HP changed to 70.
It is not far from 72 HP in the Grimalackt's version, but it allows 2 body-shot kill by crossbows. It is tougher to kill with melee weapons than their cata counterparts.

Edit 24 April 2020: Pack Master hook damage increased from 3 to 10.

- Poison Wind Globadier HP changed to 35.
It now requires a handgun headshot, a crossbow headshot plus a bodyshot, a hawkeye crossbow headshot, two trueflight shots, and a fully charged bolt staff to kill. Compared to gutter runners, it is much easier to headshot or to melee a globadier so I give it higher HP.

- Ratling Gunner HP changed to 32.
Gunners are quite dangerous with 16 damage per bullet and they can easily wipe a team in close quarter or horde situation. The HP is made comparable to stormvermins below, but other numbers can be used.

Edit 24 April 2020: Changed Ratling Gunners' HP to 28 since it is quite threatening among the specials. 28 HP allows hawkeye crossbows to one-shot it on headshot.

- Stormvermin HP chagned to 36.
This is taken from Zaphio's version. Now that most specials require 2 trueflight shots, stormvermins should have >32 HP so that 2 trueflight shots cannot kill it, making it tougher than unarmored specials. Also a fully charged bolt staff deals 35 damage to armor, so now it requires more than one hit. Other possible numbers: 35 HP allows one less body hits by 1h axe, 34 HP allows one less headshots by 2h hammer and 1h axe. To make hawkeye more sensible on trueflight, 32 HP can be used.

(Abandoned) - Decrease killing blow's damage to normal target to 10.
The effectiveness of the original killing blow increases with rat HP. In original deathwish it is very preferable, if not a must to have. Now that killing blow loses its ability to one-shot specials anyway, I think it is reasonable to reduce its damage. Bringing it to 10 seems to be a sweetspot, making it into a nice damage bonus, but still encourage players to use charged attacks or high-damage single target weapons.

(Abandoned mostly because it is hard to change killing blow's damage while making sure a weapon dealing higher damage can overwrite the killing blow.

- Increase heroic killing blow's damage to normal and armored targets to 40.
This underused trait becomes completely useless in original deathwish. If we increase it's damage maybe it is a plausible trait now.

Hopefully changes to damage numbers requires only the host to load.

Other proposals:

- Many difficult settings such as rats' attack intensity is increased from nightmare to cata, but remain unchanged from cata to deathwish. These can be increased by a bit, but I am unsure of the exact effects of these numbers.

Edit 24 April 2020: Slight increased numbers related to horde spawns.

- (Abandoned) The instant death (without knockdown) mechanic is interesting, but it nullifies some other game mechanics and trinkets. I am thinking of replacing it by having all players starting at half hp and/or wounded state, and revived players set to wounded. It will effectively reduce healing supplies, and matches the "deathwish" title in spirit.

Edit 24 April 2020: Venting damage and falling damage were increased by 50% in original Deathwish. My version removed this change.
Last edited by VernonKun; Apr 23, 2020 @ 10:25pm
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endrsgm Aug 22, 2019 @ 5:11am 
when you say revived players set to wounded how much % of health do you mean?

this sounds very interesting
VernonKun Aug 22, 2019 @ 10:11am 
I have mixed up the terms "revived" and "respawned". In base game respawned players have half yello hp (no wound), I modded it so that respawned players have half white hp (wounded).
endrsgm Aug 22, 2019 @ 10:50am 
that is really cool. it would provide a serious challenge. may i make a suggestion? maybe just the tiniest tick OUT of white. that way there is no gradual loss of health after being respawned? what if there is no health draught or med pack?
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Date Posted: Aug 17, 2019 @ 7:04pm
Posts: 3