Planetary Annihilation

Planetary Annihilation

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SyLoN 23. juni 2013 kl. 14:59
Start spot selection is smaller, guaranteed distance between player start spots should be greater
Actually its worst on 2/3 game i always get stuck between 2 enemy base whoopping my ... from both side. I think it needed to take a look at better starter point. But its only my point of view maybe im just unlucky
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Nani Sore 23. juni 2013 kl. 15:07 
It's an alpha, and I can confirm that this is an issue right now. Until they fix this I would recommend you stay aggressive and try to delay one of the two early on. This will mean you will have a better production in the midgame, and will be able to crush the weaker player with a relatively low number early on.

The remaining units, you use to defend your base. Don't forget walls+turrets can shut down a lot of the early aggression.
SyLoN 23. juni 2013 kl. 17:23 
thx i was too much on the wall and turret, that was my problem. I have tried to produce more T1 vehicule,bot and it work better than too much wall. I know its an alpha i was just mentioning my impression that it was an issue but i was not sure of it. Thats why i have post something too see if i was just unlucky
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Per side: 1530 50

Dato opslået: 23. juni 2013 kl. 14:59
Indlæg: 2