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DEV Update on Telemetry output?
Has telemetry output been aded yet? If not, is this something that can be done now that the physics changes have been put into place? I have seen Tire telemetry on screen. I would love to have motion for this game. Thanks Devs for any feedback!
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Showing 1-14 of 14 comments
jannesBB  [developer] Apr 20, 2016 @ 7:40am 
The crude in-game telemetry tool we use in-house is currently not unlocked in the public build, but we've been planning on unlocking it at some point as soon as we've had time to polish it a bit to make it more usable.
Originally posted by jannesBB:
The crude in-game telemetry tool we use in-house is currently not unlocked in the public build, but we've been planning on unlocking it at some point as soon as we've had time to polish it a bit to make it more usable.

Thank you janne for answering our questions again :)
jannesBB  [developer] Apr 20, 2016 @ 7:51am 
No worries :)
justintabs Apr 20, 2016 @ 8:27am 
Thanks Janne! Good to have some insight into what is still being developed.
Have you quashed those rumours about Bugbear closing their doors yet?
We all have the sense to know you will still release another build after this one, but people aren't sure if you will still be there after the July holidays.
anotherdaydown Apr 20, 2016 @ 9:35am 
Thanks for the update. Hope to have telemetry unlocked in a future build!!!
anotherdaydown Jun 6, 2016 @ 11:13am 
Any update on the plan for telemetry output for us motion sim guys? Thanks and Cheers!
Last edited by anotherdaydown; Jun 6, 2016 @ 11:13am
jannesBB  [developer] Jun 8, 2016 @ 5:08am 
No ETA at the moment, but it's still planned.
justintabs Jun 8, 2016 @ 6:35am 
Thank you for letting us know that it is still planned. I was not sure if the team had decided to stop tweaking handling and physics for the sake of getting more content out.
jannesBB  [developer] Jun 8, 2016 @ 10:33am 
For the moment, mostly so. Although some improvements are coming soon we're mostly just following the feedback for now since we really wouldn't want to make any drastic changes at this point unless we're 100% they are needed.
Purple44 Jun 8, 2016 @ 3:06pm 
Only issue I have with the handling of the cars is the cement in the trunk. Is Bugbear going take a look at this Janne?


PsychOXRat think it the aero setting for the cars that causing this:

http://community.bugbeargames.com/index.php/topic,8822.0.html post #301

Originally posted by PsychOXRat:
I made a quick mod changing all cars aero to 0, they jump like a car would as before they had lift on the front and downforce on the rear
Now they jump realistically
Pèpè Silvia Jun 8, 2016 @ 6:37pm 
Originally posted by Purple44:
Only issue I have with the handling of the cars is the cement in the trunk. Is Bugbear going take a look at this Janne?


PsychOXRat think it the aero setting for the cars that causing this:

http://community.bugbeargames.com/index.php/topic,8822.0.html post #301

Originally posted by PsychOXRat:
I made a quick mod changing all cars aero to 0, they jump like a car would as before they had lift on the front and downforce on the rear
Now they jump realistically

I posted this in the Feedback thread, as this is my only "major" beef as well. I could see rear-engine cars rotationg backwards obviously; but for front-engine cars the should tend to nosedive.

Another thing is if the cars land with the wheels relatively level, they tend to bottom-out and "stick", stopping almost insantly.
Orb Jun 8, 2016 @ 6:55pm 
one more pipeup about the weird jump/landing behaviour. Using the magic build 6 mod is great but that doesn't spread to online play, and the air landing behaviour has been very odd for a long time :)
anotherdaydown Dec 11, 2016 @ 9:39am 
Any updates on this, JannesBB? I would still love to have the ability to use my motion sim in this game. Thanks for the reply.
Vin Petrol Dec 12, 2016 @ 2:49am 
Sadly I think you were very lucky to of some how passed your message through a worm hole and miraculously woke the dead!
As I'm still struggling to watch a replay, hoping with a 1 in 24 chance it will flick to the car I want to view!
I'm sorry for crashing your thread but I'm sick of pointing out that it obviously needs to work in order of car position!, not random!
I will continue to love and play this every night but annoyingly it's 1 thing I cannot fix out of the many things I have.
Last edited by Vin Petrol; Dec 12, 2016 @ 3:43am
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Date Posted: Apr 20, 2016 @ 7:22am
Posts: 14