Monster Loves You!

Monster Loves You!

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sattler Jan 23, 2016 @ 4:15pm
Bug (minor)
When being tested to become an elder, I failed the 50/50 fire bravery test and died. As soon as I was told in game that this happened, I tabbed off and closed the game in hopes that it wouldn't remember (it works in some games and I really want this last achievement). When I reopened the game, it had restarted it for me from monsterling stage, except my character and all the save file data was the same as the previous game. This causes my character to have extra stats, and also for it to be impossible to advance beyond the brood cave, as when all possible scenarios have been completed there are still 4 days left.

That being said, restarting the monster fixed this, so it's no biggie.