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Prawnpaws Feb 25, 2023 @ 2:15pm
Demo feedback
First of all please provide proper widescreen support: I'm playing on a widescreen monitor and the top and bottom were chopped off. It's ok for general gameplay except I could not read the lower line of subtitles nor anything from the HUD supertitles. Also I could not see a "quit" button on the main menu screen. Presumably it exists at the bottom.

The demo was pretty fun although I have some suggestion that would have made it more fun for me.

Some frustration with the one of the time-based puzzles - the one where you have to steal the red cube fast enough to enter the door that closes as a result of the steal, while there's also another timer running. If one or the other was slower I would not have needed to try it 10 times. Also, it's possible to get stuck if you don't succeed in stealing the red cube but make it past the next door where you need to the red cube to exit. Had to restart the level.

The puzzle near the end with the 7 or so moving platforms at the top of the big room we need to cross: it was very annoying that the last two platforms were not in proper phase alignment, and to align them I had to remove and replace the red cube while I myself was on a third moving platform moving me to and from said red cube. That was plain annoying. Maybe somehow automatically lock them into correct phase - or provide a stable platform from which I can adjust the phase. Additionally falling from any of those platforms meant navigating (an admittedly simple) maze to get back to the ladder. Why add this annoying extra penalty for falling?

A fall to the death should just automatically reload last checkpoint ASAP.

As I said, it was pretty fun otherwise.

The balance between thinking about puzzle solutions vs actual execution via precise and/or fast platforming was a bit skewed negatively for me. I would prefer puzzles that require more thought (I was never stumped) and slightly more forgiving platforming (mainly I'm just not that fast). Would you consider adding an accessibility option that extends all timers by say 20%.

Good luck with the full release.
Last edited by Prawnpaws; Feb 25, 2023 @ 2:17pm
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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
Icarus  [developer] Jun 21, 2023 @ 3:25am 
Oh Im incredibly sorry i did not read this piece of feedback! Thank you and i will try to improve as many of the aspects mentioned! Thanks!
iarspider Jun 24, 2023 @ 7:31am 
I agree with all the points in this review. Could you also please add an option to remove the annoying "noise" screen effects? They are distracting, and fell somehow out of place in the high-tech setting.

Oh, and could you keep the "Press button to combine/split colors" notice on screen until the action is actually done? I have somehow missed the first one (combine) and spent a few minutes running around and mashing all the keys trying to find the correct one...
Zeik Jun 24, 2023 @ 4:06pm 
I had the same widescreen issue (I'm on a 3440x1440) but since the game seems to be made in Unity I just added
-screen-width 2560
to the launch options (right click game, properties) and that worked just fine to limit the screen so I could see all of it.
Icarus  [developer] Aug 31, 2023 @ 3:21am 
Hello, and apologies for not reaching out earlier

I have made the death animation only a few frames and updated the puzzles! So the retry should be much faster

I have also provided ultrawidescreen support (3440x1440)! Same goes for most other aspect ratios.

I have updated some of the puzzles as well to make them more clear.

For the instructions, I have implemented a process where the instruction will stay until the player presses the key themselves.

Thanks to all the people in this discussion for reaching out and providing feedback, really means a lot! Hope you have a nice day!
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