Sang-Froid - Tales of Werewolves

Sang-Froid - Tales of Werewolves

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The music in Sang-Froid
Did you like the music in our game?

A lot of people have asked us to list the Soundtrack, so here's the complete list for you all!

(in alphabetical order)

Song: Reel à bouche,
Album: La traverse miraculeuse

Song: La valse des cerfs-volants (composed by Mario Loiselle)
Album: Pris au jeu

Songs: Beauclair / Boubou / Têtes de violons
Album: Nicolas Pellerin et les Grands Hurleurs

Songs: Le petit docteur / Polska d'la rue Bordeau / Tribu nordique
Album: Moulin

Song : 8e côte
Album: VDC
More songs: Les deux vendredis / Par monts et par vaux
Album: Par monts et par vaux

Song : La valse des cerfs-volants

Last edited by Artifice Studio; Aug 19, 2014 @ 6:33pm
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Showing 1-15 of 91 comments
Gunboat Diplomat Feb 26, 2013 @ 1:46pm 
Wait...what is that word that's getting filtered under Perdu L'Nord? I'm wracking my brain to think of "profanities" in english that are words in french. O.o

Edit: Found it. It's Le p't-i-t docteur, sans hyphens, clearly. How freaking absurd, the Steam filters are. *shakes head*

Anyway, fine choice of music. I'm a little ecstatic to see so much Canadian culture being crammed into a game. :3
Last edited by Gunboat Diplomat; Feb 26, 2013 @ 1:51pm
Artifice Studio Feb 26, 2013 @ 1:52pm 
hahaha did not noticed it...
Scarred Lungs Feb 26, 2013 @ 2:03pm 
I enjoy the music a lot. I do think that when loading menus, the music should not cut off once it is loaded though.
SaneAsylum Feb 26, 2013 @ 6:19pm 
Love the music!
Hobbes Feb 26, 2013 @ 6:29pm 
Awesome music, I'd pay for the soundtrack to be downloadable via steam. Let's make it happen captain!
Mashee Feb 26, 2013 @ 9:59pm 
mus_chap_bordeau.wav is where it's at. The essense of this game :-D Yeeeaahh Hawww !! I'm a wiiiild west lumberjack maw !!
Honeymaple Feb 27, 2013 @ 3:28am 
My favourite is Reel à bouche. I'd definitely buy the soundtrack.
Also, I'd like to ask, is it ok for us to take the audio from the game files to listen to it?
If it isn't I'd suggest packaging the audio so people can't just copy it right from the files.
SinnerJ Feb 27, 2013 @ 7:24pm 
Charbonnier de l'enfer: Coalers from hell. Can you say that?
haha, j'ai pas encore joué, mais en voyant les artistes je sais que je vais aimer la musique!
Didn't play yet, but seeing the artists, I know I'll love the music

Edit: je'l savais
Last edited by SinnerJ; Feb 27, 2013 @ 8:31pm
Absolute Unit 731 Feb 27, 2013 @ 9:36pm 
Which one is the song that plays when you fight the last boss and during the credits? I like that one. =3

PS. Could you guys make a soundtrack for purchase through the store page. I'd tots buy it.
Last edited by Absolute Unit 731; Feb 27, 2013 @ 9:38pm
Honeymaple Feb 27, 2013 @ 10:38pm 
@Cubethulhu - I'm pretty sure it's called Reel à bouche. You can find all the music in the game folder. It should be in Steam\steamapps\common\Sang-Froid Tales of Werewolves\media and the file is called La Nef - Reel à bouche. I'm assuming that we are allowed to take the music out as long as we have it for personal use only.
Lanost Mar 5, 2013 @ 10:03pm 
Salut le canada, j'ai acheté le jeu, étant fan de musique tradtionelle france et Quebec, et je suis Geek aussi, alors c'est quasi le premier jeu melant les deux :)
Bravo pour l'initiative.Si il y a la B.O qui sort je l'achéte de suite.
Honeymaple Mar 6, 2013 @ 1:14am 
I'm Canadian and I failed all my French classes. I never managed to learn it. I wasn't to worried at the time because I didn't think I'd ever need to know it. Now I feel like an idiot. :(

Could someone translate for me? All I think I understood was "hello", "traditional music", "I'm a Geek", and something about initiative. Sorry.
Lanost Mar 6, 2013 @ 2:07am 
For you albioth in my approximative english,

Hello Canada, I purchase this game just because i'm fan of of traditional music of france and Quebec, and i'm geek to, and in this game, have this two thing for first time :)
Congratulation for initiate this game, if u have Soundtrack avaible, i take now.

Sorry for my bad english.
Honeymaple Mar 6, 2013 @ 4:44am 
Thanks for translating.

I don't think they have a Soundtrack available but as I've posted before, the music can be found in the folder called Steam\steamapps\common\Sang-Froid Tales of Werewolves\media.

Je ne pense pas qu'ils ont une Soundtrack disponible, mais comme je l'ai posté avant, la musique peut être trouvé dans le dossier appelé Steam\SteamApps\common\Sang-Froid Tales of Werewolves\media.

Sorry about my bad French. I had to use Google Translate.
Lanost Mar 9, 2013 @ 12:40am 
no probléme mister, i understand english, but i talk and write bad. i'm able to see a movie in english without subtitle.
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