War for the Overworld

War for the Overworld

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Clumsy Vulcan  [developer] Jan 15, 2014 @ 1:12pm
Feedback Request: UI
Hey folks,

We’re about to start working on the next (and hopefully final) iteration of our UI and are looking for any feedback and ideas that you may have!

The specific things we are looking for feedback on are:
  • What is bad about the UI at the moment?
  • What is good about the UI at the moment?
  • What do you find confusing about the UI (or game as a whole) at the moment?
  • Thinking back to when you first played, what could the UI have done better to better explain the mechanics of the game?
  • What useful shortcuts or features do you think the UI should have?
  • What features from the UI in other games should we look at?

And two things that we very much know already:
  • Accessing the Veins of Evil is a nightmare
  • We need to add (and will be adding) a units panel


(Official forum thread)[forum.subterraneangames.com]
Last edited by Clumsy Vulcan; Jan 15, 2014 @ 1:14pm
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Showing 1-13 of 13 comments
Hemebond Jan 15, 2014 @ 7:38pm 
I'd like a regular cursor so that I know what I'm going to be clicking on; the highlighting isn't always visible and the current hand/finger makes it difficult to know what will be clicked on.
Crucifer Jan 15, 2014 @ 9:14pm 
The best user experience for this game would be one where you can do every thing with just the mouse, just the keyboard or a combination of both. Please ensure this and make it so that the map can be rotated using the mouse (middle mouse button perhaps).
Mazor Prime Jan 16, 2014 @ 1:39am 
What useful shortcuts or features do you think the UI should have?
Throwing some randoms out there...

-Maybe some updates in form of "Goto buttons" like in DK2 when a new creature type enters the dungeon, Payday, Jackpot Winner, Dungeon Heart Under Attack, Angry or Unfed Creature, etc. though these could get annoying in DK2 they still helped to see how your dungeon was progressing and helped maintain awareness while smackin' the warts off a Goblin or two in the dark recesses of my domain.
^(i also feel this crosses with the "SIM" aspect of the game really well, and we are going for groundbreaking genre crossovers, ;) like DK2 did so elegantly right?)

-Goto Button for an active battle that is happening.

-How about different shaded icons for rooms to show if they're full or not maybe you need a bigger Den and your Slaughterpen is running out of piglets too fast and you aren't aware, or maybe you got plenty of bunks n pigs for your Mistresses so they stay default in color, (this is vague but i could see some form of it being useful, or actually on second thought Richard Ridings telling us is the way to go!!!!)

-Ticker for Payday and it's estimated cost (maybe hover for the cost)[​IMG]

-Visible "Mana Regeneration Rate" would be sweet (not sure how mana is generated in WFTO though)

-Correct scaling costs of spells (imps don't just always cost 75 now do they...)

-As for dessert i would love to see some more animation in the UI, like selecting rooms tab and the icons roll/slide out onto the bar for an absolute delectable selection.

-Going for broke and obesity here.... Maybe some Richard Ridings thoughts on our selection of rooms. Even just an "Mmmmm" for the Slaughterpen or a "How Delightful" for my Torture Chamber. Anything like this would rock my ears off. (i'm sure we got some backers for the recording sess!)
Last edited by Mazor Prime; Jan 16, 2014 @ 1:45am
maverickwoe Jan 16, 2014 @ 9:30am 
I long for the unit panel indeed ! Don't forget to put inside the panel the fact that units are iddle, busy or fighting. Very valuable info !
Last edited by maverickwoe; Jan 16, 2014 @ 9:31am
uruza Jan 23, 2014 @ 9:20am 
Rotation of the camera in the key of E and Q

Angle change of the camera while holding down the middle mouse button

This statement has been created with machine translation
Abhorsen Jan 26, 2014 @ 10:00am 
The UI Is to big, Every time i reserch a room it goes of the screen and makes the game unplable, if you play in a smalelr res which is all i can do on my monitor then when you reserch more rooms it pushes the UI, off the screen to the left and you can not longer accsees any of the buttons.
Noontide  [developer] Jan 26, 2014 @ 10:21am 
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the feedback, we'll be releasing some news on the upcoming UI Changes in two weeks time.

Originally posted by Abhorsen:
The UI Is to big, Every time i reserch a room it goes of the screen and makes the game unplable, if you play in a smalelr res which is all i can do on my monitor then when you reserch more rooms it pushes the UI, off the screen to the left and you can not longer accsees any of the buttons.

This is a known issue with lower resolution settings, we'll be aiming to make the new UI as compatible as possible with lower resolutions. There may still be issues if you're playing below 1024x768 though.

gozita45 Jan 26, 2014 @ 7:20pm 
This just might be me.
The user interface when dealing with selecting tiles not interact with the tile below the icon. For example when clicking on the lair it would highlight the tile below it to dig.

For The Grouping it would be nice.
when you have the group selected it give a small list of the creature type and numbers to the right for example small icon with the number of knights in the group.

Keep up the great work ^_^
AvatarIII Jan 27, 2014 @ 12:51am 
Originally posted by gozita45:
This just might be me.
The user interface when dealing with selecting tiles not interact with the tile below the icon. For example when clicking on the lair it would highlight the tile below it to dig.

This is a known bug that is believed to be due to playing the game at a resolution different from your desktop resolution.
v0id Jan 30, 2014 @ 12:19pm 
<- and this only in fullscreen mode. In fullscreen mode please select the max resolution until we fixed the issue.
philipdasilva41 Jan 30, 2014 @ 10:55pm 
Need a unit pannel.Also would be nice if you could pick up units right off the map well they are walking by. also a battle pannel to let you know what units are fighting.
Clockwork Jan 31, 2014 @ 1:55am 
Id prefer a smaller simpler mouse. maybe it would look like a flat hand; no animations. but definitly make it optional

There isnt enough feedback on what does what specifically. like mana generation. toggle able detailed tool tips would be super nice.

maybe tweak the selection on the hand so that i know where im picking up (highlight?) and dropping dudes (silhouettes?) and better outline over blocks.
Last edited by Clockwork; Jan 31, 2014 @ 2:09am
Crsy Feb 1, 2014 @ 9:33pm 
I think a bit more information with the hover over would be nice. With a mention of what the keybind is for that function, as it's the easiest way to learn keybinds/you forget them. Definitely the E-Q rotate binds mentioned earlier. When possessing creatures information at the bottom as to what spells etc they have.
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Showing 1-13 of 13 comments
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Date Posted: Jan 15, 2014 @ 1:12pm
Posts: 13