Infestation: Survivor Stories 2020

Infestation: Survivor Stories 2020

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Sarsipius 2013년 10월 7일 오후 3시 34분
Colorado V2 loot test run.
Was watching the Artemis stream today and he was doing another loot test run, looks almost finished.

Sarsipius 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2013년 10월 7일 오후 5시 31분
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graysquirrel 2013년 10월 7일 오후 5시 29분 
it has been almost finished for 2 months ....... i dont think they have any body there that knows what they are doing . besides russin kaliber ..... the rest of the people there are as useless as tits on a bull...
Sarsipius 2013년 10월 7일 오후 9시 05분 
After spending a few days watching him stream V2 and seeing how broken a lot of it is, my question is when people go onto the test servers and take things from thier GI when the map kicks them or whatever happens and they lose thier gear is it gone like in the live servers? I have been trying to find out. Unless of course the map works perfectly as soon as it's on the test servers *cough* If not then I hope people are smart enough not to take anything from thier GI onto the test server.

What's happened to RussianK btw? he has gone quiet again. I wonder if he has been transfered to another project? We nether seem to hear from him these days. Or maybe he has been told not to go on the forums again lol. Sergey must hate some of the posts he makes.
Sarsipius 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2013년 10월 7일 오후 9시 13분
datCookie 2013년 10월 7일 오후 9시 17분 
Sarsipius님이 먼저 게시:
Was watching the Artemis stream today and he was doing another loot test run, looks almost finished.

Based on those pictures HP still has a long way to go. It looks like roughly half of the places in those pictures aren't spawning any loot. We all know how long it takes these guys to fix something...
Sarsipius 2013년 10월 7일 오후 9시 30분 
datCookie님이 먼저 게시:
Sarsipius님이 먼저 게시:
Was watching the Artemis stream today and he was doing another loot test run, looks almost finished.

Based on those pictures HP still has a long way to go. It looks like roughly half of the places in those pictures aren't spawning any loot. We all know how long it takes these guys to fix something...

What frightens me is as we both know V2 was only supposed to be a stop gap measure until they got out the California map. It has taken this long to update the current map, how long is California going to take, or even Paris and Washington, both cities that Sergey has spoken of long ago as being in the future. The latest estimate for California is end of the year, now I will eat a donkeys bollock if we get that this year.

All this waiting for a new map has given me itchy fingers and I loaded up DayZ again today for for the first time in a few months. I forgot how fun it was to scavenge around a huge map looking for parts to build/repair a chopper rather than go to a specific location for pvp. It felt like quite a sense of achievment to get that thing up in the air and see a map from a birds point of veiw again.
Sarsipius 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2013년 10월 7일 오후 9시 32분
ERASERhead 2013년 10월 7일 오후 11시 12분 
Any official word on version 2's release?
Sarsipius 2013년 10월 8일 오전 12시 23분 
Nothing yet. Last heard was "hopefully"this week when they sort out the bug. Who knows.
graysquirrel 2013년 10월 10일 오전 2시 37분 
they would be lucky if they release by nov ..... the only person that is working on v2 is kewk ...and well we know how he works on stuff in the streams of art kewk is all laying down in his chair walking around aimlessly ....... a true sighn that he does not know what he is doing ........useless people there just plane useless ...kewk should just go back to work burger king ........
Cronik 2013년 10월 10일 오전 8시 50분 
progers28님이 먼저 게시:
they would be lucky if they release by nov ..... the only person that is working on v2 is kewk ...and well we know how he works on stuff in the streams of art kewk is all laying down in his chair walking around aimlessly ....... a true sighn that he does not know what he is doing ........useless people there just plane useless ...kewk should just go back to work burger king ........

lol pretty much.
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페이지당 표시 개수: 1530 50

게시된 날짜: 2013년 10월 7일 오후 3시 34분
게시글: 8