Linux version please.
My religion fobrids me to buy anything that has no linux client. Ty devs.
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There is a Linux version (works even now) but it's so hard to get working that they stopped advertising it as working.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on BlaXpirit; 8.11.2016 klo 13.09
It works just fine...IF you can manage to get a working AIR installation on your system. The Linux repository still contains a fully working version of the game, but you're on your own when it comes to getting it to work.

This is probably why his new game "Even The Ocean" hasn't got a Linux version yet...
Any chance to wrap all required / alternative to required assets nowadays? To call it a Linux port, finally?
LinuxDarudeIRC lähetti viestin:
Any chance to wrap all required / alternative to required assets nowadays? To call it a Linux port, finally?
He said he was considering a Linux port of "Even the Ocean" but that hasn't happened yet either
Hamakei lähetti viestin:
LinuxDarudeIRC lähetti viestin:
Any chance to wrap all required / alternative to required assets nowadays? To call it a Linux port, finally?
He said he was considering a Linux port of "Even the Ocean" but that hasn't happened yet either

Such an old game now, why not revive some income by doing a proper Linux favour... Any developers of the game listening to give us the final word?

Are we penguins just hoping in vain here, once again? :/ Please?
Viimeisin muokkaaja on [Linux] BockSaga -our true past-; 27.1.2018 klo 14.16
BlaXpirit lähetti viestin:
It's not possible!

It is impossible to replace in 2018? Why would anyone make oneself dependent of an instance such as Adobe??
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