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Demo Feedback 5: The Demo Feedback
a Nice game you've got here, I'll be sure to keep an eye on it.

- Art style is great (though scenery could use more work but still, great.).
- Sound design is good, though the ambience sounds and bg music does get old quick.
- Narrator is great, ain't annoying, has a cool design.
- The puzzles need some work though, for the most part, I found them too simplistic and even repetitive. They all feel samey with not much brain-power needed to solve them. You can also skip the level where you need to switch elevators just by jumping from the high-ground into the elevator.
- Lastly, more of a suggestion, I noticed your Player-Controller is very sticky. For example, whenever you're touching a wall, you're not getting much traction. Even when you normally jump. You have absolutely zero air-control. Now this isn't bad in any way. But If you're going to do platforming segments, this will deter many players, and make the game frustrating. So either have your main focus on puzzles, or tweak the player controller.

With this I wish you good luck in development.