Quake II

Quake II

Statistiken ansehen:
Quake2 on Linux[Ubuntu], native build
To install Quake 2 with a native build on Linux[Ubuntu], deployed via the Yamagi sourceport, go with the following - first, basing off the PC-CD game version:

open the Terminal [yep, ere we go], have the CD already mounted and execute:

sudo apt-get install quake2
game-data-packager -i --binary-executables --download quake2 {path to the CD}

where "{path to the CD}" is a direct filestructure location of the mounted Quake 2 CD that you have. For example, in my case: /media/ms/QUAKE4_SPEC_ED/, which would make it look like that in the end - all in one line:

game-data-packager -i --binary-executables --download quake2 /media/ms/QUAKE4_SPEC_ED/

If you were installing anything with the Synaptic Package Manager beforehand, remember to have it closed when doing stuff in the Terminal.

Samewise logic goes with Steam or GoG data, where instead of giving a path to the CD, you give path to the proper local directory as a source.

The procedure will create a .DEB format installation file directly in the place where the Terminal has been opened, so mind for it to be easily accessible and writable location, such as your "Downloads" place. Furthermore, keep the file, as it is the only compact way of removing the game if you wanted to - open it and an option to uninstall will pop up.

In case you only wanted to build the installator without installing the game, right after the game-data-packager opening argument, change the first switch from -i to -n.

To run the game, check out the "Games" section in your desktop menu for the icon, alternatively, within the Terminal, simply execute quake2.

I post it here hoping for the advanced users to clear out misconceptions if possible.


In order to get classic Quake music and enhanced Quake 2 textures, proceed with the following; open the file browser and in the commandline of the file browser, execute:


If anything pops up, a directory containing Quake 2 files, we are good to go further:

Download THIS[drive.google.com] package, extract it anywhere suitable - preferably on the desktop or in "Downloads" section to avoid any mishaps - then open the Terminal in the same location where the extracted folders are - and execute the following in the Terminal:

sudo mv music textures scripts /usr/share/games/quake2/baseq2/

Having done that, you are good to go. Credits to the contributors of MODdb.


Mind that in order to remove the game laterwise, you will need to manually erase these extra added folders, preferably before the uninstaller is initiated.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von triple_agent; 10. Nov. 2018 um 9:22
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Analogous procedure goes for the expansion packs, albeit if you had it all installed on the specified source location, they probably already have been handled. Just in case, names for the installator, are: q2rogue and q2xatrix, to replace the thusfar given quake2. Adjust the path if necessary.

To play the expansion packs, search for the icons within "Games" section of your desktop menu, alternatively open the Terminal and execute:

quake2 +set game {name}

where "{name}" is either rogue for Ground Zero campaign or xatrix for Reckoning campaign.


If you have the expansion packs installed, mind the basic game .DEB installer, upon starting will tell that it has stopped providing some database. In this scenario, it is needed to run the other related .DEB files first, if the point is to commence with uninstallation.


For the multiplayer, it is operational. In order to get the multiplayer on, visit THIS[q2servers.com] website, write down IP addresses of the most populated servers, then open Quake 2, hit Multiplayer section, then Join network, afterwards go Address book and type in the addresses of interest respectively into distinct lines. Refresh the primary list to see server names and details. Remember to quit Quake 2 via the menu to save changes.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von triple_agent; 20. Okt. 2018 um 23:57
I have a question though, if I run the following in the Terminal:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

will the installed Yamagi version get upgraded, if there is new one in the Ubuntu repository?
If you would like to add the Zaero campaign or any other Yamagi compatible mod to your arsenal of missions, we need to refer back to the already mentioned location:


First, download the Zaero from MODdb portal, link HERE. There are also other mission packs available, you may want to look around.

Second, extract the downloaded files, so that they are contained within a folder named zaero.

Third, copy the folder to the specified location, which takes what follows. In definitive majority of cases, I imagine, you will notice the inability to simply drag and drop the folder where you need it. That is because Quake 2 data has been stored in a rigid protected zone on your system. It is possible to override this boundary, using the Terminal.

Therefore, open the Terminal in the same location where you can see the zaero folder - or navigate the Terminal spotpoint to where it is required - then execute:

sudo mv zaero /usr/share/games/quake2/

The moved folder should appear next to our main baseq2 directory.

To have the mod go, execute in the Terminal, regardless of location:

quake2 +set game zaero

Similar procedure applies to any mod. Name of the mod equals name of the folder it is in.

To remove a mod, open the Terminal where the designated folder is located, then execute:

sudo rm -rfv {name}

Careful, the system will not ask twice and the removal is permanent. If you want the system to prompt you every step to be taken, change v to i, making the line as follows:

sudo rm -rfi {name}

For the Terminal location and navigating to proper folder, to go easy, at least on my iteration of Ubuntu [LinuxLite], it is possible to open a Terminal via rightclick of the mouse, then selecting in a temporary menu to open the Terminal, including given active folder as the starting directory.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von triple_agent; 27. Okt. 2018 um 8:28
Majority of cases, the modernday Steam - due to PROTON - does allow one to download a game incompatible, in a native sense, with the operating system in charge. In case yet there was ever a problem, HERE is given how a Steam game data can be forced install in any featured build chosen, on the example of the classic Quake, which we owe the soundtrack here.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von triple_agent; 10. Nov. 2018 um 2:49
I was speculating on how to run Yamagi Quake2 on Linux without the game-data-packager runtime conditions, which is a secondary - if not a tertiary - program added to the deal. I have manually downloaded latest Yamagi build from the pkgs.org website - exact link HERE[pkgs.org].

Having installed, I found the starter file in /usr/lib/yamagi-quake2/ location. Having put it at least once to run through the Terminal, a hidden .yq2 folder was created in my local user data. There, into the baseq2 pocket, I moved the proprietary .PAK files, along with any other assets that usually I find necessary or useful to running Quake2. The base game run fine. The problem appeared with expansion packs. The maps loaded fine, but they were empty - devoid of any enemies, regardless of difficulty level. Then it hit me - it must the case of .DLL files or their .SO equivalents on Linux.

These files must contain the pathways, enabling the game to read the exclusive, custom data for any expansion, I suppose. These files were missing. This could be fixed easy with downloading further two adequate packages from the same website, but other questions have arisen. Namely, the questions addressing the mods.

Having tried the downloadable Zaero mission pack, I realized that even though enemies are present, certain assets are missing, particularly those assets which are exclusive to the Zaero. This is when I understood that mods build under WindowsOS is not an easy case on Linux, at least in Quake2 engine. I am uncertain of how does it work for other classic games of iD Software, such as Doom or Quake, but I believe the ones that feature universal .PAK files and lack elements recognized as WindowsOS specific, will run properly.

Unfortunately, with Doom^3, this must be the reason why the mods were unrecognized the latest time I have tried to mount them, even though following analogous procedure gave positive results for Quake2, albeit only to a degree complete, as now I have learned.


I feel it is proper to point out that Yamagi has the most tidy package I have seen. It installs and uninstalls clean, leaves no mess.


But, regarding Doom^3, unnecessarily it is that fault with the mods is at the .DLL or .SO side. Actually, this is even unlikely, for the mod I tried to run does not feature such any, at least to my discernment. Perhaps I should also try out placing the Doom^3 mods in a temporary folder, such as I did this time running Quake2.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von triple_agent; 16. Dez. 2018 um 4:17
I thought, let me try again, still considering usage of any superfluous software an unnecessary balast. I have gone pkgs.org and downloaded the following packages for the base game - links HERE[pkgs.org] and HERE[pkgs.org]. Having installed these in only available order, I have further downloaded the packages for expansion packs - mind these are in .RPM format, but worry not, it is even better for the cause - links HERE[pkgs.org] and HERE[pkgs.org]. Mind there are various versions of packages. Scroll through distributions to possibly find the latest.

Having the base client installed - while the expansion packs not yet - I have gone to /usr/lib/yamagi-quake2/ in my file manager, opened the Terminal at that location and through the Terminal, told quake2 to go. It refused to, understandably, but something has already changed. Yamagi has created a hidden .yq2 folder in my user files area.

Having displayed hidden folders, I entered the .yq2 directory and pasted from my original Quake2 build all the .PAK files - as well as players folder and perhaps the maps.lst entity - placing them in respective baseq2 location within the .yq2. Afterwards, I have browsed both the installers for expansion packs - note I opened them as archives, not having the RPM package manager installed on my system. In there, I eventually browsed out the game.SO file and copied it respectively to a manually created, separate rogue folder or xatrix folder - depending on the expansion pack - placed parallelly to the original baseq2 directory.

Then I copied the .PAK file of each expansion pack from their original builds, placing it in adequate rogue or xatrix directory.

If you want to have the cinematics, mind also the videos folder each time.

Finally, I have downloaded and placed all contents of my homemade patch in the already mentioned baseq2 directory, for upgraded textures and original NIN music, which does wonders to experience of gameplay, especially in Quake 2. Link HERE[drive.google.com].


The .SO files necessary for the expansion packs to run, were remotely found in external packages, easy to pick out and copy without further installs.


The last step is to create a launcher file, specifying /usr/lib/yamagi-quake2/quake2 as target command for the base game, while /usr/lib/yamagi-quake2/quake2 +set game xatrix or /usr/lib/yamagi-quake2/quake2 +set game rogue for the expansion pack.


What I wonder about is why the package maintainer cannot create an easy to go extract-copy-paste type of build, such as the one Quakespasm for the original Quake has.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von triple_agent; 27. Dez. 2018 um 10:10
Hint for Linux users: if you see a mod with .DLL file in it at the core data, knowing there is no .SO replacement available, be sure the mod will run faultily, if it runs at all.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von triple_agent; 28. Dez. 2018 um 7:29
I have browsed through the contents of singleplayer mods present on the MODdb for Quake 2 and concluded that unfortunately definitive majority is meant to run under WindowsOS.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von triple_agent; 11. Jan. 2019 um 21:35
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Geschrieben am: 20. Okt. 2018 um 11:58
Beiträge: 8